All Chapters of The Billionaire's Forbidden Wife: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
48 Chapters
31. The Fake Maid
A call came in on my phone as Richard and I, along with my bodyguards, were making our way towards Rachel's lounge. I glanced at it and saw that it was from General Victor Sanchez, a high-ranking military general who was leading the search for my kidnapped workers."General Victor," I said as I answered the call."Boss, the President has issued an official order to the troops," General Victor said."What does the order say?" I inquired."It's a recall. He wants them back at their camps within the hour," General Victor informed me."Why?" I stopped in my tracks and asked. The troops had been incredibly helpful so far, managing to rescue eight of my workers without having to pay any ransom, including the six-month-old baby."He claims there is a new threat that requires the troops to be redeployed elsewhere," General Victor explained. Samuel was quite close to both the President and Vice President. If there was a need to redeploy the troops, Samuel would have called me and informed me.
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32. The Accusation
On Monday morning, I was in my room at Eleanor's Mansion, getting dressed to go to the office. I had made the decision to spend the night at my mother's residence as her comforting words provided me solace and allowed me to regain my strength. This was necessary, especially since I had to maintain my brave facade despite what happened on Saturday night. A voice note came through on my phone, and Eleanor's voice reverberated in the room. "Bran, tune in to the cable News Web. It looks like your friend talked to the press last night about his recent findings on his missing daughter, and it was just announced as the next upcoming program," Eleanor said with excitement in her voice. I wondered why Samuel didn't call me to share the progress with me last night when he knew I was searching for Emma too. I quickly picked up the phone and, through the exit that was in my closet, rushed down to the main sitting room and tuned in to the Cable News. On the channel's Breakfast Bulletin, a progr
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33. End of BackStory
"I know that my daughter is with you. The very least you can do right now is to send her back to me. Do not push us to the brink!" Another message came in from Kaiden Harrison."I swear to God, if you fuck my fiancee, you'll spend the rest of your miserable life regretting it!" Slowly, I lifted my head and stared at Richard, who sat in front of me. Richard stood up, snatched the phone from my hand, and began to read the messages.After reading, Richard showed me a statement released by Kaiden Harrison on his verified social media account a few hours ago. In the post, Kaiden accused me of kidnapping and pledged to exact revenge. He even urged anyone using Zenith products, including phones, laptops, and Zenith phone lines, to discard them. Kaiden promised to bring in an investor from Finland who owned one of the most popular phone lines in the country. He also vowed to take me to court and ensure that Zenith Company lost its operating license.I slowly scrolled through the comments
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34. Eleanor's Mansion
Emma's narrative Coming out of the room where Rachel had held me captive for months was a monumental breakthrough for me, and I vowed that no one would ever confine me like that again.I glanced at Jake, one of Brandon's bodyguards that stood a few feet away, holding a phone to his ear. After a few minutes, Jake strolled over to the car I was in and rapped his fist on the window. Slowly, the window rolled down."I ain't going back to that estate. I want my son"! I reiterated what I had told them as soon as we arrived at the estate gate, prompting the chauffeur to pull over by the roadside."Take it easy, ma'am. I just called the boss. He said I should bring you to where he is," Jake said."Where's he at?" I asked nonchalantly."He's at Eleanor's mansion," Jake responded and motioned to the chauffeur."Please, turn around. The boss said we should take her to Eleanor's mansion," the bodyguard instructed, and the car began to turn."What about my son?" I inquired."Your son is at Eleano
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35. Who Ruined Brandon?
