All Chapters of His Forbidden Human Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
36 Chapters
Chapter 11
*Keera*"Gotta admit," Lexi said in awe as we looked around the lab. She turned to face me, an impressed look on her face. "They did a pretty good job." I waved my hand dismissively even though I silently agreed with her. The lab was definitely more than what I'd been expecting. I took a look around as we stepped further inside. I was certain that they'd gotten almost every equipment that we'd asked for. I touched the counters with my forefinger, feeling for dust and discovering none.Okay, I was really impressed.Lexi turned on the lights, illuminating the room even more than it already had been. I walked around the room, noting that they had provided the swabs, lab coats, head rest, autopsy table and blades that we'd asked for. I walked around the counter to where Lexi stood in front of a small cupboard. We pulled out the drawers and found goggles, dissection kits, gloves, specimen and evidence jars, envelopes, packets and a bunch of other stuff. There were lab coats hanging on a me
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Chapter 12
*Grayson*"She was a complete mess when we first found her," Nyx stated as we entered the house. Ria and I had been on patrol with a few of the pack warriors when we'd gotten a call that there was some kind of situation down at Tala's house. It turned out that her mother had almost driven a wooden stake through her heart and killed herself. I frowned as Nyx closed the door behind us before coming to walk us to where the woman sat on the couch, tears streaming down her eyes.I felt my heart drop to the pit of my stomach as my wolf howled inside of me.It was just like I was reliving that morning all over again. We'd gone to inform her that we'd discovered her daughter in an alley and that she was no longer with us. Sarah and Will had been so distraught that morning and I could vividly remember that Sarah had been thrashing and screaming for almost the entire day. Ginny had stayed with her for a few days before she'd calmed down.I pulled a seat close and sat down directly across from S
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Chapter 13
*Keera*I should have been scared. Any human in their right senses would have been scared, especially when his eyes had outrightly flashed gold, his wolf threatening to take over. Luckily, I wasn't any human. Grayson had another thing coming if he thought he could make me bend to his every will. I was more than ready to face his wolf if I absolutely had to. He had no right dishing out orders like I was some lowly member of his pack he could command. "Why are you so bent on acting stubborn?" He asked, sounding a lot like he really wanted to know. I twisted in his grip, trying to free myself from him. Rather than let go of me, he raised my other arm above my head with his free hand and held my wrists even more firmly. "What on earth gives you that much courage?" I barely stopped myself from cursing at him.I took a calming breath for the thousandth time since I met this insufferable man. There was no use struggling and trying to get out of his grip on my own. Even I knew that I was no
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Chapter 14
*Grayson*"Where's your mother?" I asked the pup currently clutching my legs. I looked around, trying to see if anyone was coming after him. When no one appeared in sight, I furrowed my eyebrows, lifting the little boy and holding him in my arms. Keera's words from earlier about ensuring that the pack was more aware of their families echoes in my mind. I hadn't admitted then and I still wasn't ready to admit it now, but she had been right. Everyone was so used to the pack being safe that they were finding it difficult being extra cautious.Even with their pups apparently.I was about to ask Ria if she knew who the pup's mother was when a talk blonde came running towards me. She glared at the pup in my hand, and then stood with her head bowed, not meeting my eyes. I shook my head disappointedly, leaning forward so I could transfer the little boy to her arms. "You might not find him so easily next time." I said simply, moving to continue my walk with Ria. Even the goddess knew that I was
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Chapter 15
*Keera*I didn't think it was possible to be in my line of work and not develop a few people skills. Like the ability to read people for example. It was something I had really gotten good at over time. Which was why despite the fact that Grayson tried to hide it, I knew from the second he pulled open the door that he wasn't happy to see me. I just didn't know why it pissed me off so much. I bit down on my lower lip, reminding myself that I'd promised myself on my way here that we weren't going to another one of our infamous arguments. I was determined to keep that promise. He gripped the side frame of the door with one hand, the other one still holding on to the door knob. I watched as his eyes dropped to the home made food in my hands. His features displayed his surprise. I held the food tighter, studying him. It had devastated everyone when we found another body. Even more painful was the fact that it had been someone Ginny had been close to.She'd been a bit unsteady after discov
