All Chapters of Kindred Spirits: The Alpha King's Bad Luck: Chapter 111 - Chapter 119
119 Chapters
Chapter 111
Aegen The audacity of Adolph trying to make me feel guilty for what he and Christina did. Yes, they were my siblings and yes, I was supposed to be there for them. But how was I supposed to be there for them when they distanced themselves from me. When Christina went and poisoned my mate even after I told her that I could take care of us. That we wouldn't suffer, that our standard would not decrease because I had the money to have the same kind of life we had except the titles. Why did she have to go and do that?We spoke nicely and it looked like she understood when we spoke, what changed? I assured her that everything was going to be fine. Yet, she went and did that, why? I hated the position she and Adolph put me in."You see the predicament you put yourself through?" I shook my head disappointed. He called himself a king, a leader of our people and yet he did things like these. What were the people he was supposed to be leading going to think?"We did what we thought was right fo
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Chapter 112
Fairy King "I want to go now, I don't see what the delay is for?" I was frustrated, most of my good warriors were killed at Malraux kingdom. Those bastards were going to pay for what they did to my daughter. Those sons of bitches killed her like a dog. They didn't even give me her head!"My king, we still training those warriors, they are not as good as the delta team we lost. We must at least get them to an acceptable standard before going back to the Malraux kingdom." I glared at him. Didn't he think I knew that, why did he think I was so frustrated?"It's fine, we will be going there in a month, I don't care if they are ready. My daughter can't be buried without a head!" The head warrior lowered his head not saying anything. How was he going to feel if this was one of his children?"Now bring me the guards who were here when that damn prince escaped our prison. You lot are so useless! How do you let a man we have kept locked up for many years escape like that, what are you all goo
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Chapter 113
Christina Ianna's father seemed like a good man but he was cruel. He didn't care that I was the same age as his daughter and he didn't care about my reasons. The man broke my ankle bone and the pain I felt from that was like nothing I had ever felt before. Mama took care of me and even called a doctor to come take a look at my ankle. The way he was looking at me while working told me that he knew what I did and didn't approve. I didn't know who the hell he thought he was to judge me like that. None of them knew what I was going through. They were not going to lose anything when Ianna's father took over. They get to keep their jobs and life for them goes on as if nothing happened. So, what right did they have to look at me differently? None whatsoever.What I couldn't take was mama's disappointed look. I never wanted to disappoint that woman and yet I did. "Am sorry mama." I told her, but she didn't even spare me a glance. She continued to change and dress my foot. She was careful
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Chapter 114
Christina It felt like the sunset right in the middle of the day for me. As everything of mine went dark and i could not see the light or the way out of the dark. I was asked to leave the only home I have ever known and to go where? I didn't know myself. I was fighting to stay in that palace, to keep my home but I ended up losing it anyway. Just what did people mean when they say we should fight for what we want? Because i did, i fought for my home and yet I lost it.My brother wanted me dead and for what? I told him that I don't want to lose my home and he kept telling me about not struggling even if we lose it. I didn't want to lose it in the first place. Who said I wanted to leave and start another life somewhere? It was his fault for assuming I agree with him."Where will I go Adolph, who would I be if not the princess of Malraux kingdom? What would I even do for a living?" I didn't think he and mama thought this through. I have never worked a day in my life and now this."I will
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Chapter 115
Christina Adolph paced around the room giving me a headache. I didn't know what he was upset about, what I was suggesting was going to help us both. "Would you please stop pacing, it's driving me crazy!" He stopped and threw a glare my way."It's driving you crazy, huh? How the hell do you think I feel about... this?" He said pointing at the omegas dead body at his feet. I shrugged and he chuckled in frustration. "Little girl, you are leaving this palace, tonight!" He walked to the door then turned back."I will not be staying here with you while you go around the palace killing people Not only that, you still want to try again with our brother's mate! How long do you think it will take Aegen to find you and end you?" I shrugged once again. If I was careful then our brother might not even know I was still in the palace."No! You do not get to smirk like that like some evil woman, which you might be turning into, I don't know. But, our brother is not stupid, never was and never will
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Chapter 116
Christina I drove to the fairy kingdom with a heavy heart. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought I would be doing things today. Betraying my family and my kingdom. But they gave me no choice in the matter, my brother wanted me dead for someone he met only yesterday.My other brother wanted me gone to protect me, which I understand but i wished he could have done more. Fought for me more. But he didn't. Mama was disappointed in me and I didn't know what she expected me to do in that situation.None of them understood what I was going through but maybe with the fairy King by my side, they will finally understand. I was not doing this because I wanted to or because I hated them. But because they gave me no other choice but to do what I was doing. I hated it but sometimes we have to make difficult decisions to help those we love and they might not get it or like it at first. But in the long run they were all going to see that, I did this for all of us, for our own good.
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Chapter 117
Ianna I tried opening my eyes but they felt sticky and wouldn't open. I could feel someone holding my hand but I couldn't tell who it was. I tried opening my eyes multiple times before finally managing to. I blinked a couple of times clearing them. I scanned the room, on the far corner by the door, stood Aegen leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, if I didn't know better I would say he was sleeping. Then on my side was my father, he was the one holding my hand. I moved my fingers a little and I got no reaction from him. I moved them again and he jumped almost falling from the chair. He looked up at me and he teared up. "OH, my baby. You are awake, how are you feeling?" I opened my mouth to speak but it was dry. My throat felt like sand paper. I pointed at my throat and Aegen gave a water to drink. I didn't even see when he got closer. He had this guilty look and wouldn't meet my eyes. "Thank you." I said with my voice sounding terrible. I was in the hospital that I knew.
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Chapter 118
IANNAThe next two days after that conversation with Aegen felt long and unbearable in the hospital. I never got to just lay in bed when I was sick, my mother made me work sick as I was and now, I had two men who refused to let me leave the hospital even though I was feeling fine.I wanted to leave so I could go and see Christina. Aegen refused to tell me anything about her and that got me worried. I have been trying to convince him to let her go and get her help, but he would hear none of it.The worse part was that my father was on his side. Aegen’s mother walked in, it was embarrassing how I always met the woman under dubious circumstances. She smiled at me placing a plate of food next to me then took a seat.“How are you feeling?” I sat up but she stopped me. “Don’t get up on my account.” I shook my head. “No, am fine, really. It’s just my father and Aegen who refuse to let me leave this place.” She smiled fondly at me.I never had a mother figure look at me that way before and it
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Chapter 119
IANNAI looked at my father hoping he was going to say something to contradict what Aegen’s mother said but he still kept his mouth shut. “Dad?” he glanced at me then sighed taking a seat next to my bed.“Ianna, you must understand. I am a parent, your father and if I didn’t do what I did. That girl would have let you die. I couldn’t let that happen, not when I just got you back.” He took my hand.“I have not been there for you for many years, and I will be damned if I let people hurt you while I am here. So, yes. I did break one bone on that girl’s foot, and it helped too because she told me the poison she used.”I still could not believe that Christina poisoned me. Did her father’s death affect her that much, was that why she did that? I didn’t want to believe that she did it to get rid of me or that she didn’t like me as a person and a friend.“Does Aegen know that she left, does Adolph? He must know where she went. She couldn’t have left without telling Adolph anything.” Aegen’s m
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