All Chapters of THE ALPHA KING'S WANTED MATE : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
64 Chapters
21; I'm going, Cass.
Camila Castello. “So, what is this I heard about a Summit?” I asked, setting on the arm rest of one of the couches in his office—akin to his room. I crossed my legs in front of me, my gaze fixed on the man making his way to his table. I noticed the earlier picture of Rose now placed on the table, situated perfectly right where it belongs. My lips formed a small, sad smile which I masked away, shifting my gaze back to Cassain, awaiting an answer. He looked around over his shoulder, his eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Who is the blabbermouth? Salazar, or Ria?” His words proved the only ones aware of the issue. “Does it matter?” I asked instead of giving him an answer, watching as he settled on his chair behind the large desk, “Why the sudden involvement of you in it? It doesn’t sound like something you’d agree to.” He hummed in agreement, his expression yawing serious. “There are certain situations that call for such.” And those words escaping his lips proved my suspicions. Something i
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22; Together.
“Together.”.Camila Castello.As much as I hate to admit it, and as stupid as it makes me sound, Cassain was right. I don’t know what to do about this whole thing. The one whose majority of my anger is directed towards is the late king, but with him gone, I’ve naturally directed it towards Adrian, especially after realizing he’s on the same side as Klaus.But then this whole thing has to happen, both Kingdoms at a situation where they have to reunite. I won’t ask Cassain, Ria, Salazar and others to fight my war for me. No, it’s up to me. I would be the one to show Adrian’s true colors to the world, so a rightful leader will rise to the throne.That is the decision I had concluded. That is what I’ve eventually decided to do. I will go to the Summit with Ria and Salazar, and I’d get the revenge I’d promised myself I’d get seven years ago, for my family, my pack, and everyone that suffered unjustly in the hands of the Royal Pack. That is what I’d do.It was the same resolution in my mind
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23; Perfect Illusion.
22- “Perfect Illusion.”. Camila Castello.“Luna, my baby, I want you to be good to Joana, will you?” I said, crouched in front of my six-year-old girl, at eye level with her. Extending my hand out, I pushed a strand of her dirty blonde hair behind her ears, the stubborn curl that escaped from her neat ponytail—the one I had neatly made for her myself.Luna’s forest green eyes glossed with unshed tears, as she clutched her rabbit stuff doll closer to her chest—her favorite toy from the numerous I’d gotten her, her lower lip wobbling. She didn’t let the tears down though, she simply nodded, “Okay, Mama.” She whispered, her voice low.My heart clenched tightly at the sight, and for a split second, I considered staying back and never leaving her side. However, I’m then reminded that I’m doing this for her, and for myself. For her to live in a world without fear and freely, and for me to avenge my family and pack that had done nothing deserving of such cruel fate.So, I swallowed down the
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24; Guests of Honor.
24- “Guests of Honor.”.Camila Castello.Though the Summit is hosted by the Werewolf Kingdom, it is not taking place there exactly. How do I put this in? It’s kind of like despite having a peace treaty and all, neither of the two Kingdoms trusts the other entirely. It’s just a superficial agreement to not wage war on one another and to unite when there’s need for it. Otherwise, deep down, both have their reservations about the other.So, the Werewolf Kingdom aren’t exactly welcoming the idea of having a bunch of blood suckers on their land, especially not those of the highest orders, the ones with the most power of the Kingdom. And as for the Vampires, they aren’t exactly open about being on Werewolf land surrounded by them all over, regardless.As a solution, they decided to come up with a place to meet where neither would be at an advantage over the other—a place where everyone would have to keep their attitude and character in check so as to not upset the ones higher than us all.T
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25; Shall We?
25- “Shall We?”. Camila Castello.I ended up sleeping longer than I’m supposed to, especially because no one thought of waking me up. The whole point of the Summit is a bunch of meetings where they discuss how to solve their current issues at hand and in the process, straighten the relationships between packs and Kingdoms.The very first meeting is set to take place the very next day following our arrival, or should I say, the few hours following our arrival at exactly 11:00AM. Despite the major importance of the summit being strengthening bonds and all and the pack issues as well, the first meeting is more like a chance to get to know each other all over again.From what I heard, the last Summit that took place all together—Werewolves and Vampires together, like this was about fifteen years ago, so it’s been long and a lot has changed. Certain leaders have died—in the case of wolves since Vampires are immortals, certain leaders have been removed from their positions, both creatures
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26; Vampire Girl.
