All Chapters of Mated In Chaos : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
Chapter 41
ElaraI get ready for class. I wear a backless dress and heels. I carry my new bag and go outside. I find Lou waiting for me in the living area, wearing an impeccable suit as usual." My lady," he bows." Good morning, Lou. You don't have to drive me to uni. I can call a cab while I wait for my car," I tell him. He scowls." A cab? No, my lady. I can't allow that," he insists on taking my bag. Lou leads me to my husband's private garage. There are so many different types of cars. He has a fine taste in cars. Lou picks a sedan and opens the door for me. I drop my gaze to my phone when it beeps. Solena asks where I am, or if I'm attending school today. I text her back.We reach the school parking lot, and he opens the door for me." Shall I walk you in, Lady Crawford," Lou asks. Lady Crawford. It has a good ring to it. His words suddenly made me feel better. The slight heartache I felt earlier vanishes. I smile at him," No, I'll wait for my friends and we'll go in together," I say. He o
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Chapter 42
ElaraI was happy the rest of the day. I couldn't wait to get home and see my husband. Lou was already waiting for me in the parking lot when my classes ended. I smiled at him as I got in the car." Good evening, Mrs Crawford,"There... He did it again. There is something about being called Mrs Crawford that sends warmth to my body." Good evening, Lou,"I notice that as we drive. We don't go to the penthouse. I narrow my gaze. I'm not too familiar with this area of the pack." Lou, where are we going?" I ask." The boss asked me to take you to his location for your date night," he answers. My heart almost leaps from my chest. Date night! Zuriel granted my request!" Date? I need to change my clothes, Lou," The butler only nods and does a U-turn abruptly. A yelp almost leaves my lips." Lou!"" I'm sorry, my lady. I'll take you home to change into new clothes," he says." I hope Zuriel doesn't get mad at us, especially you for not following his orders,"" You are my boss, too," he i
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Chapter 43
ElaraHis sister, his elder sister—the words resound in my head. My husband is calm and at peace. " I didn't know you had a sister," I say gently. He sighs and gulps his drink. " Her name is Eloise. You remind me of her," he says, scowling. Eloise, I practice her name on my tongue. " Reminds you of me?"" Yes. She's fierce, stubborn... Stubborn," I smile as he continues to point out our similarities. " Are you two close?" I ask." We used to be," Zuriel signals for the waiter to come, and he does. He asked for a more potent drink. The waiter leaves, and I stare at my husband, waiting for him to tell me more. After a moment of silence, he continues. " Eloise was my biggest bully, yet my strongest defender. She protected me from my father's harsh punishment," His father. Zuriel had never mentioned his father. He doesn't even bear his name. Crawford is his mother's surname. I wonder what happened. Harsh punishments, he said? Was his father abusive to him? However, I have to be caref
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Chapter 44
Connor I was raging with anger. My wolf is getting weaker as our mate fucks that fucking man every damn time. I growl and curse when I feel the pain in my chest. Elara is very happy with life. I need to get her back. I don't care who her husband is. My uncle enters the cottage, and as soon as his eyes find me, they well with sympathy. I don't want his pity. I need to know what he has found out about my mate. " Where is she?" I ask urgently. He hesitates a bit and gives me a black envelope. I open it slowly, and what I see there breaks my heart. " They are back from their honeymoon," Uncle sighs. He goes to the fridge and gets two bottles of beer. He turns on the TV. The pictures in the envelope only upset me more. They are acting like a real couple, smiling and holding hands as they walk. " This is stupid." " Not really. They are married," Uncle says. I glare at him, but he is not fazed. All this time, I was comforting myself that their wedding was only for show. They wanted
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Chapter 45
River had nothing to say, closing and opening her mouth. I had her. What reason does she have to stay with us when she stated it hurt to see us together? She tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and bats her lashes at my husband. I growl but cover it with a cough. " I'm scared I'll be lonely there. I'm used to staying in the penthouse with you, and the servants are just good to me," she says. I narrow my gaze at her. "There are literally so many people there. How could you be lonely? And you're clearly hurt seeing us together," I snap. " Well, I will tame my emotions better. I will, I promise what happened tonight won't repeat itself," she promises, this time looking at me. I take in a soft breath and lean towards my husband, who holds me kindly. " I'll talk to my therapist about it, and we'll see what she advises," she says. I glance up at Zuriel. His handsome face shows concern. I nod to River. " Let's go. You need to rest," he tells me. We bid goodbye to River and leave t
