All Chapters of The King's Bride: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
26 Chapters
Chapter 11
Anastasia swept into the council meeting that evening playing the part of concerned future queen to perfection. "Have we developed our emergency strategy for combating this vile plague yet?" she asked loudly, taking her seat with exaggerated care as though fearful of contagion. "Our people must see decisive action taken quickly!"Amy studied the faces of the other attending advisors and ministers. Most appeared baffled, shuffling papers bearing no mention of disease or unusual fatalities. Finally Viktor spoke evenly. "It seems reports of any widespread affliction among our citizens have been unfounded. I sent my most reliable men on urgent search - they assure me life proceeds normally in villages near and far." He steepled his fingers, eyeing Anastasia coolly. "Perhaps you were given inaccurate initial information leading to undue alarm."Anastasia flushed crimson, flustered at having her theatrical fabrication unravel so anticlimactically. But she rallied swiftly."Well I only
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Chapter 12
Nikolai shifted uncomfortably. "Viktor likely worries merely to balance many prominent voices. I am sure he intends no insult-""He insults not just my status but yours in marginalizing me thus!" Anastasia cut in sharply. "You will be bound as my husband and consort - how dare Viktor sideline his equal in standing!"She took Nikolai's hands pleadingly. "You must demand he include me, else he cares nothing for your authority!" Swayed as always by Anastasia's temper and tears, Nikolai embraced her. "You speak rightly, my dear. I shall stand firmer that you are accorded full respect!"Inwardly Anastasia smiled like a viper. Let Viktor try denying her with his witless younger brother insisting she be given a seat at the table! She had molded her finest pawn to clear her pathway to utter supremacy.The board was arranged to her advantage once more. Anastasia had sacrificed a useless rogue poison plot but gained a stubborn champion. Now for decisive checkmate…Viktor was relucta
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Chapter 13
Anastasia congratulated herself on the scheme as she fed the letter to the fire. Let them counter this plot! She had hooks in countless ambitious players happy to tear down those with power they envied but could not openly challenge. The board was reset to her advantage. She had carved a dangerous opponent temporarily off the field while regaining control of her loyal pawn Nikolai. Now with Amy marginalized by brewing scandal, Anastasia was ready to checkmate the king himself next…Amy sighed wearily as she joined Viktor in his private study after a day of enduring veiled insults and cold shoulders. News of her alleged role in seizing a noble family's lands years ago had spread rapidly at court. "That family's grievances have resurfaced, being laid directly at your feet even though records show you argued against permanent seizure," Viktor fumed, pulling Amy close comfortingly. "Rumors snowball to damage truth swiftly, especially when there are ears keen to hear the worst," Amy s
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Chapter 14
On the 20th anniversary of Viktor and Amy's coronation, the royal couple celebrated with a grand jubilee commemorating two decades of just rule. Dignitaries from allied nations came bearing gifts in honor of their trusted friends' milestones.No shadow darkened festivities focused on the monarchs' legacy of steady guidance and compassionate policymaking. Even once uneasy nobles now praised Amy and Viktor's commitment to equality and ethical governance.As music echoed through the candlelit halls and people danced laughing, Viktor and Amy stole a quiet moment alone on a balcony overlooking the joyous scene. "Who would have believed such unity and contentment was possible in those early tumultuous days of our reign?" marveled Amy. "Or predicted one so brazenly grasping as Anastasia would fade quietly from memory?" Viktor smiled, eyes crinkling fondly at his wife whose wisdom and courage transformed their nation. "Your vision and steadfastness built this, my queen. The dark days served
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Chapter 15
After Anastasia's failed coup, a sense of relief spread in Viktor and Amy's kingdom. Finally it seemed their longtime rival's disruptive grasp for power had been permanently thwarted. But just as the court was preparing celebrations honoring Viktor and Amy's resilient leadership, tragedy struck unexpectedly. Returning from a diplomatic envoy, Viktor collapsed without warning. As doctors frantically tended to the ailing monarch, Amy held vigil by her husband's bedside consummed with worry. Diagnosis remained elusive as Viktor lingered between life and death.In the chaotic void left by their incapacitated King, ambitious opportunists made plays to consolidate influence. Some even whispered of transitioning rulership as Viktor's survival grew uncertain.Amidst the crisis Anastasia unexpectedly reemerged, sowing rumors she had placed a delayed-effect poison in Viktor out of final revenge. She offered the antidote in exchange for a full pardon and rights returning. Still grief-stricke
