All Chapters of Royal Masquerade - The Prince And Cinderella: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
42 Chapters
Chapter Thirty-One
Nick moved Ella ahead of him into the last pew. He sat closest to the aisle but leaving lots of room for late arrivals.“I still don’t think this was a good idea.” Ella worried her lower lip, lowering her head to hide part of her face by the lace teal veil attached to her fascinator. There was a lot of interest directed their way. Mostly because everyone knew now that Nick was a prince.“Why? you look as you should.” Nick said simply.“Yes, but you don’t understand.” She whispered back, not wanting anyone to hear their conversation. Plus, this was a church, it had the same feel as a library, that people who enter should be quiet.Nick took her hand, placing it on his thigh. Patted it, then put his arm behind her shoulders along the pew. Rubbing his fingers along her exposed skin just below the off the shoulder dress. She needed that contact, and it felt nice to be connected to him. It was like he could read how nervous she was. The simple act of having her hand on his thigh it gave he
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Chapter Thirty-Two
While guests were mingling outside the church, photographers snapped pictures of the wedding party. Nick guided Ella over to the side of the churchyard against the old low stone wall, so their bodyguards could protect them better.He was more careful about security now that he had someone to protect. Devlin and 3 other men fanned out. Their job was to protect but also make sure no one tried to take photos of the prince to sell later. The announcement of Ella in his life will come when they chose. If they could help it. There was no guarantee.“Shouldn’t we go over and congratulate them?” Ella asked. Ella had noticed that her parents hadn’t been looking around for her, inside the church earlier or now. They would think she was acting her normal self and sitting in the background unnoticed. That wasn’t the case now, which they would find out soon enough.The townspeople were very interested in their group. As Nick stood very close to her, with his arm around her waist. Tate waited with
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Chapter Thirty-Three
People took turns having photos with the bridal couple, but the three by the wall didn’t make their way to join in. The bride and groom headed out to have their formal photos done, followed by the bridal party and photographers.Once the cars left the churchyard. Mary made her rounds, thanking people for coming and making sure they had the details for the reception.As she circled around, Mary made her way back to Tate, followed by Andrew and Cheryl. Ella wasn’t sure if they had arrived in the same car.Ella almost suggested to Nick. They leave now before the others reached them. It would be cowardly. From now on, Ella had to show more backbone. So, she didn’t say anything.Everyone had an hour to kill before the reception rooms would be opened. Nick’s arm held her tighter to him as he picked up on her unease. “Might as well start the rumour mill going. You can’t be undiscovered for much longer.” People started moving off.Mary said as she neared. “I’m so glad you could make it back,
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Chapter Thirty-Four
In the back seat of the limo, Nick squeezed Ella’s hand. “Are you ok?”“I will be,” Ella reassured him.“Do you want to pop back home before the reception? We don’t have to go to it if you don’t want to.”“I promise my dad,” Ella said, unsure.“You don’t owe them anything.” Nick growled, expressing anger at the way they had treated her. Not just today, but always.“I know, but I owe it to myself to finish this. If I don’t go to that reception, people will think I’m still hung up on Stephen.” Ella pleaded with him to understand.“Are you?” Nick asked. Needing to know.Ella looked at him. “Of course not. I know he wasn’t for me. I have known that for a while.”Taking her hand to his lips “Good.. maybe going back to your place isn’t a good idea after all.”Puzzlement overcame Ella. “Why?”“Because it was hard enough to leave the apartment without taking you the first time. If we go back there, you will not stand a chance and I would say screw the reception.” Nick clarified for her.Heat
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Chapter Thirty-Five
As Ella sat down in her seat next to Nick, he put his hand on her thigh to let her know he was aware of her, even though he was busy talking to another guest.A feeling of relief washed over Ella, as if someone had taken a weight off her shoulders. As if sensing her feeling, Nick rubbed his thumb over her leg.Tate sat down as well in her assigned seat. They smiled at each other. Dragon slayed. This had been her biggest fear today. Thanking God that it had all happened in the bathroom. Ava had been waiting for her to come out of that toilet stall. But why was she so surprised when it was her that had stepped out? Because she had, Ella had seen the shock on her face.Frowning now. Needing to run this through. Was Ava still up to her old tricks? Looking for the richest man available. This was her wedding day. Surely, she wasn’t that mercenary. But nothing else made sense.Shaking her head, feeling sorry for Stephen and the Blackmore family. Almost glad though Ava wasn’t her problem anym
