All Chapters of Desired By Two Alphas and One Beta: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
115 Chapters
Malia’s POVMany told Ania that the words of the seer were lies, but blinded by love and fear for her mate. She gave in to the words of the seer. Unfortunately, death met her and her lover on their way from the pack. They were attacked by a pack of wandering wolves who called themselves the Unborn.Ania's story is still very much talked about to date In the pack, although it was said in hush tones because the tale was considered a bad omen. My mom told me her soul still longs for children’s blood now. Any time I remember her words I laugh because I believe the tales were told to scare children.The reality before now tells me more than I thought existed. My story was already similar to hers but without an end yet. I kept trying to wave off the thought from my head but the more I tried the more it fisted on my wit.“Was this the end game ?” I thought quietly.No, I am Melia. I am not Ania and I won’t die in this wood like any wolf would. All this was what I kept repeating in my head th
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Your Highness
MALIA’S POVI have no idea what I was expecting but when our journey finally came to an end in front of an exquisite building with mouth gaping, I was filled with nothing short of bewilderment.Throughout the journey, I have come up with different theories in my head regarding who he might be but with everything I see now, I didn't even come close to doing justice to his reputation.At some point, I even regarded him as a hunter which at that time made complete sense because who else would be stupid enough to run a forest as precarious as that if not hunters? Well, exclude me from the list cause I had my reasons.The moment we stepped into the supposed pack he had been talking to me about, I began to pick up different acts from people surrounding him that he was in fact far from a hunter, far higher on the status chain. “Have it cleaned thoroughly and whetted, I do not want the stain of any filthy rouges on my sword” He tossed the sword to a random person, who judging by the way he d
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Let's Figure You Out
MALIA’S POVWordlessly, I followed behind the two guards who conversed hushly among themselves as we moved. I wasn't eavesdropping but I picked up something about a ceremony that will be happening in the coming week or so, I couldn't catch much, their voices were too low.Needless to say, we arrived in front of the door which they deemed suitable to be my room and one of them brought out a ton of keys from his pocket and picked out a particular one to unlock the door. “Here, you have the room” He pointed towards the room while keeping the door wide ajar. I nodded thankfully at him and walked in. Dust greeted me before any other thing and I instinctively stepped back.“Apologies for that, the room hasn't been put to use for ages but I will get the maids right away to help you with cleaning. Everything will be carried out immediately. Do feel at home” He stated and bowed curtly before the two walked away.I didn't have to wait for long before the maids arrived. Emphasize the “s” behin
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MALIA’S POVThe way he spoke like I was some kind of puzzle that needed to be solved with carefulness offended me but for someone who had risked his life to save me from the wreck of rouges, I am sure getting furious at him is not one of the ways to show my appreciation. So instead of scowling at him like I intended to, I decided against it last minute and strolled toward him with purpose. He had saved me, so a little word should not get me all riled up.Unhurriedly, I slid into the chair sitting opposite of him all the while he glanced thoughtfully at me. It seems like my theory again has once been proved wrong. I thought with the way he looked at me upfront that he might have figured out a lot of things about me but now that I was close enough to read his gaze, I found out that he was trying to figure me out just the same way I was trying to figure him out.“Who are you?” He didn't hesitate to ask as he let his hands out of his pocket and set them on the table that was between us,
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Who The Hell!
