All Chapters of More to Love, More to Play (MxFxM): Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
52 Chapters
Chapter 30
The flight was long but the drive to my father's place was longer, or so it felt. I was so nervous but also kind of excited. Jameson takes a sharp turn, quickly pulling me from my thoughts as I look to see us driving down a long off-road type of driveway which just so happened to be in the middle of a forest and all the road was made of was simply being driven on repeatedly. "That must be it." Ryker states, pointing out his window. I lean over and follow the direction of his finger with my eyes as I take in a large house with multiple other smaller houses around it. It was like a whole new, random neighborhood. "Oh wow." I comment, taking it in. We park in front of the large house before climbing out of the car. "Are you ready to meet your father?" Jameson asks coming over to me and giving my shoulder a gentle squeeze. "I guess so." I reply, sucking in a sharp breath. "Follow me." he states, leading us towards the large house. Rayne comes over and holds my hand while Ryker com
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Chapter 31
I look over to Lucy, unsure of what to say. It made me happy to know that even though my father thought I died years ago, he still made sure to include me in Selena's life even if it was as an angel in heaven, but at the same time, it also made me sad to think Selena had to think of her older sister as an angel in the sky and not as one right in front of her to look up to and bond with. Now that I was here though, I would make sure to be the best big sister she could ever ask for. "Well, you see baby. It turns out that Autumn wasn't in heaven after all. She was playing a game of hide and seek with daddy and got lost but she found her way back! We didn't want to tell you until she got here, so that we could surprise you..." Lucy explains quickly. "Hi, Autumn! I'm glad you found your way back! I have always wanted to meet you!" Selena tells me excitedly, as she wraps herself around my leg, hugging me tightly. I smile down at her and stroke her hair. "I'm glad I did to." I reply, smil
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Chapter 32
I wake up the next morning and instantly launch towards the bathroom, not caring about whoever I crawled over in the process. As I reach the toilet, I fall to my knees and vomit profusely. Within seconds I can feel my hair being held and a hand rubbing my back soothingly as I continue to empty my stomach contents. By the time I'm done my stomach is sore and the only thing coming up is pure acid, burning my throat painfully. "Are you okay, little fawn?" Ryker asks worriedly, as I lean back against him, completely exhausted. "My stomach is killing me." I groan in response. Rayne walks over with a cup of water and a cold cloth. He cleans my face before handing me the cup and I quickly swirl some in my mouth before spitting it into the toilet. "Maybe we should take you to the pack doctor." Ryker suggests. "Not yet, let's just wait. I probably just ate something bad or got the stomach flu." I reply tiredly. "Alright, well if you don't feel better tomorrow, we are going to get you che
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Chapter 33
I really didn't want to go but at the same time I really felt like death, and it was making me nervous to why I would feel this bad. It was really making me start to think that something serious was going on with me. "Did you want me to call, or did you want to?" Raven asks me. "You can." I reply simply. She takes her phone out and puts it on speaker as it starts to ring. "Yes?" Ryker states, picking up right away. "I think we need to take Autumn to the doctor. I tried to give her some medicine, but she's still feeling really sick." Raven explains. "Okay, just one minute." he replies. We wait a few minutes before he talks again. "Bring her to the pack house, the doctor will see her here." he tells her. "Sounds good." she replies. "Make sure she is okay." he tells her. "Of course, brother." she assures him, before hanging up. "Do you think it's okay if I go in pajamas?" I ask, not having the energy to change. "Yup that should be fine. Did you want me to carry you down or wo
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Chapter 34
Ryker comes over and scoops me up and carries me back to the guest house after saying goodbye to my family. "I'm just going to go talk with Rayne for a moment, okay?" Ryker tells me, as he sets me down on the couch and I simply just nod my head, feeling numb. Raven comes into the living room and sits on the recliner next to the couch I'm on. "Are you okay, Autumn? Did you want to talk about it?" she asks me warmly. "I just... don't know how to feel. This wasn't anything I had ever imagined or thought of. I mean I'm still adjusting to my new life and now a baby? I'm so not ready for this." I blurt, feeling overwhelmed. "I know this must be so hard for you, but I believe everything happens for a reason even if we don't always understand what it is. Things will be okay. You have me, Rayne, Ryker and your whole family here, we will all help you every step of the way." she tells me, and I give her a small smile. "Not to mention both mine and Rayne's family." she adds, with a chuckle.
