All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Twisted Love: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
82 Chapters
Chapter 61
ROBERT'S POV I was scared. I could not remember a time in my life that I felt this way. I was curious about that diary but I knew that nothing on God's green earth would make me read it. I didn't want to know anything more than I knew.Flora had obviously been mentally tortured for her to go to the extreme of killing herself and I did not want to blame myself for her death. I had pleaded with Flora and begged her to understand that marriage between us would not work. And I had never known about her pregnancy. Why should I be blamed?I was preparing to go home and join Ariana but I needed to have a conversation with Nate.He was still so little and I knew he would not really understand everything going on around him but I needed him to be abreast with happenings. I wasn't ready, however , to tell him I was a father. Admitting that would be accepting the responsibility of being his father. And it scared me shitless. Ariana was still rebuffing me and I was scared that she would run i
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Chapter 62
ROBERT'S POV My brain froze. Margaret kept on yelling my name over and over again on the phone until she gave up.Nate was missing. Nate was missing. What was going on? Ariana was not home and still not answering the phone. I was angry and frustrated but I would have to go back to the country. Dammit! He had been alright when I left and did not seem like someone planning to run away. Or had he been kidnapped?"Ariana, please...answer your phone!" I muttered to myself, dialing her number for what felt like the hundredth time. But i
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Chapter 63
ARIANA'S POVI couldn't believe the audacity of Robert. Accusing me of being callous and cheating with Joshua? How dare he! The sting of his words still lingered, like an open wound. I slapped him hard, the sound echoing through the silent room like a crack of thunder. Margaret and Richard gasped, shocked by my outburst, their eyes wide with concern. My father had been stopped in his tracks on his way up the stairs and was looking down at me with eyes of disapproval.  "How dare you, Robert!" I spat, my anger boiling over like a pot about to overflow. "You have no right to question me after what you've done!"The words tumbled out of my mouth like a torrent, each
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Chapter 64
ARIANA'S POVMy heart skipped a bit. What did he mean here? How had he even managed to find this place? Had Flora included a map in that diary of hers?"How do you know it's here Nate?" I asked him. "It could be anywhere in this mansion"."She specified that it was in the old unused room in the mans…""Nate, Nate, listen to me, we need to go back to the living room. The others are worried sick about you," I said, trying to reason with him. "You've been missing for a whole day, Pa and Ma are worried".But Nate's face contorted
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Chapter 65
ROBERT'S POV I trudged through the dense woods, my eyes scanning the terrain for any sign of Nate. We were all yelling his name at the top of our voices. I could not believe this was where Ariana had run into the other day. The place was damn creepy. I couldn't imagine anyone being here alone. It felt like it could be home to all creeping and crawling things and I shivered at the thought that Nate had got lost here. Where on earth could he be?The police officers and search dogs combed through the underbrush, their voices and barks echoing through the silence. Richard walked beside me, his face set in a determined expression. I knew he was scared but could not show it. He had to be strong for Margaret. Even though Nate was my son, this man was more a father to him tha
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Chapters 66
ROBERT'S POV Nate was safe, but the weight of what awaited me weighed heavily on my shoulders. I had to tell him the truth and that was final. Enough of hiding secrets. As soon as we entered the mansion, Margaret rushed towards us, her face a picture of various emotions. I could see the worry lines etched deeply into her forehead, and her eyes were red from tears shed in fear and relief.This must have taken a toll on her because it definitely was not easy. Margaret had raised Nate as her own child."Rob, Richard, thank God you're back!" Margaret exclaimed, her voice trembling with emotion. "Nate's upstairs, he's safe."Richard hugged his wife tightly and I looked around, my eyes searching for Ariana. She was nowhere to be found. My heart skipped a beat.Relief had washed over me like a tidal wave when I heard Nate was safe but it was quickly replaced by a gnawing sense of anxiety. How do I begin? What would I say to him?"Rob", Margaret called, her voice shaking. "I…thin…you must k
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Chapter 67
ARIANA'S POV As I stood on the balcony with Robert, the weight of my decision pressed down on me like a heavy cloak, suffocating me with its burden."Ari…please even if not for me, for Nate's sake. He worships you. God!" He threw up his hands in the air frustrated and I wished I could just hug him and tell him that I was going to stay with him. I wanted to. But I couldn't. His words hung in the air, thick with desperation and longing, but I knew I couldn't falter now. Not after everything that had happened.I instead moved past him and walked away from him, my heart heavy with emotion. I knew I had to leave, for my own sake and for Nate's. We couldn't continue with this toxic pattern, not when a child was involved. As I packed my few things into a carry on bag, I felt a sense of liberation wash over me. I was finally taking control of my life, finally standing up for myself. This entire experience had been a lesson for me and I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I was ready to face wha
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Chapter 68
ARIANA'S POV I stepped off the plane, feeling a mix of emotions as I made my way through customs and baggage claim. I was back in America, and it was time to face the music. I hailed a taxi and headed to Barbara's house, eager to see my friend and confidante.As I walked in the door, Barbara enveloped me in a warm hug. "Welcome back, darling! How was your trip?"I couldn't help but grin as I launched into an enthusiastic recounting of my adventures in London. Barbara listened with a warm smile, asking questions and making supportive noises in all the right places.When I finally wound down, she fixed me with a
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Chapter 69
ARIANA'S POV “Yes! And I mean it!” Rob said firmly.I stood there staring at him, my box on the bed, open with clothes spilling out of it. And then I turned and left the bedroom and began to descend the stairs rapidly.It must have taken Rob a significant amount of time to recover from my abrupt departure because I was almost out the main door when I heard his footsteps descending the stairs.He could keep the clothes and I dare him to keep me away from my Nephew and step-son, I was leaving.  
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Chapter 70
ARIANA'S POVTwo days had passed since my mother's bombshell, and I was still reeling from the news. Bankrupt. The word echoed in my mind like a death sentence. How could this be happening? Vanderbilt Holdings, the company generations of Vanderbilts had built from scratch, was on the brink of collapse.Even working could not calm my nerves. I went to the office each day and sat down blankly staring at the computer. As I sat at my desk, staring blankly at my computer screen, an email notification popped up. My heart skipped a beat as I saw the subject line: “Urgent: Board Meeting - Vanderbilt Holdings.”I felt a sense of trepidation as I opened the email. The message was brief an
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