All Chapters of Throne of Wolves: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
284 Chapters
Chapter 51
Luara's POVI woke up to the delicate feeling of my mate running the tips of his fingers down my right side from the curve of my breast to the bottom of my hip. The bare skin of my back was pressed up against his muscled chest. I decide to keep my eyes closed and pretend to be asleep; not wanting to leave the comforting arms of my mates."I know you're awake." Bryan's husky voice whispered in my ear making my breath hitch in my throat.His action was subtle but that didn't stop a wave of pleasure run down my spine. Bryan began planting small, open-mouthed kisses on my neck causing a soft moan to escape my lips and a blush to appear on my cheeks. He laughed; his warm breath fanning on my neck causing me to shudder only this time I felt him smirk against the sensitive flesh.I tried to squirm my way out of his grip but failed when he grabbed me by my waist and pulled my body closer to his."Bryan, please." I whined as his grip got tighter and tighter. The close proximity of our bodies w
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Chapter 52
Luara's POV I couldn't believe what I had done until the sound of my palm roughly smacking Bryan's cheek echoed through his office. His head flung to the side and he swiped his tongue across his teeth emitting a low growl."How dare you." I whispered harshly, tears welling up in my eyes at the thought of my mate deceiving and tricking me into potentially carrying his kids.Both our heavy breathing was heard as he kept his eyes glaring at the closest wall to him while I could do nothing but stare in horror at his reddened cheek.Hundreds of thoughts were racing through my mind. I had just slapped my mate across the face; I just slapped an Alpha in the face. But I couldn't help but think he deserved it. Not only had he forced his mark on the flesh of my neck but now he had purposely deceived me by knowingly having sex with me with expired protection.I couldn't even comprehend the idea of being a mother, especially one that would have been forced to become one. I had told Bryan before
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Chapter 53
Luara's POV Bryan had attempted to contact me but after my obvious ignorance, he decided to give me the space that I needed which was surprising.My wolf was missing him and would growl at me every time I blocked her whimpering and crying. She was missing him and continued to make excuses for why he did what he did.The thought of taking a pregnancy test lingered in my head but I forced it to the back of my mind not wanting to have to deal with the situation yet.I had been at school for about a week, and I wondered why I hadn't made contact with Melinda, the school's most popular girl.It confused me further when her friends ignored and acted like I didn't exist when they would usually join in with their pathetic torture which I always got the upper hand on. But I shrugged it off, not thinking anything of it as I sat at my usual table at lunch munching on a slice of pizza."I'm dreading Phys Ed, I have no effort even if I am a werewolf." My friend Mae said, whispering the last part
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Chapter 54
Luara's POV I stood there in utter confusion as to why Melinda just opened the door to my mate's house in nothing but a large t-shirt and reeking of desire with the overwhelming smell of my mate's scent.I was so shocked that I literally stood there staring at her as she stared back at me with a conceited smirk. Almost trying to rub in my face that it was her in my mate's house and not me which had my wolf clawing inside of me growling to come out.I was interrupted before I could say or do anything by the one voice that I didn't want to hear."Mel, who's at the door?" Bryan questioned, and suddenly the door was pulled further open, with my mate on full show. Standing there in a pair of boxers, his muscled chest on full display.When he noticed me a look of surprise and guilt shined through his eyes. He opened his mouth to talk but I launched myself at Melinda before he could say a word, throwing her to the ground with me following after.Punch after punch, I repeatedly pounded my fi
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Chapter 55
Luara's POV The walk to the pack prison was quiet, neither one of us talking. Immediately after Bryan told me what he had in mind for Melinda, he picked me up and began walking in silence toward the house.My mind was clouded with so many thoughts that I was unable to comprehend what Bryan had said. Bryan was going to drop me off at the house, but I refused to let go of him, clinging tightly to his neck. I had a strange urge and almost need to go with him like something was telling me that I had to go with him.After realizing that I wasn't going to let go, he began walking us to the pack prison. It was located deep in the woods, far away from the pack house and the other pack members' homes. It was an underground prison, very dark and gloomy with the lingering scent of dried old blood.The scent made me want to heave up my breakfast from this morning, it was overwhelming and overpowered all my senses. It was nothing like my father's, and it was a place that I never wanted to visit a
