All Chapters of Claiming His Woman Back. [Billionaire's Hidden Son.]: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 Chapters
Chapter 11
Writer's pov đź‘™"Thank you, Mr O'Briens, Mike's kitchen is now yours" Mr Mike said."I told you, it's not mine" Thanatos said.Mr Mike nodded. "Right, it belongs to Jasmine" Thanatos got up and shook hands with Mr Mike."It's nice doing business with you" Mr Mike said.Thanatos simply nod in reply, then he head out, Clark glared at Mr Mike briefly before rushing after Thanatos.***Thanatos slide into the backseat, Clark followed and Peter quickly rushed to the driver's seat and started the car."Mr O'Briens, I have her address now, she lives at old Levi's street" Peter reported. Thanatos nodded, he felt his phone vibrates in his pocket and he reached for it.. he saw threads of messages from his mother."Does she live alone?" He asked.He deleted the messages and shoved his phone back in his pocket."Yes, sir""Let's go to her place""Yes, sir" Peter said and stepped on the gas.Clark turned his phone to Thanatos, showing him the messages his (Thanatos) mother just sent him."I have
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Chapter 12
Jasmine's pov Arthur stopped in front of my apartment, Davis already fell asleep in my arms. "Thanks for the ride, Arthur" I said."Thanks for the ride? Are you chasing me away?" He asked.I tilted my head and made a confused expression."I said I'll cook dinner for you tonight" he reminded me. I bite my inner cheek to stop myself from laughing, I raised an eyebrow."By cooking dinner you mean, ordering takeouts?" I teased him.Arthur seems to be perfect in everything, but one thing..he sucks when it comes to cooking.That's his biggest and only flaw, like I said he's perfect. "We're not ordering takeouts this time, I took some cooking tutorials" he said."Cooking tutorials?" He nodded. "From where?""YouTube, duh"That's it, I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst into laughter, I laughed so hard that I almost woke Davis up from sleep.Arthur simply stared at me, his lips set on thin lines with both his eyebrows furrowed."YouTube? Seriously? And you think you're a sudden maste
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Chapter 13
Jasmine's pov đź‘™I didn't know how long I slept, but when I woke up.. I saw Davis doing his homework already, with Arthur helping him."Baby, you're awake?" I asked.Davis raised his head, he smiled when he saw I'm awake.He got up and ran to me, he threw his tiny arms around me and rest his head on my chest."Momma!" He called me."Hmm, you smell fresh" I said."Yes, uncle Arthur bath me" he replied.I sat up and took in his clothing, he's truly wearing his PJs.. wait, PJs?!My eyes moved to the wall clock and I gasped."It's 7:50pm already?"Arthur looked at the wall can too and laughed. "Yeah, that's what the clock is saying right now""Why didn't you wake me up?" He called Davis to go continue his homework, Davis kissed both my cheeks and ran back to his homework."You were sleeping so peacefully, and I know you're pretty tired, so I just let you have more rest" Arthur said.I sighed and got up."What about dinner?" I asked."Ready, was just waiting for you to wake up" he answere
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Chapter 14
Thanatos pov My eyes roamed Jasmine's body, taking in very single details of her body.. she's even hotter than five years ago.Her hips are larger, her breasts bigger.. motherhood is treating her so well.I can feel myself drooling right now, but I don't care, she's d*mn hot. Then it clicked in my head, does she get the door in this nightie?"Is this how you get the door in the mornings?" I asked her.She ignored my question and made to shut the door, but I was fast to block it with my leg..she looked at me with angry eyes.The anger in her eyes can clearly be seen, like she's telling me she's mad.. without even trying to hide it."Jas, who's there? I couldn't go back to sleep because of the repeated ringing of the bell" I heard a very annoying voice asked from inside.A deep frown suddenly appeared on my face, that worm, what is he doing here so early in the morning.Don't tell me he spent the night here.Anger erupted from the pit of my stomach, when he showed up in just his boxer
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Chapter 15
Jasmine pov"Him?" He asked.I turned to Arthur who's wiping his nose, well, I wasn't thinking of using him.. but since Thanatos suggested him, I'll use him.. after all, he's the perfect guy to play this role."Yes!" I wrapped my arms around Arthur. "He's my boyfriend, don't ever come here and disturb us again!"He laughed."You're lying, just to get rid of me..right?""No! I don't lie about stuffs like this"He laughed again and shook his head. "I know you're lying""You want proof?" I asked.Before he could reply, grabbed Arthur's shoulders and pulled him down to my level..then I planted my lips on his.Arthur tensed under my gripped, he's shocked but he quickly got over his shock and reciprocated my kiss...I didn't let the kiss last any longer than 30 seconds then pulled away.I turned back to Thanatos with a smirk.He stood and stared at me speechlessly, I saw something like hurt and jealousy flashed in his eyes.I shut the door and he didn't try to block it this time, I led Arthu
