Semua Bab Seducing My Ex Boyfriends’ Uncle: Bab 61 - Bab 70
158 Bab
“He’s fine,” my mood changed and he noticed.“Is everything okay?” he asked looking at me directly, I had to look away to avoid his eyes.“Yes, everything is fine, tell me how’s your life, I heard you’re managing the company, how’s that working for you? How does work feel?” I changed the topic.“Challenging but I’m getting there, this whole CEO position is not for me, it’s overwhelming but I’ve been managing, had to keep myself busy after losing the most amazing woman ever,” he said and tried to reach for my hands but I moved, “I regret losing you,” he added.“That’s great, I mean,” I cleared my throat to correct my words, “it’s good to hear. How’s your marriage with Lucy?” “Our divorce is being finalized,” he cleared his throat, “I respect you’re my uncles wife now, I won’t force you, your friendship is enough, I was a jerk and had lost you,” he said and I nodded, he had tricked me so many times in the past and I didn’t want to fall into the same trap again.“I found out Lucy was ne
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“Jade? You still communicate with my nephew? Jess, what’s going on here?” he shouted.“Okay I’m really tired I need to take a shower,” I said and tried to walk to the bathroom but his big hands held my wrist, I didn’t even realize the time he got to my side.“Don’t funcken play with me Jess!” his grip tightened.“You’re hurting me,” I tried to struggle but was I kidding? His hands were unmovable.“That’s exactly how I feel, you talking to my nephew is squeezing my heart,” his voice was filled with anger. “I’m not talking to your nephew.”“Then why do you have his number? Why is he calling you?” he shouted.“I don’t know, why don’t you pick and find out,” I challenged, I wanted to confront him about the hospital incident but where would I start?“It better be nothing going on between the two of you, he knows better,” he sounded like threatening me.“What if something is going on, you’re going to kill me?”“Listen to yourself, your son is in another woman's arms crying in pain and you’
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It was early morning, I struggled to get up, hungover and the sun rays disturbing my sight.“Fuck, why did I even agree to have a big window here,” I complained as I got up and started looking for my phone. I got it by the bedside table.“Wow, ten missed calls,” I had missed ten of Jade’s calls, I played the voice text he left.“Hi Jess, I have sent your car to your house, let me know when it arrives.”I dialed his number and he picked on the first ring, “Jade hey, is my car the reason you called like ten times?” I asked as I knew he was rich and cars never mattered to him whether they got lost.“You’re finally up, how are you?”“I’m great, just hungover.”“Yes, you drank too much last night,” he said.“Indeed, you didn’t even stop me,” I joked.“I tried but you refused.”“Yes you’re right, alright I’ll see you later.”“That won’t be possible.”“What? Why?”“I’m traveling back,” he said and my heart skipped a beat.“You’re traveling back, why?”“The company needs me.”“But you said y
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Getting in my car, I drove at fast speed as he threatened to leave if I’m not there in ten minutes.I needed to see him before he left, I needed to talk to him.Luckily there was not much traffic and before I realized it, I was already packing at Jade’s apartment.Without hesitation I got out and rushed to his apartment hoping he hadn’t left as I was way past ten minutes. Reaching his door I knocked and he opened on my fourth knock.“Jess, you’re here,” he let me in.“Still looks the same,” I clinched on my purse as I walked in and awkwardly commented —everything was pretty much still the same.“Yes it is, some things just never change,” he said, “have a seat.”I sat on the little couch and memories started invading in, ‘no, I’m here to break it off with him not fall for him,’ I told my heart.“Would you like anything: tea, juice, champagne..”“Juice, thank you,” I cut him as I didn’t want to have any alcohol.“Be right back,” he said and left. I looked around realizing everything was
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Clinton’s POVI woke up earlier like usual, as these days I’ve been waking up early to check on my son. I didn’t want him to wake up and feel alone. I glanced at my wife, who was sleeping next to me. She was snoring peacefully, her eyes closely pressed together, she hated mornings, and the sun rays disturbed her. I covered her fragile body and after kissing her cheeks I got up and headed to my son's room. I had to see him before I washed up.“Good boy, nice,” I heard Sophia’s voice from outside, she was feeding him. I admired her for a moment picturing my wife in her position, she had never for once fed him —I guess she had her reasons. I was a man, I needed to make her feel a bond with our son, I needed her to start feeling what I felt for our son.“Good morning,” I greeted as I walked in and shook myself out of my thoughts. I didn’t want to compare my wife to her, my wife couldn’t be compared to anyone, she was incomparable despite her failure to do her housewife duties.“Good mor
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Clinton’s POV I couldn’t believe my eyes, I glanced back at my wife who was shamelessly covering herself with her dress. “I’m so disappointed in you,” I said and she kneeled down. “I’m sorry,” she apologized, I couldn’t even stand to see her face at this moment. Sophia was holding my arm. “She doesn’t owe you any explanation, you knew when you married her that she belonged to me,” Jade said but I ignored him, I didn’t have the strength to fight him. 
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Jessica’s POV“Get whatever you need and leave, I don’t want to see your face here ever again and yes the divorce papers will be sent to you by tomorrow, do sign them,” Clinton said as he held tighter onto Sophia’s waist. “Divorce?” “Yes, now get your stuff and leave,” he repeated.“We can talk about it, I’m sure divorce is not a solution, we have a son.”“Oh now she remembers,” it was Sophia who cut in, “now she remembers that she actually has a son, after how you’ve been mistreating him?”“Stay out of it Sophia!” I yelled at Sophia.“You lost him Jess, accept it and move on,” she snapped. Clinton was just standing frozen without saying a word.“Clint, say something,” I pleaded.“Like Clinton said, pack whatever you need and leave,” Sophia snapped in Clinton’s place.“I’m not leaving my son,” I refused, “if I’m going I’m taking him with me.”“You must be joking!” Clinton sounded angry.“No I’m serious, he’s my son. I suffered to give birth to him, I’ll not just lose him,” I stood f
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 I was lost, my eyes were already full of tears still not getting what was happening when Clinton took steps towards me and removed the pen from my hands. “I know what happened?” he said and I remembered the text Jade sent me, “I know you didn’t cheat on me, Jade confessed that he put something in your drink, I’m sorry for not believing you, I’m sorry for not giving you a chance to explain,” he apologized and enveloped me in his arms. I was now sobbing as my nostrils took in his scent, I missed my husband. “Please stop crying, I’m sorry,” he said, holding me even tighter.  
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“Then kill him. We can’t keep losing clients because of his carelessness.”  Who was he talking about? I knew it wasn’t Jade as he mentioned the word ‘losing clients’ my concern was, why did he want to kill someone. “Listen don’t stress me, just get your job done okay,” he said and hung up, I cleared my throat which made him jump. “Love, how long have you been standing there?” he awkwardly asked as he continued chopping vegetables. “Who me, I just got here,” I lied and took
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 My eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, my eyes felt a little pain as they'd been closed for a while. I screamed in my heart as my eyes searched for my son. My mouth was covered with tape as I could feel the material on my skin. I couldn't say a word. I looked around my surroundings, it was an old room with no furniture, just the wooden old chair I was tied to and other two, the wall was painted white which was now getting off color and had so many gangster drawings. I looked around my eyes searching for my son. I just got him. I couldn't afford losing him. Finally my eyes landed on my son. He was still in his pram, his eyes closed as he slept peacefully. “Hmmm.. hmmm…” I struggled and got scared as I realized the two men dr
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