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Chapter 35
I wake up extra early feeling very nauseous, but also full of anxiety. I carefully climb out of the bed and make my way out of the bedroom, bumping into Raven in the process. "Hey, what are you doing up?" she asks. "Woke up early and not feeling great." I explain, and she frowns a little. "Want to go sit on the couch and I could make you some tea?" she asks, and I smile. "That sounds great, thank you." I reply. We go down the stairs and I go into the living room and get settled on the couch and after a few minutes, Raven comes back with a hot tea in her hands. She sets it on the end table beside me before going and sitting next to me. "How come you're up?" I ask her. "I couldn't sleep, I know your scared about all this, but I am just so excited to be having a niece or nephew." she replies excitedly, and I give a small laugh. "Maybe you could give me some of your excitement and take some of my anxiety." I retort jokingly. "If I could, I would." she states, and we both chuckle.
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Chapter 36
"Just take a deep breath, little fawn." Ryker tells me, coming over and squeezing my hand. "Oh god." I state again, as I could hardly wrap my mind around the idea. "It's alright, princess. Tell us what's going through your pretty little head." Rayne says softly, leaning down to look into my eyes. "Two babies. I'm still trying to wrap my head around one." I blurt out. "I know, princess, but it's going to be alright. There is two of us and Raven and all our families. We will have lots of help." he reassures gently, and I suck in a deep breath. There was one last thing I needed to know. "Who is the father?" I ask looking over at the doctor. "I'm not sure, would you like to do a test to find out? Your currently 10 weeks pregnant so we can test for it. The only thing I can't tell you is the genders. We will do that in another 10 weeks at your 20-week ultrasound." he replies. "Yes, I would like to find out." I tell him. A few hours pass after the test is performed, and we are still
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Chapter 37
Once we get home, I tell them I'm going to go upstairs, knowing the boys will follow me up and I can have some fun."See you in a bit!" Raven yells, as Rayne begins to lead me up the stairs."You to!" I yell back."I'll be up in a few minutes." Ryker tells us, and I stick my tongue out at him, before continuing to go up the stairs. "I love you, princess." Rayne tells me, as we reach the bedroom and shut the door."I love you too, daddy." I reply, with a smirk.He lets out a grunt of approval."Is that why you wanted to come upstairs?" he asks me, raising a brow and smirking."Maybe." I reply, with a giggle.He leans down and captures my lips pulling me into a lustful kiss and I reach my hand up and grab his hair and hold him there as I reach down with my other hand and start to rub him through his jeans. He pulls back a bit and looks at me."Not even going to wait for your other lover?" he asks, and I shake my head."He will be up soon, and when he is, he can join in. but right now I
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Chapter 38
"Have fun with Rayne?" Ryker asks, walking into the bathroom. "Always." I reply. "Good, ready to get in the shower?" he asks, and I nod my head happily. He reaches down and picks me up and carries me over to the shower. He sets me down and turns the water on. He washes me from head to toe and I do the same for him before stepping closer and wrapping my arms around him. "Is this all you wanted?" he asks, with a laugh. "The start of what I want." I reply, seductively. "What exactly do you want, little fawn?" he murmurs, reaching out and stroking my cheek. "You. To take me right here, under the warm water as it drizzles down our skin." I tell him, looking up at him with lust filled eyes. "As you wish, my little fawn." he states with a smirk. He leans down and captures my lips as I reach up and pull him closer to deepen the kiss. We stand under the water, continuing to attack each other's lips until I pull away. I get down on my knees and take his cock into my mouth. He sucks in
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Chapter 39
I spent my day mostly playing with Selena, but I made sure to sit down with my father, uncle, Lucy, and Sherry when she napped so that we could talk a bit privately. We were currently all seated around my father's large dining room table as Lucy made everyone a tasty turkey dinner. I was currently seated in between Rayne and Ryker while Selena and Jameson's mate Sherry sat across from us, with my father and Jameson both sitting on each end of the table. "So, once you guys return from the fae realm, where do you plan to go next?" My father asks. "I think back here, if that was okay." I reply. "Of course, you're welcome to stay in the guest house at any time you would like, until your house is finished being built." my father replies warmly, with a smile. "I still can't believe it's already in the works. I'm so happy you're going to be living close to us!" Lucy cheers happily. "Me too. I am so grateful that I was able to get introduced to you all and to have a family. Even though it
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