"Put the baby down and get the hell out of this room!" yelled Brandon, his voice filled with anger. I quickly placed the baby in the crib, but I couldn't make my way to the door as Brandon was standing in the doorway. After giving me an intense glare, Brandon stepped aside, allowing me to slowly exit the room. "Hey, listen up. Never come near this baby again, and if you even breathe a word about being kept in a secret room and pregnant with my child, I'll kick your ass! I swear to God!" Brandon bluntly warned me, his eyes narrowed menacingly. I stood rooted in place, staring at the stranger before me. "This evening, I'll be giving your dad a call and informing him that you have been found. So get ready, you're heading back to Malmo tonight," Brandon declared. "It's already past seven," I pointed out, searching for more evidence to confirm that Brandon had been replaced. The real Brandon would never allow me to undertake a journey at this hour of the day. "That's even more reason fo
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36. Had I known
I couldn't believe Rachel pulled that stunt in front of Brandon's bodyguards. I kept watching, waiting to see how Brandon would react. "Rachel, go home and wait for me. We'll talk when I get there," Brandon said, his tone surprisingly calm this time. "Brandon... please..." "Just go home," Brandon replied. "Can I take Julian?" Rachel asked. I tensed up, ready to intervene if Brandon actually agreed to her request. "No! Go home. We need to have a serious conversation tonight," Brandon said, hopping into the car. The chauffeur drove away immediately. Rachel stood frozen for a moment, staring at him. I noticed she appeared strangely calm, as if she was scared or something. She also seemed defeated. After a few minutes of standing there like a lost soul, she got into her car and drove off too. "Ma'am, you need to shower and get dressed. Your flight leaves at eight," the maid who had shown me to the room said. I headed straight to the bathroom and enjoyed a long, relaxing shower. The
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37. No Evidence to Back up My Story
"Rachel, you're gonna pay for everything you did to me! I swear to God!!! I'm gonna expose who you really are to the whole world!" I yelled out of frustration and hit her again."Brandon!" Rachel yelled back. None of the bodyguards surrounding us made a move. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my hand and gently released Rachel's hand that I had grabbed in the air, pushing me aside. When I turned around, it was Brandon."He locked me in a room for a whole nine months!" I shouted."You asked for trouble when you left Malmo and came here. I didn't invite you to my civil marriage because I didn't want any trouble!" Brandon shouted at me, and my head dropped in sadness."I didn't come for your civil marriage. I came to save you and… and..." I paused and closed my eyes. I couldn't tell him that I also came to find peace that only his presence offers me."And what? Brandon asked but I kept quiet. "Save me from who?" Brandon asked again. My head remained lowered."You idiot sneaked into my husband's
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38. Stop Spreading Lies
Brandon's gaze slowly narrowed dangerously as our eyes remained locked. "I know my wife is your enemy and you want nothing more than to destroy her reputation, just like you did to mine! Stop spreading lies about her. Nobody knows her better than me. Going around telling people she's part of the Phoenix Brigade is not gonna fly!" "Brandon!" Eleanor yelled at her son, and my lips tightened as I stood up while Brandon turned to leave the room. "Brandon, I'm sorry for sneakin' into your bedroom on your fake wedding night. Please find it in your heart to forgive me. By the way, have you seen Susan, one of your workers whose grandchild got kidnapped ten months ago?" I asked. "She was found dead at his estate gate ten months ago," Eleanor quickly replied. "Why are you asking about her? You wanna ruin her reputation too?" Brandon asked, not bothering to look at me. As he continued walking away, my question stopped him once again. "What about her grandchild?" I asked, my voice breaking w
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39. Emma's Spell
Brandon Henderson's Narrative Rachel emerged from the bathroom after what felt like a two-hour soak and endless gossip with her friends. She slipped into a sultry set of lingerie, moving with a sexy sway. I lay on the bed, my hand propped under my head, watching her, but my mind was elsewhere. I was in a different world. I snapped back to reality when she straddled my body, her hands gliding teasingly over my chest as a seductive smile danced on her lips. "I'm ready to have our own little bundle of joy," Rachel announced, grabbing my full attention. I turned my head slowly, eyeing her curiously and wondering what had gotten into her. Why was she suddenly acting like a nice wife? "What made you change your mind?" I asked, struggling to clean up the mess of thoughts in my head. It was evident in my tone that I was still bothered by the way she lied to me about Emma's whereabouts. "You love Julian so much, don't you?" Rachel chuckled, her words laced with a mischievous underton
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40. The Surprise
Emma's Narrative I was drying my long, blonde hair with a hand dryer after my bath. The white towel I had tied around myself barely covered my round bottom. Suddenly, a familiar scent filled the entire room - a nostalgic aroma of Swedish caviar. I turned my head and saw Brandon staring at me. Our gazes locked, and my hand hung in the air.I called it a nostalgic scent because when I was a child, I used to eat it every morning. Brandon wouldn't stop making it for me before I went to school. When Brandon graduated and got a job as a school teacher, he would always make Swedish caviar for me before work. However, when he left Malmo, I avoided anything that reminded me of him, including eating Swedish caviar.Brandon critically scanned me and settled his gaze on my hair. If things had been the way they used to be between us, he would have taken the hand dryer from me to dry my hair. The only thing Brandon didn't do for me as an adult was bathe me. Otherwise, he did virtually everything
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