Semua Bab Better In Every Way: Bab 21 - Bab 22
22 Bab
21.Burning Bridge
Alec She likes to say that I am a bother, but I don’t think she minds my continued presence as much as she says she says she does. She thinks I don’t notice all of the shy smiles she tries so hard to stifle behind that polite porcelain demeanour she presents to everyone else. I suppose I should be honoured, she only seems to let her mask slip slightly when she is with her friends, perhaps a little more in private settings but I wouldn’t know. I would like to, though. But I can’t. I’m supposed to be honouring her request for professionalism, not barging into her office every few days for impromptu conversation. Truthfully I don’t know why I’m doing this. A part of me feels obligated to check on both sides of this burnt bridge. Cam for obvious reasons, but I feel compelled to check on Dariana as the only one in my family who hasn’t completely written her off— aside from Rory. But Rory and Cam aren’t on speaking terms, and she’s the only person other than me who knows about
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22. Buck The Fuck Up
Alec The rest of my week had been busy. I hadn’t gotten a moment to rest and collect my thoughts since I wrapped up lunch with Eliza. The end of the quarter is coming up soon for my company and a lot of the other companies I sit on boards for. So not only was I working through all the reports for my main enterprise, of which I am the CEO, but I was also reviving those compiled reports for other companies who’s board meetings I have scheduled throughout this upcoming month. I have been balls deep in paperwork and the seemingly endless meetings with my accounting department have me on a very short fuse. If I see another expense report I’m going to throw it at someone. Looking at it objectively, I am not in the right headspace to be around anyone. Least of all someone who is adding to my stress, but Cam has been screening my calls and only giving me brief one-word responses to my texts. I can’t imagine why. I try to take a few deep breaths as I pull up to Lachlan’s home to
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