All Chapters of Mommy Is Dating A Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
105 Chapters
21. Wait
Cas’ pov “I’m on my way,” I said, grabbing my car keys. “Tell me what happened.” I walked past the window, where Kennedy was glaring at me. She couldn’t start yelling because the interviewer and camera guy were still there. Not that I gave a fuck about any of that now. “They took River and Rose." Ripley whimpered through the phone. “I’m taken the helicopter.” I said to Ripley, knowing it would get me to her in half the time. It was a two-hour drive from the city, but if I pushed the pilot, I’d be there in under an hour. “You have a helicopter?” Ripley asked, sniffling. “Focus, Ley. Who took them, when, and where?” “The daycare at the hotel and Oliver’s parents, about two hours ago.” Ripley answered. “I’m at home, trying to find pictures for the police, but I am not sure what else to bring.” “You’ll get a call in about five minutes; do whatever he says and text me your location in an hour. I’ll handle the rest.” I said. “We’ll get them back, Ripley. I promise.” “Thank you, Cas
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22. Pity
Rose’s pov Why was Mommy not here? Grandma said she was coming too. I was scared to ask, but we had been in the car for very long. I needed to pee, but Grandpa looked angry every time I saw his face in the mirror. “I need to pee,” I whispered to River. “We need to pee,” River said. My sister always helps me. “Not yet, girls," Grandma said. I started wiggling in my seat. Grandma didn’t like it when I made a mess. “We weally need to pee,” River said again. “Just wait!” Grandpa yelled, and it started to get wet and warm in my underwear. O, no….. Tears were coming to my eyes. I miss mommy. Grandpa and Grandma will yell when they see I’ve peed in my pants. “I peed a little,” I whispered to River. River looked at me, “it’s okay, wose. Mommy will come soon.” I shook my head. Mommy and Grandma had yelled at each other. They were angry at each other, and we had moved to another house. They weren’t friends anymore. River stuck her hand out, and I did the same, holding each other ha
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23. Helicopter
Cas' pov Fuck! What kind of dumbass am I? Apparently, the the kind that makes matters worse for a mother whose kids just got kidnapped. All I wanted was to give Ripley a break from everything, and when she asked me to have sex with her, it was hard to refuse. In hindsight, I should have told her then that it was probably a bad idea, but really, how do you say that in a nice way without sounding like a dick? Not that I could think when she asked me that. I wanted to sleep with Ripley fucking badly. But it was a bad idea. Whatever we were was confusing enough, and Ripley had enough shit on her plate already. But god, she felt so tight, and I was so in the moment that I didn’t even remember if I put on a condom or not. Sitting on her bed naked, I looked down. Not…. God dammit! With Ripley’s luck, I would have probably gotten her pregnant. She told me she got pregnant when she lost her virginity, so this woman is fertile as fuck. I always remember to wear a condom, even when I’m
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24. Thanks
Ripley’s pov It’s been almost a week since I brought my girls home. Cas offered to hang around, and while I was thankful for his help, I wanted to be alone with my girls for now. He said I could take as long off from work as I needed and offered paid leave. When I joked if that was available for all employees, he was silent for a bit and then said it should be. I wasn’t sure what he was planning to do, but I didn’t have the energy in me to ask. It seemed all the stress from the kidnapping was catching up to me because I felt exhausted. Not just because I barely slept. But because part of me was still on high alert. I wasn’t sure if I would be able to leave them with someone else again. After we lost my dad, I didn’t realize how his sudden death had affected me. Not until I became very concerned every time Oliver would be late. It was even worse after Rose and River were born. Constant worry about them. I checked if they were breathing several times at night. When Oliver suddenl
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25. Postpone
Cas’ pov.Being with Ripley, if only for a day, a day filled with tears and worry, had been better than most of my days. And it wasn’t just because we had sex, albeit brief. It had been nice to feel needed and helpful. I was aware the only reason Ripley had called was because she knew I had the money and resources she needed to find the girls. I know I have no right to complain about my life. There are people who are starving, and I have several homes and a whole fucking list of people to cater to my every demand. But it isn’t easy to trust people when I know most of them just want my money. And I wish Ripley needed me for more. When I first started to work, I tried my best to be helpful and to support charities. Not just because it makes me look good to the public, but because I have more money than I can spend. It’s not fair that some have nothing. I work fucking hard for my money. I work 80 hours a week sometimes, but so do a lot of people who make a whole lot less money.Ripl