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Chapter 56
Luara's POV I began walking up the steps of the underground prison, happy to be away from the dark gloomy environment in the pack prison.Making my way through the trees, I could hear the footsteps of Bryan trailing after me.He quickly caught up and we silently walked back to the house both deep in our own thoughts.I had many questions to ask, I wanted to know everything about what happened today plus we still needed to discuss our previous argument about birth control. And to be honest, it's a discussion that I'm dreading to have with him.Bryan likes to believe that everything he does whether it's life-destroying or not, is justifiable. That he is able to do whatever he pleases and not have to apologize even when he's in the wrong.I wondered what Bryan was going to do with Melinda and her mate. Bryan wasn't a forgiving person, and I may be his mate and his Luna, but he is the Alpha, and what he says goes and he always has the last word.Once we made it to the house, Bryan opened
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Chapter 57
Luara's POV I was literally shaking inside but I refused to show Bryan how truly terrified I was as he gripped the handles of my chair, blocking me in with no way to escape.His face was directly in front of me, his nose practically touching mine as he growled loudly in my face.As calmly as I could, I spoke with a firm voice."Bryan, you don't intimate me and I don't appreciate you being so close while purposely trying to scare me." I said, purposely shoving at his chest, forcing space between us.He lowly growled at me but stayed back, he grabbed me by my arms pulling me up with him. He had a firm but not rough grip on my arms, as he began pulling me out of the open doorway, the broken pieces of the door still shattered across the floor"Hey!" I shouted as he continued to pull me through the hallways of the pack house.The whole place was completely silent and clearly, everyone had disappeared by either being demanded to leave or just fearful of their Alpha’s temperament.The only
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Chapter 58
Luara's POV Bryan, Greg, and I were in one room awaiting the results that I already knew. Greg had just administered a blood test; he injected the needle into my left arm as that was where he was able to find my most significant vein making it easier and quicker for the needle to go in.Bryan sat in the chair opposite watching intently at everything the doctor did."All done." Greg said as he removed the needle from my arm and cleaned it with an anti-bacterial wipe before placing a bandage over the small wound."I just need to analyze the blood and I'll be back, give me 10 minutes." Greg said before hurrying off to another room.Bryan and I sat in silence while we waited for Greg to get back. We sat in comfortable silence until he got back. It was clear Bryan was nervous and on edge.Greg finally came back in and looked at both of us before setting his eyes on Bryan and telling him what I already knew."The Luna is not pregnant."A low and small growl emitted from Bryan's mouth. The
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Chapter 59
Luara's POV Did I just hear that right? Bryan was sending Benson to the pack prison after he promised he wouldn't.My blood began to boil, Bryan had lied. He said that nothing was going to happen to Benson. Did he just say that because Tiannah was emotional?Without knocking, I walked into Bryan's office. His head immediately looked in my direction wanting to know who just barged into his office unannounced and uninvited.By my face, Bryan could tell I was furious. He told the person on the telephone that he had to go and put the phone down.He crocked his eyebrow up, silently questioning me on why I had entered his office."You said that nothing was going to happen to Benson, yet here you are demanding one of your pack members to drag him to the pack cells!" I said angrily, I kept my voice to a whisper though, I didn't want Tiannah to wake up and hear."If he would have listened to me after I told him to go home then he wouldn't be sitting in those cells right now. Not only has he d
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Chapter 60
Luara's POV For a moment I didn't understand, as if my brain short-circulated for a few seconds. When I finally comprehended what he said, I was bewildered and in complete shock."You're surely not telling me you're going to allow a barbaric fight to ensue in your pack.""My pack has never conformed to the rules Luara." His voice had a dark tone to it."You can't do this Bryan. Benson is my best friend's mate, he was simply upset and acted out." I was defending him, not willing to let go of this lightly."Benson understands these rules Luara, he was born into this pack and he understands that there are consequences." Bryan's eyes were turning dark."You clearly need to invest in some new rules then because this is simply not happening." My tone was deadly serious, I needed to protect Tiannah and her mate.A growl rumbled deep from within his throat and Bryan abruptly stood up, "It's a shame you won't be here to see it then,"I was confused by his words and I showed him with my frowne
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