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Chapter 46
Elara" How do you feel?" I ask him. I was sure it was jealousy, but he wouldn't admit it." I'm unfamiliar with the emotion," he sighs. He truly does function like a robot. He is slow-witted when it comes to human emotions." Describe how you feel exactly, and we can come up with a conclusion," I tell him. He glances at me, and I can't help but smile. Zuriel is just so handsome. He frowns." Well, I have a knot in my stomach when I see him near you, and I feel like punching him when he touches you or vice versa," he explains." Have you felt that way before?" I ask, rubbing my chin in thought. He nods." Yes, when you were with the gardener on our honeymoon," he shrugs." He's a tour guide. And I've reached a diagnosis,"He furrows his eyebrows, his eyes waiting for my answer," Don't keep me in suspense. Tell me," he urges. " You're jealous because you like me," I tell him. Zuriel doesn't deny he likes me, and I'm pleased." Jealous," he murmurs, and I nod." What is she doing to me
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Chapter 47
I knew the moment the words left my lips, that I messed up. I could have controlled my emotions better. Zuriel stills in me and raises his head from my neck. " Never repeat those words to me again," he whispers. It is like a bridge that has been made between us just crumples. He gets out of me and sits on the edge of the bed. I sit upright, my gaze on his bare back. He runs a hand through his locks. Several times, I open my mouth to speak but I don't produce words. " I - I- it just came out. I'm sorry," I whisper, my voice shaking. He turns his head to me and without saying a word, puts on his pants and shirt before leaving the room. " Fuck, Fuck!" I scream as the door shut. I feel tears well in my eyes. Zuriel was cold towards me after I confessed, even though it was a mistake. Why doesn't he like to hear it? I lie in bed awake, hoping he'll come back. He didn't. The next day, I woke up bright and early. I scanned the room to see if Zuriel had come after he left, but there wa
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Chapter 48
Determined to talk to him, I follow him out. He is standing against the tall window, watching the sky. " We have to talk, Zuriel," Zuriel growls in frustration and turns to me angrily. He is growling at me, but I stand my ground. Ara was right. He needs to know the truth whether he wants to hear it. " I said what I said. I meant it. I love you, Zuriel," I say firmly, looking into his penetrating gaze. He seems a little shocked I'd say it again. That I'm confirming it. " We are losing ourselves in this marriage. It wasn't part of the plan," he looks distraught, running a hand through his hair. " What plan? There was no plan, Zuriel!" I shout. " Mine. You are not supposed to love me!" he retorts. " Well, I do," I say firmly. " You don't know what you speak of," he whispers, looking away from me. " I do. I love you. I've been in love with you before I understood what love was," I confess. No, he shakes his head. No, he chants over and over. What was his problem with my
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Chapter 49
Elara I woke up late the next morning. I slept on the floor. My whole body was sore. I exhale and get ready for my day. Zuriel didn't come back to the room after he left. Is he with River? I wonder. I feel hurt in my heart at the thought of that. I look in the mirror. My eyes are big and red, a clear sign I cried a lot. This morning, I decided I wouldn't let what happened with Zuriel last night affect me. He wants to live separately, fine by me. I take a long hot shower to relax my muscles and then fix my messy hair and makeup. I wear a floral white sundance dress and sandals. Tonight is the night my family and friends come for dinner. I start by confirming with them if they'll attend. I call Khai. It's been a while since we spoke. " Hello," he answers the phone gruffly. " Bad mood?" " No, I'm busy. What is it, Elara," " Are you coming for dinner tonight?" I ask. He stays silent for a moment. " I can't make it. Bryon is visiting, and it's not right to leave him alone," h
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Chapter 50
"What do you mean by that?" River growls. Her fist clenches, and her eyes flash dangerously. She is growling at me, barring her teeth. Did I hit a nerve? Was I right? " I don't buy your story, River. I don't believe any of it," I let out what I was thinking all along. I might be onto something because she is agitated. " I lost a child!" she barks, " I didn't lie about what happened," " Then you have nothing to worry about," I shrug. " I'm not worried. You should be. I came back for Zuriel, and he will be mine," she promises. I won't let that vixen get Zuriel. " He's my husband, we are married," " Marriages end all the time. And yours won't last, especially with last night's argument. Whatever happened, I know you freaked him out," she laughs and walks past me. " I won't sit back and let you destroy my marriage. Soon, you're leaving this house. Don't get too comfortable," I promise. I know that would be a little hard because of the guilt Zuriel carries. She glares at me, b
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