All Chapters of Ex-Wife Became Unrivalled President's Wife After Divorce: Chapter 21 - Chapter 27
27 Chapters
Chapter 21: The Gunshot
Lucas I’ve been restless ever since Becky left. It's been three days and yet I feel like something has been missing within me, her lawyer already came and presented me with a divorce paper and it shows clearly that Becky has signed her own part of the divorce papers. The divorce has been lying on my office table and still, I dared not to touch or open it. I thought that this is what I’ve always wanted, why am I now hesitant to sign the papers, or maybe I’m like this because I haven't spoken to Benita for the past three days, I think I’m like this because Benita and I are having problems and as soon as everything is sorted out between us I think I can finally sign this divorce papers, I think Benita is all I need right now to gain back my strength back and the last time she came here I was harsh to her but I don’t think that would stop her from talking to because I know she loves me just as much as I love herI picked up my car key immediately and left my office, I got outside the co
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Chapter 22 Woke up
LucasI opened my eyes and the first people I saw were my parents standing beside me on the hospital bed with tears in their eyes. I looked at my body and my whole chest was covered in bandages,“I’m alive?” I asked slowly and my mother nodded and engulfed me in a warm hug, tears rolled down my eyes as I remembered asking for a second chance to leave before I blacked out, I never knew I could make it out alive, “Son” My father’s voice sounded broken as he hugged us too, I was so ashamed of myself, for all the pain and trouble I’ve caused my parents for all the times they tried to advise me to be nice to Becky and I didn't listen to them, for everything and every pain I have caused them, I was so ashamed of myself and do not deserve them”“I’m sorry, Mum, Dad please forgive me for everything I have done, please forgive me I do not deserve both of you, I thought I was going to die” I cried so hard hugging them and refusing to let go” “It’s okay son” My father muttered patting my back
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Chapter 23 Deal
BeckyI never knew that settling down in a new country like China is going to be so hard and tough, especially when my pregnancy is still in early trimester. I don't know what I would have done without Emelia.It's never been easy for me with this new pregnancy especially since it's my first pregnant ever, I find it hard to eat these days, this is a whole new feeling for me and it’s almost driving me crazy, it's so hard that it got to the point I find it hard to sleep at night, and the doctor said it would have been better if my husband is with me during my first pregnancy, it's good that he's not with me, I don't want someone like him in my child’s life.I wanted to take a stroll, ever since I moved into this mansion in this neighborhood I haven't taken a stroll around to see what it looks like, more reasons why I like this place is because it's welcoming and has a calm ambiance. I moved to this country in other to help out my father manage his business here till I’m ready to go back
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Chapter 24 Get back to fit
LucasI hate my life, hell! I feel like dying, these days all I do is lock myself up in a room and count my mistakes over and over again wishing there is a way I can turn back the hands of time or even rewind time so I couldn't have made the terrible mistake that has cost me everything, I have lost the zeal to live again, to me it feels like I’ve lost everything, my whole life has crumbled before me and I can't even do anything about it, being in my room is the only place I want to be right now, I can't stop hating myself for all I did to Becky, I feel like I deserve everything that's happening to me, All because of Benita I lost Becky, how could Benita cheat on me, why would she waste my time and deceive me that she love me only for me to realize she's in a relationship with her boss, why would she fool me just because she wanted to destroy Becky’s happiness, she knew she never loved me and she still came to me, she used me in destroying my marriage and I was such a fool to have f
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Chapter 24She moved in with the president
Becky“I can't come and live with you just because I signed some irrelevant papers, Mr President”“But that irrelevant papers showed that you're now my wife kitty” He said with a wink showing me his annoying dimples“You don't understand it, I only agreed to marry you because of the contract, we never talked about leaving together”“Well you're now my wife so what do you expect?”“I can't do this Mr President, I can't live with you” “That's fine, you might as well forget about the contract” He smiled in a cunning way“Wait! You can't do that to me”“Then you have to consider living with me and consider all your wishes done” “Fuck, why did my father make a deal with this lunatic” I groan in anger“Hey…watch your mouth, I'm still the president of your country”“Who cares” I said with an eye rollHe suddenly stepped closer to me, he was so tall just like Lucas, I have to stretch my neck to look at his face, damn he's even taller than Lucas, and his eyes are so beautiful, fuck! Why am I
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Chapter 26 He's lonely
BeckyI was still sleeping when I began to hear Knicks at the door, I groaned in my sleep tumbling from one side to another and even covered my ear with the pillow but when the knocking persisted I had no choice but to stand up from the bed as I walked toward the door, I opened the door and was surprised to see the President standing with a tray of food, I wipe my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things but damn! I was right, the President stood with a tray of food“Is….is…that for me?” I asked pointing at the tray of food and he nodded with a smile“Aish….!” I groaned as that alone gave me goosebumps, back in Lucas mansion I was the one doing this and I still ended up getting rejected every time and now that someone else is doing it for me it felt a little bit weird to me“Can I at least come in?” His voice jolted me out of my thought“Sure, why not” I smile opening the door wider, as I stepped aside while he walked in, he dropped the food in the tray and stood, I walked to the jug
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Chapter 27 The balcony
Mr President I don't know why I asked her to married me, I don't even know why I wanted her close to me, all I know was that the moment I saw her I wanted to own her and make her the happiest woman in the world, I know it's crazy but that's how much I wanted to protect her and make her happy. Honestly I don't care about her past or her marriage, I don't even want to hear about that or the things she's been through. All I know is that I want to make that woman smile. Seeing her smile everyday will be the best thing that happened to me and I cannot wait for that to happen. This is the first time in my life that I genuinely want to care about someone and love someone. After what happened to my father and me, I completely distanced myself from the outside world just focussed on my life and that's all, but when I hear that I would be collaborating with the only daughter of a multi millionaire who just annulled her marriage with her husband and is heavily pregnant at the moment, I don't k
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