All Chapters of Torn Between Two Alphas: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
62 Chapters
Chapter 11 - The Truth
-Stefan-Things were never easy for me.Nothing in my life was ever easy. But people around me always assume that I got everything the easy way. Like I never have to work hard for anything. Every person around me stays with me because they want something from me. Usually money and of course power. Everyone except Angeline. I can still remember the exact moment when I saved her. And the moment that our Mate Bond clicked. I knew at that moment that she was the one for me. But despite this knowledge, I still haven’t marked her, haven’t claimed her. And it’s not because I don’t want to because, god I do. I really do. The truth is that there are so many times when I almost did. When I almost claimed her. But thankfully I haven’t slipped yet. Because if I did, she wouldn’t be here bearing my heir, my child. Our child. There has always been a threat to my life ever since I proved to everyone else that no one else would be the rightful Alpha of our pack but me. But of course, not everyo
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Chapter 12 - Love Hurts
- Angeline -I still haven’t seen Stefan since that night. I’m unsure if it was because he was so angry at what I told him or because he hated me so much.But shouldn’t he be at least concerned about our baby’s state?“What are you thinking?” Mrs. Smith said as she entered my room. “Nothing,” I replied stuttering.“I have known you for a long time to know what each frown or smile on your face means,” she replied. “I didn’t know that my frowns and smiles have meaning,” I said as I took a sip from Mrs. Smith's tea.“Of course, they do, my dear,” she replied, smiling at me mischievously. “By the way, I heard on my way here that Stefan was busy taking care of a vampire threat in one of the allied packs. I believe that he was coordinating with Ethan regarding this matter as they try to close our borders to ensure our people’s safety.”“Vampires?” I asked in surprise. I have heard the stories but I never knew that they really existed. Wait let me correct that, it’s not that I don’t know b
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Chapter 13 - Love is Sacrifice
- Stefan-I had been stuck to meetings after meetings with alliance packs and my own council that I didn’t notice that I hadn’t visited Angeline since our fight for almost a month.Although I know how she was through Nana’s reports. I have to admit that I miss her. The way she smiles whenever she sees me, the sound of her voice, and even the smell of her perfume whenever I am near her. “Stefan,” I hear someone calling my name but I am not sure if it is real or just part of my imagination.“Stefan!” My head turned as I recognized the voice that was calling my name, my Beta, Claire.“Yes?” I asked irritably, mainly because I felt embarrassed for being caught that I was not listening. Beta Claire cleared her throat before speaking once again, “The alliance wanted to ask for your opinion on the Black Rock Pack. They are asking your opinion on the survivors. On what we should do with them. Because it’s obvious that they can’t go back to their pack.”I look at all the Alphas around the ta
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Chapter 14 - What She Didn't Know
- Angeline-I removed Stefan from my mind even though my heart was still hopeful.I focus on keeping myself happy and healthy because there are more important things than my feelings towards Stefan. “I can tell you the gender if you want to know,” the healer of the pack said with a smile. But I shook my head, no. I wanted it to be a surprise. Because there was something else I was more concerned with, and that was to know if my baby was healthy. “But my baby is healthy right?” I asked as I pushed my fear behind me. “Yes,” the healer smiled. “The baby is very healthy. But you still need to be careful, no strenuous activity, and I still recommend for her to be on bed rest.” The healer added, saying it more to Mrs. Smith than me. “I will keep an eye on her, I promise,” Mrs. Smith replied. “I will tie her in that bed if needed.” “You know that I can hear the two of you, right?” I said with a chuckle. Mrs. Smith continued to make jokes but everyone became silent as we all felt the s
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Chapter 15 - The Betrayal
- Angeline-I was now nearing my due date and I could feel my child was getting excited with all the circling he keeps on doing inside my belly. Stefan’s visits have become more frequent than before and he takes more tasks at home and usually sends Beta Claire on his behalf.Having him around comforts me a lot, to know that he is making such an effort for our child that my stupid heart can’t stop but love him more because of it. “Good Morning,” Mrs. Smith greeted with a big smile on her face. “Good Morning,” I replied, raising an eyebrow to question her perkiness. “What is it?” “What do you mean?” She asks innocently.“You know exactly what I mean,” I replied. “I don’t know exactly what you mean,” she denies as she shakes her head. But I didn’t give up and stared at her until she finally gave in. “Okay, okay,” she replied in defeat as she raised her arms in surrender, making me laugh at how funny it was.“I was just happy at how civil you and Stefan had become,” Mrs. Smith repl