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Chapter 16
Nikolai was bitter that Viktor scolded him over his affection for Amy. He thought since he was unmarried without an heir, he deserved a chance to win Amy's heart if his brother could not see her value.In his anger, Nikolai made secret plans to get revenge against Viktor. He contacted old allies of the exiled Anastasia, hinting they help him overthrow Viktor on the condition that Nikolai take the throne - and Amy as his queen.Nikolai spread lies that Viktor was still too physically and mentally weak from his illness to effectively rule the kingdom. He raised doubts with key generals and ministers, hoping to turn them against Viktor as unfit.Meanwhile behind Viktor's back, Nikolai tried continually persuading Amy that he could make her happier than his stubborn harsh brother. He snuck exotic gifts and love notes insisting she deserved better than Viktor gave.Amy pleaded with Nikolai to stop his campaign against them, promising she only wished friendship from him. But the jealous prin
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Chapter 17
In the flurry of celebrating two sets of new marital bonds, no one noticed a hooded stranger arriving uninvited at the wedding feast until she stood abruptly to interrupt Viktor's toast. "Pardon the intrusion upon such festive occasion." The mysterious woman's biting voice belied any courtesies as she threw back her hood to reveal none other than Anastasia - aged but still glaring haughtily. "I suppose certain prodigal figures assume bygones dismissed in conveniently pairing our offspring. But do not fancy I personally endorse this farce of a truce!" Eyes fiery, she raised a defiant toast of her own.A shocked hush fell for several beats before Alexei strode forward, blue gaze clear and commanding. "You may hold old grudges still, but they are yours alone now. This union represents a new era - one seeking understanding, not blame over matters past changing." Bending to kiss Katrina's hand, he added gently "I love your daughter on her merits, not spitefulness."Anastasia opened her
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Chapter 18
Alexei also shrewdly suggested including emissaries to minority tribal groups in these territories who often felt neglected by rulers focused inward. If shown respect, they could prove valuable allies exposing militant infiltrators.Before departing to temper fears and fortify support beyond Viktor's immediate reach, Alexei bid his family fond farewells, promising victory against renewal of old conflicts.Katrina smiled bravely, offering her husband a ceremonial sword and new armor. "Stay mindful of those counting on their prince's grit and compassion," she entreated at his stirrup.Viktor warmly embraced his son, pride and concern warring behind his eyes. As Alexei rode off purposefully, Viktor prayed this promising heir could knit strong enough alliances to bring swift, decisive peace.Alexei rode swiftly to the border regions, determined to unify the people against his uncle's violent militia bands stirring chaos. In remote villages, he listened as elders described recent raids on p
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Chapter 19
Alexei raised his sword, the etched blade catching the first faint glow on the horizon. Then he swept it downwards and battle cries shattered the morning stillness as his men charged from all sides.Grapples and ladders flung upward, the first attackers clambering swiftly to gain the ramparts while archers covered them with a hail of arrows. Caught off guard, the startled sentries' alarm shouts came too late. Alexei was first to surge over the wall, blade carving a path through the scrambling defenders."To the hall!" Alexei shouted, rallying his men as they cleared the gatehouses. If they could capture the inner keep, the day was won. Side by side they advanced against strengthening resistance, steel singing on all sides. A roar from above signaled the counterattack as a troop of enemy horsemen circled from the rear barracks. Alexei braced himself, parrying a vicious blow from a mailed knight. The momentum was shifting, their push for the hall slowed."Press forward!" Alexei yelled
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Chapter 20
Katrina wavered, on the verge of speech, but seemed to falter. Alexei crouched before her, troubled blue gaze searching hers. "Please, let me help bear this burden."Her composure shattered then. Covering her face, Katrina wept with abandon, leaving Alexei baffled. He gathered her shaking form into his arms."Shhh....whatever haunts you, we will face together," he murmured tenderly, stroking her hair.At last she looked up at him, eyes raw and swollen. "I was with child when you left. But I lost it. Our child is gone..." Her voice broke on the words.Shock and sorrow knifed through Alexei. He held her close, voice husky with shared grief. "Oh my heart, I am so sorry..." They clung to one another as the moon traversed the night sky.In the days after Katrina's devastating revelation, Alexei wrestled with churning emotions. Though he maintained a strong front before the court, inwardly he reeled from the loss revealed to him. Their child, a piece of himself and his beloved, gone without
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