All Chapters of Love, Life, and Other Stuff: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
51 Chapters
Chapter 21
After playing soccer for a few hours, the game broke up. Going over to the side of the field, Shea rooted through her bag for a small towel to wipe the sweat from her face. “Good hustle out there,” Troy said as he came up beside her. “Thanks,” she said, smiling at him. “If only there were a way to run around and play without getting so sweaty.” “I didn’t think ladies like you sweated,” he said, teasing her. “I thought you glowed.” She laughed at him and shook her head. “Nope, this is one hundred percent genuine sweat,” she said, putting her towel down and taking out her water bottle. Opening it, she took a few swallows, then asked, “How often do you do this?” “I tend to come here every week,” he said, taking out his water bottle and opening it. “Impressive,” she said, nodding. “I may have to join you. I had fun today.” He smiled at her and said, “I’d like that.” She smiled back at him and said, “Me too.” After a moment, he cleared his throat and said, “Didn’t
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Chapter 22
“You will never believe what happened to me at work today,” Addy said when she walked in the door. Silence greeted her. She looked around at the empty apartment and sighed. “Hello?” she called out. “Anyone home?” The apartment remained silent. Shrugging, she kicked her shoes off and said, “I guess I’m talking to myself, then.” Picking up her shoes, she hobbled into her bedroom to change her clothes. She sat in the chair wearing her pajamas when Brooklyn came home from her shift at the coffee shop. Addy soaked her sore feet in a tub of warm, sudsy water, had cucumber slices over her eyes, and her earbuds in her ears. After taking her shoes and apron off, Brooklyn padded toward Addy and softly called out, “Can you hear me? Are you awake?” Addy didn’t stir at first, but when Brooklyn drew closer, she reached up and removed the cucumber slices from her eyes. Seeing her roommate, she tugged the earbuds from her ears and stepped out of the soaking tub onto the towel sh
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Chapter 23
Brooklyn and Addy stared at Shea after telling them she’d spent the day playing soccer in the park with Troy. Brooklyn spoke first, shaking her head and asking, “Troy? The new guy downstairs? That Troy?” Shea grinned and nodded her head. “That shameless guy who flirted with all of us at the welcome party?” Addy asked, her nose wrinkled. “That Troy?” Shea nodded once more and said, “He’s really not that bad once you spend time with him and get to know him.” Addy shook her head and said, “I don’t know. He seemed pretty douchy to me.” Shea shook her head and said, “He was a perfect gentleman with me today. In fact, we made plans to go out to dinner next weekend.” Brooklyn looked at her with her eyebrows raised. “So, do we have another building romance, then?” she asked. Shea grinned and glanced away before she shrugged and said, “I don’t know right now.” “Speaking of building romances, I wonder how Kendall and Lewis are doing?” Addy mused. “That’s right!” Shea sa
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Chapter 24
“May I speak to Lydia, please?” Addy asked into her phone nervously, bringing her finger to her mouth. Shaking her head, she put her hand down and frowned as she listened. “And who may I say is calling?” the receptionist asked. “Let her know it’s… Allison,” she said, closing her eyes. The receptionist placed her on hold to see if Lydia would take her call. Addy waited, pacing the floor of her bedroom. After what felt like forever, Addy finally heard, “This is Lydia. What do you want, Allison?” Clearing her throat, Addy took a deep breath before saying, “I want to talk to you about what you know about Barto attacking young women. I think you know a little something about that.” Addy heard silence on the other end for so long she thought Lydia had hung up. She was about to ask if Lydia was still on the line when she heard a sigh. “Meet me at the cafe around the corner from the studio at four,” Lydia told her. Then the line went dead. Addy pulled the phone away f
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Chapter 25
“This club is jumping!” Addy said over the music. Nodding, Brooklyn said, looking around at the inside of the club and said, “The review looks promising.” “I’ll drink to that!” Shea said, holding up her drink. “Same!” Kendall called out, raising her glass. The four women clinked their glasses together before taking a drink. “Also, let’s toast to how fine we all look in our new outfits,” Shea said, stepping back from the table to pose. “Here, here!” Addy called out, raising her glass. They all took another drink. “I’d also like to propose a toast to getting the word out there about Barto,” Brooklyn said, leaning toward her friends to be heard. “Here, here!” Addy called out, raising her glass. After they had taken another drink, Addy put down her glass and said, “I’m happy that Lydia could get more witnesses for the article as well.” Brooklyn nodded and said, “When news of the article broke, more women contacted Bonnie to tell their stories. I don’t think he’l
