All Chapters of High School Of Paranormals : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
112 Chapters
Adrian held Audrey in his arms and she just disappeared surprising him. "Where's Audrey?" Lucia asked "She just disappeared." Adrian answered with fear mixed with surprise. "Oh." "You're not worried?" Adrian asked"She's fine, I guess her body couldn't handle the pressure anymore. I have to go." Lucia said"Sybil is dead Audrey killed her." Adrian said"We'll get back to that, I need to see my daughter." Lucia said"You know where she is please take me there." Adrian said."No one other than..." Lucia sighed and said "If she wakes up I promise I'll ask you to come." Lucia said "Wendy make sure anyone injured is taken to the infirmary." Lucia ordered "Yes, your Majesty.""Take Sybil's body to the hospital." Lucia said"Of course." Wendy answered"And the guards?" Wendy asked"Arrest them." "Your Majesty we found Gina Peterson here." One of the guards reported"Just find somewhere to keep her. I'll deal with it later." Lucia said leaving.Leo and Greta was rushed to the school's
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Two months later Audrey had been training relentlessly. She and Adrian had been training for the task ahead which was to rescue Damon her father."Okay, that's enough training for today." Lucia said "Oh I'm so exhausted." Audrey complained."Here." Adrian said handing her a bottle of water."Thanks."After dinner Adrian and Audrey returned to their room."Are you sure we're going to be able to do this?" Adrian asked"We have to try, mum wants us to." Audrey said"I know, but..." "Adrian don't worry everything would be fine." Audrey said. "I hope so, but I'm glad there are no more monster attacks at least now we can sleep peacefully, and I wouldn't have to worry about my girlfriend putting herself in danger." "Were you really worried?" Audrey asked "Of course." Adrian said "I love you Adrian." Audrey said "Love you too princess." "Good night." Audrey said kissing him. "Good night." ****"Hey." "Hey Clark." Josephine said and Clark sat beside her. "How are you feeling?" Clar
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Audrey was confused as to what to do. Her mother told her her magic would open the tomb but it didn't. Audrey took a deep breath and tried again but this time something beeped green like one of a lock, had been unlocked. Leaving one more. "Your mom never mentioned anything about a sequential lock? How are we going to figure the next code?" Adrian asked "Wait what's this?" Audrey said touching it and immediately she could see her blood flowing into the tomb. "Audrey get your hands off that thing." Adrian said"I can't if I do the trigger would go off." Audrey said"But... Audrey I know you really want to do this but we have ten minutes left." "All the more reason we should do this and get the hell out of here. I just need a little more time." Audrey said "There is no little more time Audrey, we could all be trapped here who knows what your grandfather would do to us." Adrian said"Just two more minutes if the alarm blares then we're out of here." Audrey said"Fine." Soon the se
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"What did he do to you?" Audrey asked"He... He wanted to kill me." Lucian answered"Enough lies father." Damon said angrily"Damon I'm sorry, please just... Just come back home both of you. You don't belong in the human world." Lucian said "That's non of your business." Damon said "Okay, both of stay the hell out of my mind I want to rest peacefully." Audrey said "Aurora..." Lucian called "Please don't call me that... I'm still finding it hard to believe I'm related to demons so please don't make this any harder than it already is." Audrey said"If you don't want me calling you Aurora then what do I call you?" Lucian asked"Call me Audrey." "Audrey." Lucian repeated"Please I don't want to be here anymore just let me go." Audrey said "Okay, I just want to tell you that my intentions are pure Audrey." Lucian said"That's for me to decide." Audrey said coming back to consciousness."Audrey, are you okay? You were breathing heavily and even sweating." Adrian asked "I'm fine, I gu
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Audrey opened the door to Lucia's room. "Audrey, how long have you been there?" "Long enough, and it's a good thing you called me Audrey. Mum what was that all about? Is it true? Did you both not really want a child?" Audrey asked. "Aurora it's not what you think?" Damon said"Then enlighten me father, please enlighten me cause I'm lost." Audrey said"And what was all that destiny stuff all about huh?" Audrey asked. "Audrey I'm sorry... I'm sorry I had to put you through this... There's still one truth I didn't tell you." Lucia said "Great." Audrey scoffed. "Please sit let's discuss this." Lucia said"I think I'll stand." Audrey retorted "Audrey, please, sit." Lucia pleaded "Fine, what is it?" Audrey asked "Actually, facing you like this isn't what I had in mind and I'm sorry." Lucia said"This is the third time your apologizing get on with it mum." Audrey said"Your father and I we... We fell in love with each other.""Mum... No staling just get to the point. I have other th