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Chapter Thirty-Six
“Stephen.” Nick acknowledged Stephen with just his name, taking Ella out of his arms and into his own. Ella had done so well today. It had been hard on her, he knew. But she needed to fight her demons, and she had come out on top.“Thanks again for coming.” Stephen reaffirmed, looking back at Ella.“Ella, why don’t you go get your bag and we can leave? Ask Tate if she would like a lift.” Before kissing her on the lips and staking his claim in front of Stephen.When she walked away, Ella felt slightly dazed.“Well, that showed me,” Stephen said.“Stephen, you are my friend…. but if I ever catch you looking at Ella like that again, I will break your nose, and that’s only for starters. Do I make myself clear?”Stephen responded like any spoilt child, “Ella is my friend, and I had her first.”Nick got in his face, saying in a deadly voice. “Let’s make one thing clear: you never had her.” Flicking his head towards Ava. “and after choosing Ava over Ella, you have no rights. So, I repeat myse
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
The next day was a hive of activity. Their flight to Cristonia was to depart from Heathrow Airport at 1pm that afternoon. Ella had already packed for her move to London. Nick had arranged for someone to come in and move the rest of her stuff to her new homeland.She was just taking two suitcases for now. This would be more than enough to see her through until the rest of her stuff arrived.To say she was nervous was an understatement. She felt petrified! Today she would meet his father, but not only that, the man was a king. Holy shit, was she ready to marry into this family? She had lived her life in the shadows, then all of a sudden, she was taking centre stage with Nick. It was a world stage at that, not just with her family.Their plane left Heathrow on time. She was glad their flight wasn’t too long. Because any longer and she would have brooded. Nick never left her side, held her hand during the flight.Ella hoped that her outfit, a simple white pantsuit with a royal blue shell
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
They wouldn’t be sharing a room, which left Ella disappointed. On seeing her downcast face, Nick pulled her into her assigned room, closing the door. “It’s only for appearance’s sake. I will still be in here with you at night, Bella.” Taking her into his arms.“Are you reading my mind?” She demanded, slightly worried.Nick laughed. “No, your face is an opened book though.”“I will have to learn how to hide my expressions better.”“I enjoy that you don’t hide anything. It’s so you. Now I better go and get ready.” Nick said before slipping from the room to find his own.They had little time to get dressed and Nick told her she didn’t need to dress up for dinner. But she still changed into one of the dresses Em had sent with her. A beautiful green dress that hugged her upper body but fell into a full skirt to her knees. With some light makeup. She was just putting on her shoes when Nick knocked on the door before pushing it opened. “Ready?”“As I’ll ever be.”Smiling, he held out his han
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
Ella got into her nightgown and was brushing her hair, then she heard the door click closed behind her. Nick was leaning against the door with his arms folded over his broad chest, silently watching her. “Don’t you have your own room?” Ella said in a cheeky manner, laying her hairbrush on the dressing table and facing Nick. He grinned at her. “Yes! You’re mistaken if you think I’ll sleep there by myself. So it’s here or there? But I didn’t think you would enjoy sneaking back here in the morning.” “Oh, the dreaded walk of shame.” Teasing still. Nick laughed. “I hope leaving my bed isn’t a walk of shame.” Ella blushed, thinking of the things he did to her. It wasn’t shame she felt in his arms. Nick stepped away from the door, stalked her across the room. But she didn’t wait for him. Ella met him halfway, sliding her arms around his neck and reaching up on tiptoes to cover his mouth with hers and effectively moulding her body against his hard, desirable body. He was so deliciously w
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Chapter Forty
Ella moaned, stretching in bed. Her bones protested in a way that reminded her she had been well loved last night and into the morning.Sun streamed through the bedroom windows. It was the sunlight that had woken her up. Looking at the empty space beside her, she realised Nick must have left soon after she had fallen asleep that last time, in the pre-dawn hour. Picking up her phone on the bedside table, she saw it wasn’t as late as she had thought it might have been. 7:47am.She was going to be truly tired today, but she took comfort in the fact that if she was, then so was Nick. Grinning, Ella sat up in bed, stretching her arms above her head. She needed a shower, and what she really needed more than anything was something to eat. The energy used last night had really increased her need for food. Slipping from the bed, Ella headed for the shower.Twenty minutes later, she was dressed in a yellow and white flowery sundress and tan sandals, hair pinned back at the side and makeup free.
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