26- “Vampire Girl.”.Camila Castello.Newfound confidence that stems from my sudden realization of how good I look, of how stunning I look and of how much I’ve grown, becoming a different woman than the one who fled seven years ago surged through my veins as Cassain and I walked down the hallway leading up the grand meeting room, where the first event of the Summit is commencing already.It’s obviously from the empty halls—save for the mixture of vampire and werewolf guards that everyone else is in there already. They all bowed in acknowledgement of Cassain—because I certainly know that wasn’t for me, but he didn’t spare them a glance, neither did I. Cassain had his gaze set ahead, unmoved by the action.I held my head high, and kept my expression bare as we reached the end of the walls, where the double doors are, leading to the meeting room. Two guards stood by the doors, amongst the others lining it by the sides.Cassain turned his head and gave me one last look, his eyes silently
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27; On Edge.
27- “On edge.”. Adrian Moretti.Camilla is alive. I couldn’t believe it. For a second, I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, that I’ve yearned so much for her over the years so my brain was starting to play tricks on me by having hallucinations of her, it wouldn’t be the first time anyway, I’ve had that one too many times over the years that it’s become norm to me—it blended perfectly well with the image the people seemed to have painted of me over the years, and dare I remind you that I couldn’t care less about it.I would be lying if I said I didn’t like it as well, it gave the people an edge to stay the fuck away from me, which is one thing I needed over the years the absolute most. I’d been living off their fears for me, and it’s sick, but I enjoy it quite a lot. There’s nothing that could shake me up from that spot, except for the woman seated across me.‘Adrian’ Caleb’s warning voice came through my mind link, from where he was seated on the third seat to me. Betas weren
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28; Think rationally... Or try to.
28- “Think Rationally…or try to.”.Adrian Moretti.The meeting went quite well, and by the time it ended, everyone had morphed into their professional state, leaving aside any personal feelings and focusing on the task at hand—which is the safety of our people. These suspicious rogue attacks were getting out of hand, and considering its occurring in both Kingdoms, it’s nothing but a coincidence—which is what we needed to discuss.Of course, one meeting wouldn’t cut it, hence why the whole week is needed. Even then, I doubt it’ll be enough but we ought to have come up with a solution by then. The meeting ended shortly after 2:00pm, hours after it had started, and the minute we’d called it an end, I and the man opposite me were the first to get up, accompanied by those closest to us while all others got on their feet, bowing in respect.I ignored them, turning around and strolling out of the meeting room, Caleb and Roseline following closely, while the others piled out as well. Against
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29; Butterflies of different kinds.
29- “Butterflies of different kinds.”. Camilla Castello.“Hey…” A warm hand rests on my lower back, the touch somewhere between being cold, and warm as well—the different temperature instantly alerting me of who the owner of the hand is, even without his voice registering in my mind. “…are you okay?” Cassain inquired, his voice low as he leaned down to my height.I looked up, just as we’d reached the main suite of our side, which basically belongs to him. All four of us had somehow wordlessly agreed to make our way here after the meeting, and though on the way no words were exchanged verbally, I’m certain there must be a lot of thoughts they would want to chirp in here and there.Cassain’s question though had me tilting my head up so my eyes would meet his, and the moment it does, I offered him a small smile. “Yeah…” The word came out from my small voice, our faces inches apart. His eyes, those dark red ones stared into mine with cinched brows, as if trying to unravel every layer of
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30; Then we met again.
30- “Then we meet again.”.Camilla Castello.Following how our conversation ended, Ria and Salazar left to carry on with whatever task they were up to—something along the lines of conversing with other leaders of the Kingdom, Cassain opted to join them as well, but not before keeping his earlier promise of making sure food was delivered to my place and he’s made sure I would be okay being alone, to which I waved off with a smile and the statement, “Of course, I’ll be fine. I’m not a child.”He simply hummed at that, then said something along the lines off, “Whatever sails your boat, little wolf.” And with one last pat on my shoulders, he trudged out as well, as he had responsibilities as the King of Vampires other than babysitting a she-wolf who has a crush on him though she hasn’t admitted it, and has no plans on doing so.With them gone, I found myself sinking further into the chair as I sighed deeply, my shoulders slumping. I don’t know how long I remained in that position, but it
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