MALIA’S POVMy gaze trailed after him as he stepped out of the door. I didn’t even know what to think of the situation. We were just in the middle of conversing and he just got up and stepped out of the room. Just like that? Was I perhaps missing out on something or this was just a usual way of ending a conversation around here? Zade is pretty much popular so it wasn't a big deal that he recognized him but then that didn't make for a reason for him to just step out of the room with no explanation.My gaze focused on the now closed door as my thoughts rummaged through all the possible reasons that made him leave mid-conversation but nothing I came up with was valid enough. Whatever it was, the least he could do was to give me a headstart. A simple “excuse me” would have saved me from all these thoughts.I tucked my hair behind my ear and stood up from the chair. The window facing this side of the room had a different scene from the other. While the first was showcasing the whole pa
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MALIA’S POVAt first, I was so engrossed in my delectable meal that the words easily passed me by and I only heard it when the lady recited it again. Gradually, I dropped the spoon and raised my head to look around, just so I could have a glimpse of who she was addressing. What I wasn't ready for was to see the lady standing directly in front of me. But I still didn't immediately think she was speaking to me until I looked around to make sure I was the only person she was looking expectantly at. Even at that, I intentionally refused to speak a word because the manner she spoke sounded offensive.“She is new he…..” Mary, the petite kitchen staff volunteered to reply but was cut off immediately. “I wasn't addressing my words to you. In front of me is a being with a perfectly normal-shaped mouth so I believe she can speak” She was speaking to Mary but for some reason, had her gaze still drilling holes in the side of my face.I sighed lazily and shifted my gaze to her face for the fi
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Identity _ Alpha
MALIA’S POVFor the rest of the time I was in the kitchen, my whole mood was down after the thought of Zade had passed through my head. I didn't even get to finish the meal before my instinct forced me to get up and leave the kitchen. I just wanted to be alone all of a sudden.“Oh gracious, you haven't even finished the meal just yet” Mary exclaimed with a displeased tone as I gently slid out of the stool. “I am full to the throat and I need some air” I had to force myself to not let my current mood betray the lightness I have imputed in my words.“If you say so then. I hope I will be seeing a lot of you around here” Her smile was so contagious that I had to smile too when I looked up at her.“Oh sure you will. I have rummaged around this part of the palace and so far this is my favorite place so of course you should be expecting me every other minute of the day” I assured.“Alright, till then” she waved with a chopping knife in her hand as I strode out of the kitchen. Immediately af
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Barged In
MALIA’S POVMy stroll turned out even better than I expected and as I strolled into my room, I realized my mood was more promising than before. Perhaps, my stay in this bizarre land wouldn't be as bad as I initially thought it would. At least, now I have made not only one close alley but two. And they have just proved to me that not everyone is as odd as their Alpha. With purposeful strides, I approached my bed to have a closer glimpse of what seemed to be like hips of clothing dumped on the bed. They were indeed clothing, a whole lot of them dumped on the bed. My brows instinctively went up questionably as I stared at the clothing. Gradually, I inched closer to the bed and began to rummage through the clothes. There were different types of gowns that were overwhelmingly too much for one person. My confusion became more apparent as seconds passed by. A knock on the door made me jolt away from the bed to face the door. I watched closely as a maiden in the usual maid’s uniform walk
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No Use
MALIA'S POV"Here, cover up" He tossed the piece of clothing that I had laid out on the bed toward me. I did not attempt to catch it and it fell right next to my feet. My gaze veered from him to the dress and I kneeled and gathered it into my hand before ambling back into the bathroom.With so many questions in my head as to what had brought him here all of a sudden after he left in the most bizarre way possible. As much as I wanted to drag my stay in the bathroom, it came to an abrupt end when a firm knock sounded on the door."Can you come out? I do not have all the time in the world?" Well, neither do I. I would have preferred to just stare at myself in the mirror the whole time than face him right now. I just didn't have a good feeling about him.But I strolled out of the bathroom nevertheless, my head facing the well-polished floor the whole time. I only raised my head to inspect if he was still on the bed and when I saw that he wasn't there, I proceeded to skim around the entir
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MALIA'S POVIt was approximately an hour after he left when a knock sounded on my door, I knew who it was without even answering the door but I did get up anyway, to confirm my theory."Hey, fancy seeing you around" I waved enthusiastically at Ronan, who wore a smile brighter than the departing sun."Apologies for keeping you waiting. I had to hand-pick this because I thought you would appreciate it. Ladies love flowers right?" He scratched the back of his head with a bit of nervousness, which to me, was cute."Why, of course, ladies love flowers and above all, I am obsessed with red roses" I said, easing him off the load by collecting it from his hand and walking back into my room. He followed after as the door was widely ajar. I gently dropped them inside the empty flower vase on the coffee table and veered around to face him, a natural smile playing on my lips. "Oh gracious, this was so nice of you and I greatly appreciate it, I tell you" I weaved my hands around to demonstrate m
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