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Chapter 26
Brooklyn turned to Steve with wide eyes, and her mouth dropped open. “You have a girlfriend?” she asked. He shifted from side to side and reached up to rub the back of his head. “Well, we’re not really together right now,” he said. After a stunned pause, Brooklyn said, “Either you are, or you aren’t. There is no really not in this case.” When he didn’t respond, she shook her head. “You know what?” she asked. “I’m not playing that game tonight. I came here to have fun with my friends. Not get suckered by a guy who can’t keep it in his pants. Get lost, jerk.” “But Brooklyn, it’s not like that,” Steve said, trying to explain himself. Brooklyn shook her head and said, “No, I don’t want to hear anything more from you.” She turned around, putting her back to him. Picking up her drink, she drained the cup. Turning to him, she gave him the glass, saying, “Thanks for the drink.” He took the glass, then looked at her for a moment. She turned back to the table, staring
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Chapter 27
Steel Gaze returned to the stage, warming up before continuing the concert. “Let’s go down and dance,” Shea said, moving to the music. Addy nodded and said, “Come on, ladies! Let’s get our groove on!” The four friends went down to the dance floor to dance to the music. Shea maneuvered her way forward until they stood in front of the stage, dancing. The singer noticed and grinned down at them. Everyone but Brooklyn grinned back at him. She glared at him, but he didn’t seem to notice. Turning to her friends, she ignored the band for the rest of the set. Once the band finished their last song, the singer said, “Thank you, everyone, for coming out tonight! It has been a great club opening, and we’re grateful for them to hire us to play for you all!” The crowd cheered, and he continued, “My name is Cort. On bass is Ells. On drums is Bryant. And Bradford is our one and only DJ.” After each introduction, the crowd cheered again. Each guy took a bow when Cort introduced t
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Chapter 28
“You! You’re the one who ruined my life!” Brooklyn looked up in surprise from the counter where she’d been taking an inventory of the pastries. A familiar-looking, dark-haired guy was storming toward her. She stepped back from the counter, reaching into her apron pocket for her cellphone in case she needed to call for help. He stopped when he reached the counter and glared at her, his hands balled into fists at his sides. “What?” Brooklyn croaked out in a strangled voice. Clearing her throat, she asked again. “What are you talking about? I don’t think I’ve ever met you.” He stared at her, his nostrils flaring. Then he reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out his phone, typing furiously into it. Finding what he was looking for, he held the phone up for her to look at. “So, you’re telling me that this isn’t your article?” he asked, his dark eyes sparkling with anger. She took a small step forward to look at his phone and saw he had pulled up her article
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Chapter 29
When Brooklyn walked out of her room in the morning, she stopped in her tracks at what she saw. Addy sat at the kitchen table, already working on her laptop. A half-eaten muffin sat on a plate next to her, and her coffee mug looked neglected. “Why are you up so early?” Brooklyn asked, walking toward the kitchen. Addy gasped as she jumped in her chair, her wide eyes turning in Brooklyn’s direction. “You startled me,” she said, lifting her hand to cover her heart. “I didn’t expect anyone to be up this early.” Brooklyn looked at the clock and shook her head, saying, “I’m up at my usual time.” Addy turned to look at the clock, surprised. Then she shook her head. “I can’t have spent all that time on the computer this morning,” she said, looking back at the screen. “Time sure flies when you’re busy.” Walking over to the coffeepot, Brooklyn poured herself a mug, then grabbed a muffin before heading to the table. “What are you working on?” she asked, sitting across from h
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Chapter 30
Lewis climbed the stairs to the top floor, feeling nervous. “Why doesn’t this place have an elevator?” he muttered for the fifth time. Finally reaching the top floor, he made his way to Kendall’s apartment, trying to calm his nerves. “It’s just Kendall,” he muttered to himself. “You’ve hung out with her with no problems, so why are you so nervous now?” Pausing, he answered, “Because it’s a date now.” Stopping in front of her door, he swallowed, then knocked. He waited, looking up and down the hallway. She hadn’t answered, so he raised his hand to try again. The door opened, and Kendall greeted him with an enormous smile. His mouth dropped open as he looked at her and his fingers tightened on the single rose he held in his hand. Her smile dimmed as she saw his grip on the flower tighten, and she was afraid he might snap the stem in half. “You look great, Kendall,” he choked out. “Thanks,” she said, looking back into his eyes. “Here,” he said, holding out the
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