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Chapter 16
Jasmine's pov "Goodbye, baby" I kissed Davis forehead and watched his teacher led him to his class.Arthur honked, reminding me that I'm running late.. Davis turned to me and waved at me one last time, he blew a kiss at me and I caught.He giggled and jumped into his class happily, I sighed and head back to Arthur's car."... It's none of your business if I'm not lady-like!" I heard Adele quarreling Arthur from the backseat."There's no use arguing with you, just know no sane man would want to marry a woman like you...I know I wouldn't"Adele scoffed and pushed Arthur's head."As if I want to marry a man like you!" She retorted.I simply stared at them, blinking in confusion as I try to figure out why they're arguing."I regret agreeing to give you a ride, it won't happen next time...""Please don't, FYI, there'll be no next time!" Adele cut him off.I cleared my throat and quickly fastened my seatbelt."Is this the famous couples flirt fighting?""Bah!" They both exclaimed in disapp
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Chapter 17
Jasmine's pov Adele and I look around with frown on our faces, there seem to be so much tension in the air.Everyone's working seriously and carefully, as if they're afraid to make any mistakes."Heyyy, Troy!" Adele stopped one of the waiters.I'm not surprised she knows his name, she's kinda popular with all the male staffs here."What's going on? Why is everyone so tensed?" She asked him.Troy looked around and sighed."It's our new boss, he's setting everyone's pants on fire...""Our new boss?" I interrupted him.He nodded and continued."... he seems to be in a very bad mood this morning, he yells at every little mistake"I frowned. "When did we get a new boss?" I asked.Adele nodded at my question, I guess she wanted to ask the same thing. "Yesterday... Mr Mike sold the restaurant yesterday" he replied.Yesterday? It must be after I left.. so sad, I won't be able to apologize to Mr Mike as I had intended."Do you know, just this morning Ruth and Wyatt were fired""Why?" Adele a
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Chapter 18
Jasmine's pov Hold on...What am I doing? Why am I letting him stand so close to me? Didn't I vowed never to give him any chance to explain?But just a kiss from him made me change my mind, just a kiss from him made me lost myself.I better create some space between us, before he romanced me into forgiving him.. which is something I don't want to do.I don't wanna be with him ever again, I should just listen to his so called explanation."Baby, I'm sorry...""Stop!" I cut him off.That word *sorry* is something I don't wanna hear from him, I dread hearing it from him... he's not worthy of saying it."I don't want your apologies, just tell me why you left. Just tell me the reason you chose to ran away just when I found out I was pregnant""I didn't ran away, something made me leave... "I removed his hands caging me on the wall, then moved away from him. Walking towards the chair in front of his desk, I sat down.. he rushed towards me and sat on the table. "I have work to do, so don
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Chapter 19
Jasmine's pov đź‘™"...I couldn't escape until it's night time" Thanatos said.I was just studying his expressions while he was talking, he doesn't seem like he's lying."Baby, I didn't run away, I looked for you when I arrived at Mexico that night...I tried to reach you with Clark's phone but couldn't..."Hmm, from his explanation he didn't purposely ignored my calls, his phone was confiscated."...I really did look for, I wanted to apologize for not being able to accompany you to the hospital as we agreed. I..."Well, as for him not being able to find me, I think I'm to blame for that. I left Mexico that day, I thought he abandoned me so I left."...I'm really sorry, baby"I nodded. "What about the lady you're supposed to marry? What happened to her?" I asked. "I don't know""You don't know?"He shook his head, he opened his mouth to speak but stopped himself...he hesitated for some seconds before he spoke."I guess Henry got married to her instead""What's her name? How classy is
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Chapter 20
Thanatos pov I watched as Jasmine swing her hips towards the door angrily, she shut the door behind her in a very loud bang.A sigh left my mouth as I thought about her words, I should have tried harder to look for her.Then it dawned on me, she's going to pick up our son from school... I should follow her.I snatched my car keys from the table and head out, Elvis met me halfway out and greeted me with a small bow."Mr O'Briens, are you heading out?" I simply nod, my eyes scanned the place quickly, all the employees are working efficiently...Good! They got the message this morning."Right, starting now, don't make Jasmine do too much work!""Yes, sir" he replied and I headed out.She's already had so much to worry about, I mean taking care of our son alone doesn't look like a very easy job.When I stepped out of the restaurant, I saw her getting in a cab... I also got in my car."Where are we headed, Mr O'Briens?" Peter asked me."Quick, follow that cab!" I said urgently."Yes, sir
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