All Chapters of The Rejected Luna Revenge : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
45 Chapters
Chapter 31
Alan believed Simon's words but he didn't want to show it in there and he hated the fact that he met someone he didn't want to meet ever in his life again."Why would he remain in there, he's not supposed to be in there, I should have released him long ago. If the council hears of this they would feel bad and quickly let him go and that man can be a threat to the throne... How about I just kill him in the dungeons, that way he would never leave the dungeons" Alan's words were just to himself, he has raging thoughts because of Scott. He summoned the guards and ordered, "Get all the servants out here, I need to know the validity of Simon's words" The maids and servants all dashed out of their quarters."What's all this about?" Reyna asked as she approached Alan."Stay out of this, you need to head back inside. I don't need you here" Alan kept a firm look on his face."Why's that?" Reyna knew that Alan would find the truth and would hate her forever because she caused him to send his B
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Chapter 32
The Elder was a bit astonished knowing that the maid involved was one of the young pups in the pack, he knew her for her manner of service."Well, your Alpha here killed a maid to prove a point... To make everyone scared" Simon wouldn't back down from the fight, knowing that he had to say the right words to make Alan pay for putting him in the dungeon for a crime he didn't commit."Is this true Alpha Alan?" I signed wearing a smile on my face, I couldn't deny the fact they the Alpha held his smile."Of course, she deserves to die for allowing herself to be used by the Luna" Alan retorts wearing a smile on her face, she couldn't deny the fact that this wasn't meant for her."Why didn't you vent your anger in your house? You took a young lady's life, you'll have to pay for what you did" The Elder wasn't joking knowing how much a life meant to the pack but Alan killed her out of proportion to prove a point to the maids, guards,, and everyone present in the whole building."I'm the Alpha
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Chapter 33
"You don't have to get yourself worked up about Reyna" Simon chuckles wondering why Alan gulped cup of whiskey after cup of whiskey. He was tensed and he tried to ease off his tension with the whiskey but he couldn't."She did what she did to protect herself" Simon stutters as Alan disagrees with his words, belching loudly."To the detriment of a dead maid and six soldiers," Simon knew that Reyna committed a grave crime but he was tasked with the responsibility of protecting Reyna as per Freya's wish."You killed the maid" Simon retorts, "And you killed the guards" Alex had to make him feel like I wasn't the only one that killed."You made me kill them because I protected the Elder you were about to send to the dungeon, I couldn't stand and let that happen" Simon had his line of defense for the soldiers he killed."Well I killed that maid to protect my interest because I felt deceived and I should have killed Reyna in the same manner" Alan had his reasons.Why would mere subjects de
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Chapter 34
"Thank you so much Elder" Simon felt so thrilled wondering how Scott would feel when he got out of those bars. He would see the earth and feel the warmth of nature again."I'll be awaiting your arrival at the throne room" Simon felt so happy at this point knowing that Scott would get what he wanted and he would be able to deal with Alan a bit before he controlled him."Can I ask you a question, on Simon?" The Elder kept his eyes glued on Simon as he turned to listen to his question."Yes of course" Simon conceded to his words."What do you think would happen when Scott gets out?... He's coming for Alan's head that I can bet my life on that because if your words are true and Alan kept him in there for a crime he didn't commit. Scott's our for revenge" Elder affirmed his words as Simon hoped that this wouldn't stop him from proposing his release at the council meeting."So what are you saying?" Simon inquired, "I'll try and see what I can do but I'm not promising that Alan would let S
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Chapter 35
"How do you want me to achieve that?"Alan was lost in his own thoughts.You can do that""The Elder wants to have him released, you agree with the Elder's words on the terms and conditions that he would fight in a duel that could leave him incapable of many things. Make sure you tell the men to target his bones and not just his face, when his legs are shattered he'll return to the wheelchair" Simon suggested as Alan felt very impressed, knowing that this plan would work out knowing how natural it was."Simon where did you get this brilliant idea from?" Alan inquired, wondering if he was working with Scott on this."I can't help it because I don't want a situation where I would be choosing whose side I would be on" Alan realized that Simon was made to choose between his side or that of Scott."Once he's out of that cell he's coming for your head and the throne" Simon added, "Many would think that you'll be the Alpha if I ever get dethroned" Alan cackles."He's going to be the Alpha wh