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26. Charity Case
Ripley’s pov It was clear I made a mistake by coming here. Cas did not seem happy to see us at all. Or maybe just me, because he was being really nice to my girls. When he pointed to the cameras, I assumed he was embarrassed that I was here. In all the time I had known Cas, I had never felt like he was embarrassed to be seen with me. Even if at times I felt out of place, he didn’t seem to care. His attention had always been solely on me, but now his eyes kept shifting to the cameras and the guests. He seemed agitated and it was because of me.There were a lot more guests than Edward had made me believe there would be. He had lied to me.I would have declined, knowing the magnitude of this party. This was going to be a lot for the girls and for me. Maybe I was projecting my discomfort onto Cas. Because I had never felt like I belonged anywhere less than I do right now. Whenever I was at a party and felt awkward, I always used my girls to coward behind. I focused on them or left ear
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27. Gross
Cas’ pov The fucking audacity of my parents to invite Ripley after I explicitly told them not to. It was my only fucking rule! I couldn’t stay pissed, not when River and Rose were staring at me. There was no way I could take out my anger at them, so for them, I had to be better. I had to hold it back. Not just for them, but for Ripley as well. If I lost my shit on camera, it wouldn’t just be bad for me; it would be bad for her. They might assume Ripley meant more to me or that my anger was directed at her. Either wouldn't be great, because it meant the media would start showing more interest in Ripley and her family. To the public eye, she was just an employee I had helped, nothing more or less. Maybe if I was nice to the girls and let Ripley hang around us, they wouldn’t ask any questions. They wouldn’t see she meant more to me than anyone here at the party. Because it's not just the media I am worried about. The people here are like fucking vultures. They will use anything an
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28. Shit
Ripley’s pov Great. Now I went from feeling out of place and having everyone stare at me because I didn’t belong at their stupid fancy charity party to everyone looking at me because I was seriously overdressed for an indoor playground. Thankfully, I always put shorts and a tank top underneath the girls’ dresses. I learned the hard way when River decided to ditch her underwear and hang upside down on a monkey bar during a party and exposed her entire butt to everyone there. Now they always have cotton shorts underneath. I wear them myself too sometimes, because it keeps my legs from rubbing against each other. There are probably maybe six people in the world who have that stupid thigh gap, but I am not one of them. My legs touch when I walk. The moms staring at me were an improvement over the rich people, though. They just thought I was crazy for coming here in full face of makeup and dressed up. But what else could I do? Go home and cry? Admit in front of my girls that Cas’ par
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29. Promises
Cas’ pov The next week was hell. Kennedy and my parents had done something so low and horrible that I would never be able to forgive them. But I still had to play along with this fucking puppet show. It wasn’t that they tried to hurt me; I am used to that. It was that they tried to hurt Ripley. And I know I’m a fucking hypocrite, because just a few weeks ago, it was my plan to ruin her life. Is that what happens when you have too much money to spend? Do you just stop caring about other people and see them as pawns to play with and do with as you please? Is everything just a silly game to them? Just as long as they keep getting their money, because that’s all they give a damn about. Did meeting Ripley change me that much? I had always felt I was different from my parents and tried to do things differently, but somehow along the way I had begun using the same tactics they used to get my way. I justified it by thinking that at least I was going to do something right. That I’d be b
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30. Disconnect.
Ripley’s pov Staring at Cas with my girls while the sun was shining on my face was a nice break from reality. And my reality stucks right now. Every day, there was another story about me on the news. There were people following me, calling me, asking me for interviews, and some family members that I hadn’t talked to in years were suddenly reaching out. Today had been a way to give myself and the girls a break from everything, yet somehow I ran into the person responsible for it all. No. I told myself. It wasn’t Cas. There were plenty of things I could be angry at Cas about, but this situation I was in now was not one of them. He had no part in this media circus I was in. And he had helped me find the girls, which I would be grateful for as long as I lived. I kept my distance from the three of them. Seeing Cas and Kennedy on TV had been hard enough. He was getting married, and I was not a part of his life. He had proven that when he had not reached out once after that horrible p
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