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Chapter 16 - The Pain
- Angeline-“Don’t worry, my sister will give you anything you want as long as everything goes according to plan,” the voice I know so well said, “Because no one else deserves to be a Luna but my sister.”“But wouldn’t the Alpha ask questions?”“Yes, wouldn’t the Alpha ask questions?” the other girl asks, “I can sense how he is always taking care of her lately that he even moved her into his wing. I just don’t want to get into trouble.”“No one will get into trouble,” the sinister voice said. “No one will because the Alpha just cares for the baby, he just pities her. He is just after the heir and nothing more. That’s why he didn’t claim her. And he has no intention of doing so. Because for him, the only match and Luna he is meant to have is my sister. He is just being kind to her because of the baby. But he will throw her away once she gives birth. That’s why we are doing the Alpha a favor.”No, it can’t be, Stefan wouldn’t do that. He is not that heartless. “Is that the Alpha's anno
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Chapter 17 - The Pain
- Stefan-I rushed as soon as I heard. When Mrs. Smith told me what had happened, I no longer heard anything else she said as I rushed towards home. I try to understand what happened exactly. Because I can’t really believe that Angeline would go to face unsafe territory and put our child at risk. “I will go with you,” Claire said as she kept up with my pace.“No! Stay here and make sure that everyone signs the agreement,” I replied without looking at her, walking as fast as I could as if it would be able to make me reach Angeline sooner. “Stefan,” Claire said her hand gripping my arm making me stop and turn to face her. “What, Claire?!” I shouted at her. “Don’t tell me you can’t handle such a simple task?”“I just want you to take care,” Claire whispers, making me feel guilty for shouting at her. I know it’s not her fault but I just needed to go back to the pack as fast as I can.“I will be,” I replied, “Just make sure that everything is signed and set. I will ask Ethan to bring
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Chapter 17 - Darkness
- Angeline-I have imagined my death so many times before. There are even times when I longed for it. But since my little angel came into my life, I stopped thinking about it.My thoughts slowly changed as I focused on the life that was slowly growing inside of me. My obsession with Stefan slowly calmed down. Even my longing for him to mark me as his Mate simmers down to the point where I can almost say that I no longer want it. Everything changed when we had the conversation that we had, just two days ago before he left. And as much as I hate to admit it, it made me want him again. He left a seed of hope that I wished never existed. I didn’t expect that a small seed would slowly become bigger in the next few days. But I never stopped nurturing it in the hopes that maybe someday I would finally have that one thing I had been longing for for a very long time. But all of those hopes and dreams were shattered the moment that Stefan requested to force me into labor and get our child
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Chapter 18 - The Lies
- Stefan-It’s been over a day and still, I am at a loss at what had happened. But one thing is for sure. I know and I can definitely feel that Angeline is still alive. I can still feel our bond but it is slowly fading away which is why I need to find her as soon as possible. I went back to where Clarisse claimed that she found my son and checked on the broken stone border near it that looked so similar to how the borders of those allied packs that were attacked looked. “Alpha,” Elias called, making me turn my focus on him. “This looks like the vampire attack at the Black Rock pack,” he added, pausing as if something was bothering him. “What’s wrong?” I asked as I looked at him.He shook his head as if what he was thinking was absurd. “Just say it,” I said sternly, not giving him a chance to back out. “It looks like the vampire attack at the Black Rock pack,” Elias repeated. “It looks exactly like it that it doesn’t look like it really happened.”“What do you mean?” I asked in c
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Chapter 19 - The Encounter
- Angeline-Last night was one of the worst nights of my life and I wouldn’t want to experience that night once again. Which is why I placed all my energy to regain my reflexes. Unfortunately, the injection that they gave me was so strong that I was only able to move my toes and the upper part of my body. But that’s not stopping me from doing what needed to be done.The moment that the sun rose I started crawling. I’m not sure where I am and I am not sure where I am headed. But that’s not really what’s important right now. What matters is that I am moving. I haven’t eaten for more than a day now but my anger with Stefan and his pack was enough to keep me going.My body is filled with scratches but it’s okay because I can easily heal them once I can walk and the cut on my belly has been healed. I could have done it last night but with the injection I have received and with no food or water, my energy is almost drained. My movements are slow but my reflexes are all wide awake. It sur
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