Semua Bab Seducing My Ex Boyfriends’ Uncle: Bab 71 - Bab 80
158 Bab
I was looking at him with curiosity, he had an evil smile on his lips. “So you think you’re Mr Thompson's daughter, have you ever wondered why your aunt hates you so much, why she never cared for you, why she took the house which was supposed to be yours? Have you ever wondered why you have a different skin color?” he asked and I couldn’t help but wonder.  I’ve always wondered why my aunt hated me, even before my parents death. She blamed me for their death but still didn’t understand why I looked so different from them —even my own parents. “That’s because you’re not their real dau
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FIVE YEARS AGO AUTHORS POV“Come on love, wake up!” “No mom, I’m not fully awake yet.” “No love it’s time, we’re running late,” the woman insisted, she knew her daughter was not a morning person —she hated mornings. “Mom, please,” she didn’t want to get up, she stayed up watching law shows making it worse for her. “Okay five minutes okay, I’ll be back now,” she said, slightly pinching her daughter's cheeks.  She really loved her daughter. She was everything and the reason she fell in love with her husband. This girl has brought so much happiness into their lives, why wouldn’t they cherish he
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FIVE YEARS AGO AUTHORS POV“Doctor she’s stable now,” the nurse informed the doctor who was closing up her wound. They needed to save her, their lives depended on it as the man threatened them. If they lose her they will also lose their lives. He was standing by the door watching them.  The doctors' hearts returned to their right places when the nurse informed them that she was stable now. 
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PRESENT CLINTON'S POV I woke up earlier than usual, I needed to sort this out as soon as possible. My business was going down and I didn't like to fail.  I came here in hopes to open a club while managing one of my companies.  Jardin was my trusted man who was now managing my businesses over here but things haven’t been going well lately. Almost all planes with goods crashed, failing to deliver my clients goods which forced them to change suppliers.  I deal with transportation, exporting and importing drugs, and carrying important information that could bring down ministers and many important figures for my clients but seems to be going south these days.  I couldn’t be here as now I had a family that needed m
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My mind was on my wife, her picture kept playing in my head. What if that bastard touches her? He better not dare because I’ll have his heart fed to my lions.“Boss!” my assistant screamed in fear and I brought my mind back to reality. That's when I realized we were a thousand meters from the land and now in the middle of clouds.I couldn’t say anything, my voice was completely gone. Was I going to lose my wife and children just like this? We haven’t had any time, I planned a lot for us. I blinked away tears and surprisingly we were in the clear now.I played with buttons and realized we were landing.“Boss we’re landing,” he shivered. I just concentrated on getting on ground and as soon as we were on ground, I jumped off the jet, we were at the family aircraft as all planes and cars had the family name on it, ‘THE SMITHS’.“Sir!” my assistant called my name but I ignored him as I ran past staff members who were greeting me.“I need the car now!” I reached one of the cars and as th
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“Don’t you dare fucking mention my sisters name ever again,” he was shaking out of anger. My heart went back to its place when I realized that he actually shot on the ceiling and not my son. “We can solve this without involving my wife and son.” “How can we not involve them when I’m here for my sister, you started this I’m just helping you end it,” he said meaning it as this time he was roughly caressing Journey’s cheeks. “Or maybe I should take him, yes, as a replacement for what my siste
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FIVE YEARS BACKCLINTON’S POV“I want to tell him but I can’t, he will end up hating me for keeping it from him.”“He will understand, he is a grown man now, I think he deserves to know.”I didn’t mean to eavesdrop but hearing that made me stand by the door to have a clear understanding. What were my parents talking about?“I don’t know, I just feel like it’s best we leave it that way,” my mother said while my father opposed.“We’re deceiving him, but let’s do whatever you want,” he said. I honestly wanted to know more because I’m their only son and could only be talking about me.“He will forever remain our son, we need to do our part and tell him the truth,” I barged in as soon as my father confirmed that it was me and there was some they were hiding.“What truth? What are you hiding from me?”“Clinton, you’re here,” my mother tried to sound normal but my father looked at her with pleading eyes.“It’s best he knows love, trust me,” he said and turned to me, “don’t be hush on her, s
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FIVE YEARS BACKCLINTONS POV“Yes boss, they are not her birth parents, she was adopted.”“Good, where are her birth parents, we need to make a way for them to meet,” I suggested.“They are dead, they had a mafia problem and gave their daughters up for adoption before they were killed.”“Their daughters? Does she have a sister?”“Yes but we can’t find anything about her, the family who adopted her are either poor or richer.”“Alright no problem, are you sure the girl had recovered?” that was my only worry, although the doctors confirmed she had fully recovered I relied on my man’s information.“Yes, she’s back in her house as we speak, they bought the accident cover up, even she don’t remember what really happened, she is bound to believe it soon,” he confirmed which put my spirit in relief, at least now I knew she was fully okay. I was receiving another call when I opened my girlfriend's apartment, I ended the call with him and picked the incoming call.“Mom.” “I saw the news, it
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ONE YEAR AGOCLINTONS’ POV“You can not just move, what about us?”“Sophia I told you I need to, it’s not like we have something going on apart from our daughter.”“I know and that’s my main concern, Kiara is so attached to you, this won’t be easy for her. Just come back please,” she begged.“No I can’t, I have a business to run and as for my daughter I will give her my full attention, I’ll make sure she spends her weekends with me, I just can’t let her stay here with me as it might risk her life,” I explained to her but she didn’t seem to listen.“And I won’t let you take my daughter from me, it’s either you come back to us or forget about Kiara.”“You know you’re putting me in a tricky position, I can’t leave here.”“Then forget about your daughter,” she said and hung up.I called her back but she didn’t pick up, later it went to voice message. Frustrated, I walked out of my apartment and headed to the bar. I needed a drink to cool me down.“Jardin, let’s meet at the club.”“Alright
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PRESENTJESSICA’S POV“Auch..” my brain complained in pain as my eyes adjusted to light. I looked around and immediately realized I was in a hospital due to the white walls and my surroundings.I sat up and my eyes landed on him —the monster.“Hmmm..” I started struggling which woke him up as he ran to my side, he tried reaching for my hands but I pushed him off me, how can I allow a monster to come this close to me. “Doctor! love it’s me your husband,” he looked confused but I looked away, now the reason he married me made sense —he killed my parents and married me for his own selfish reasons.“I know there are wild thoughts going on in your head now but I’ll explain everything to you, I just want to clear that I truly love you and very much regret what I did,” he explained which calmed me down but still made sure he was far from me.“I don’t know how to explain what I did honestly but what you should know is I never cheated on you with Layla, she kissed me, I just let her because I
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