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Chapter 36
"What are you talking about?""The rogues have attacked the fort again and this time they're gaining over the sentinels, we need reinforcement" The guards divulged,"Guards!!!" He roared, Alpha Rowland was ready to take all his guards down to the borders to stand against the rogues."I suggest you don't do that, what if it's a planned ambush?" Freya retorts as she downed the wine in her cup."What are you saying, Freya?""You heard me right, what if it's a planned attack? What if you're their main target? If you go down there, they can mount all their forces and get to you which would be the victory they want" Freya expressed her mindset."What do you intend to do?""Allow them into the pack, and have them subdued within our territory and we would be the one laying the ambush making sure no one escapes, one definitely would live to tell the story. Everyone would get scared of you and you would know how everyone feels when you massacre rogues" Freya suggested, Alpha Rowland agreed to h
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Chapter 37
"He's right, I'll be back" Akira wanted a private conversation with me."I know you're afraid of Alan, if he wants you dead you don't have to sound like it's the end of the world for you... You have to be ready to face your fears after all he's a man and you were his woman" Freya couldn't deny the fact that I wanted to make this worthwhile for her."He rejected me and made my best friend his mate" Freya sighed wearing a grin on his face, She hated Alan, and seeing him would bring back memories."Yes I know that but you have to move on with your life, he's nothing but a bitch for doing that" Akira had to assure her wearing a smile on his face, she knew Freya didn't deserve to be treated in this manner since she's known her to be wise and kind and a lot of things, so why would he trade her for another?."He doesn't have a reason for what he did yet he claims he loved you" Akira had to make Freya understand that one rejection wouldn't hurt her."I don't know what to tell you but let's lo
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Chapter 38
"How are you so sure of what you're saying?""You and I know that Freya was alive and living in the forest""Why would you do that to me?""I didn't know that""You don't have to lie to me, I won't get angry since Reyna did the right thing by Killin her, She used Freya to redeem herself from what she caused me to do, the life of the maid has been replaced, let's so see where she was buried""I know you're reluctant to go but I need you right by my side, I know you've had a soft spot for her so it's a bit painful to listen to the news of her death... She deserved to die because I knew the future could close its eyes on me with the threats of Freya""What if she was going to leave you for good by staying in the Forest" Simon asked, he wanted to know why they anticipated her death so much, he had to form this act to ease the tension. He understood that if he was the one that told Alam about Freya's death he would disagree with his words even if he went to show him the grave but he had n
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Chapter 39
"Nothing serious, just an old note from someone I used to love" Simon lied as he placed the letter deep in his pocket, he hoped that Alan wouldn't ask him to bring out the letter. This letter could salvage his whole plans and even lead to the death of Reyna because with this letter Alan would tell that Freya is alive and not dead."If you used to love someone, why don't you find someone to love at this point?" Alan emphasized this because he has Reyna, besides it's not only Reyna in the picture. Alan has a list of ladies with their purposes."I don't have anyone in my life right now so it's said to just be that I don't want to find a mate or something" Simon divulged,"I don't need your help in finding someone for me, I've got the best woman in the world, and her name's Freya, she makes me feel so special with her words and I hate not being with her to create memories with her" Simon mutters to himself wearing a smile on his face as he kept his eyes glued to Alan."Yes you don't want
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Chapter 40
Reyna waited for Simon to rally the guards and leave the mansion, She was a bit surprised that he took only three guards. What if it's a whole pack that helped Freya survive? Simon could get himself killed."Guards!!!""Go get me Scott, bring him to my chamber chained" The Chief guard accompanied by another guard hurriedly dashed out of the dungeons to bring him as per her instructions."I have to make myself look irresistible so he would have no choice but to accept the fact that I'm the best and I'm the one supposed to make him happy because he's been in there without a woman so this would be his opportunity to make love" Reyna chuckles at her thoughts she couldn't deny the fact that this was the only way she was going to achieve her plans. She wore a lingerie, a red one to match her pantyhose."What am I doing here?" Scott knew this was the Alpha's chambers, and the whole room looked dark so he was wondering if Alan wanted to kill him in his room."You should know that Alan isn't
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