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That evening Damon felt compelled to take a short nap that's when he found his subconscious self staring at Lucian his father. "What do you want?" "You know you're at my mercy right now right?" Lucian asked with a smirk."In your dreams, what are you even talking about?" Damon asked"Your daughter, I'm taking her to our world. She has agreed to come with me." Lucian said "Aurora would never do that." Damon defended"But you're in it for a surprise, she agreed to come back with me and she's even leaving now after this discussion I'm taking her back.""You bastard what did you say to her?" Damon asked"What she needed to hear." Lucian said with a sly smile. "I'll see you soon I guess." "What do you plan on really doing to her?" Damon asked "You of all people should know what I plan on doing, I'm going to study her then I'll end her." Lucian said "You bastard." Damon yelled angrily."How's that for a manipulation. I was actually surprised she was so gullible." Lucian said "I will
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Audrey arrived at the alternate dimension she was surprised to actually get a full tour of the city. Her grandfather showed her around and it was so beautiful. Almost like the human world but their technology was kind of different."And well here I'm not so sure you'll like it here." Lucian said "Wait, it's a club isn't it?" Audrey asked "Something like that, but it's more complicated. Let's just check some place else." Lucian said Audrey was finally taken to the palace. She was given a little tour and Lucian promised to give her the rest of the tour the following day. "And lastly this is your room." Lucian said opening the door to a very beautiful room."Wow." Audrey said admiring the room. "It belongs to your grandmother for years I haven't had the courage to come here. But I think you should be comfortable here." Lucian said"Thanks grandpa." "No problem, sleep tight." Lucian said and Audrey smiled at him. Audrey's mind drifted back home to Adrian, she lied to him she didn't
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Audrey's door was busted open by two guards and Lucian walked in as well. "Audrey sweetheart are you okay?" Lucian asked "Yes, I'm fine why... Why did you burst into my room like that?" Audrey asked "The guards reported to me that it seems there's an intruder in your chambers I got worried." "Grandpa, the only intruders here right now is you and your guards." Audrey said with a smile."Are you sure?" Lucian asked with a suspicious look. "Yes grandpa, I was reading a book." Audrey said"Okay, get some rest." Lucian said leaving with his guards. Audrey felt suspicious of Lucian so she followed him after casting an invisibility spell it was a good thing her magic still worked. She didn't follow behind him directly, he is a high demon and he would surely know someone was tailing him so she followed at a distance. Lucian went into a place where swords and weapons were made. "How are the preparations coming along?" Lucian asked his subordinate."I'm sorry sire it's not ready." Neil
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Audrey returned back home with Adrian. "For a moment there I thought I was dreaming." "You weren't." Audrey said with a smile and Damon hugged her. "Did my father know you were leaving?" Damon asked "He didn't if he did I guess I would be taking your place in the tomb." Audrey said making Damon chuckle. "How did mum feel after I left?" Audrey asked "She was devastated, she thought she lost you again." "I'm sorry I made you both worry, but I had no choice." Audrey said "I didn't want to risk grandpa finding out about what I really had in mind. I got a surprise for you." Audrey said"What?" Damon asked "Come with me to my room." Audrey said taking Damon to her room. "I sense powerful magic here." "Indeed, while grandpa was busy making a new weapon to kill me I was busy looking for a weapon that could kill a powerful demon." Audrey said "Wait you found the ancient weapon? I always thought it was a myth." Damon asked surprised."Good thing grandpa kept me in grandma's room tu
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Two nights back Audrey was sleeping when her mind was invaded again. "What do you want grandpa?" Audrey asked"No hello? I was hoping you'd be sweet." "Sweet? When you were making a weapon to kill me you expect me to be sweet?" Audrey asked infuriated. "I see you're trying to manipulate her again, aren't you father?" Damon asked "Ah, Damon. I see your powers are slowly returning." Lucian said since Damon was able to come into Audrey's mind without his approval. "Stay away from my daughter." Damon said"It's too late, once my weapon is ready I'm coming to kill her." Lucian said to Damon."I see, which would be a day or two from now." Audrey said "Right." Lucian nodded "You want to settle this? Then let's finish this once and for all, you see this place?" Audrey said showing him a forest a bit farther from the city."This is where we'll end this." Audrey said"I'll grant your request since this is where you want to die. It might be full of trees but... It's nice." Lucian said "G
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