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Chapter 16
*Grayson*"I'm thinking of calling for reinforcement." I said to Ryan and Jax. We were seated in my office and my hands were folded on the desk as I tried to explain why I had come up with the idea in the first place. I'd already placed a call to the Alpha of one of the packs nearby and he'd assured me that he was going to do whatever he could to help. Ryan and Jax met each other's gaze for a spell before turning to me. "We've lost a total of fifteen people now." I reminded them, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I want the killer found and apprehended immediately." Ryan leaned forward in his seat, shooting me a concerned look. "We want the same thing," He said calmly. "Of course we do." He seemed to be contemplating his next words carefully. "But I'm not sure what you hope to achieve by calling in reinforcement from some other pack." Jax echoed that he felt the same way. I groaned, wishing that they would understand.Didn't they get it?I tapped my knuckles on the desk a little impat
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Chapter 17
*Keera*"Fuc-fudge!" I yelled as I turned, barely stopping myself from throwing the coffee in my hand away in fright. The little girl responsible for scaring me in the first place was kneeling on one of the dining chairs, her upper body bent over the table. Her blonde hair was tied in cute pigtails, a bright pink headband the same color as her shirt resting on her head. She had big dark eyes and they were no doubt focused on me.She looked a little around six years old. "You scared me." I said a little harshly.She blinked once, tilting her head.I looked around the kitchen, past the dining space and into the living room for any sign of the person she had come with. Seeing no one, I frowned slightly as I picked up some tissue and dabbed at the slosh of coffee that had splashed on my hands. I trashed the tissue and then picked my coffee back up, resting against the fridge as I turned to stare at her.She was still looking so intently at me.My frown reappeared as I brought the mug to my
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Chapter 18
*Grayson*I didn't do this often. Eardrop, that is. Usually I'd always been the type to mind my business and not give a fuck what anyone else was up to. Which was why I was a little surprised that I was standing stealthily by the foot of the stairs, using my abilities to listen in on the conversation going on in the dining area. From what I could make out, Keera, Kathryn and Lexi were the only members of the team who weren't present in the discussion. It was just Josie and Joe talking. I could definitely see how Keera wouldn't be present anyway.She was the topic of discussion after all."She's not exactly as cold as I thought she was," Josie was saying a little warmly. My eyebrows rose at that. It was very easy to see why anyone's first guess on meeting Keera was that she was cold. She wasn't exactly the laughing playing around type. She hardly even smiled at anyone. What I really found surprising was Josie's statement that she wasn't as cold as she'd earlier thought.Keera might hav
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Chapter 19
*Keera*I turned off the cooker, moving my pancakes from the pan to a flat plate. It was still a little early but I had a few things I needed to do personally before going on with the day's activities. Like reply to a few emails for one. I'd asked someone else to cover for me at work for the meantime. Well, Trevor had asked. And she was going to be paid extra but still. I couldn't shake off the fact that the case had first been assigned to me so I'd asked that she keep me in the loop. I pushed the button on the coffee maker, watching as the coffee began flowing into my cup. I rubbed my eyes, feeling a dull ache in my head from lack of sleep during the night. I'd just kept replaying the entire meeting over and over again in my head. I'd thought I'd imagined it at first but it was becoming more and more obvious that Ria didn't like the fact that humans were in the pack. Or more specifically, she didn't like the fact that I was in the pack.And I didn't even know her personally.I wonde
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Chapter 20
*Grayson*The pack had been more than a little busy the last two days. I'd asked Keera and her team to pause whatever plan they had set in motion until we were done with the bonfire ritual. I didn't need them upsetting anyone or poking any wounds since the ritual was already emotional and a bit upsetting as it was. More than that, it was also a way of having them show some respect for our dead.I haven't even been in the house for more than an hour in the past two days. A lot of preparations were being made. Fifteen people had died in total. The council had to pay a collective visit to each of the affected families, bearing a lot of consolation gifts. It was the first step to kick the ritual in motion. We'd covered fourteen of the victims when I'd decided to come back home to freshen up and get a few things.The last victim was Sam.And since he had no family, we'd all decided that we were going to pay our respects to Ginny instead. He had always said she was like the daughter he'd ne
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