All Chapters of The Witch's Curse: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 Chapters
Together for ever
Clarina was in the kitchen preparing soup for Sebastian, who was sick. Suddenly she heard footsteps at home and her granddaughter Leily's screams of happiness.“ Grandma! They arrived! “ Said little Leily happily.Clarina left everything and went to the living room.“ Igor, Jonnathan, Francie! “ Clarina said, giving them a hug. Igor's entire family came to welcome them. As soon as Samantha saw her husband Jonnathan, she hugged him tightly. Igor and his brother Charles hugged each other tightly.- Miss my brother! “ Charles said.Igor smiled: “ Here I am!Clarina: “ What happened to your eye?Charles: “ I noticed that too!Igor: “ A long story!Calrina: “ You have to be more careful, son!Samantha indignant: “ Daughter, after all, you weren’t going to marry the…Francie awkwardly: “ Well…Jonnathan: “ There have been some changes!Vineza: “ What do you mean changes? She should marry a count, to save her family...Francie: “ The count canceled the wedding!Samantha: “ I'm sorry daughter
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Kataleya and Igor were in the room having their wedding night. Igor has never felt so alive and happy, close to his loved one.“I'm so happy and...Kataleya barely had time to react and her mouth was taken, with brutality and intensity. A strong and deep kiss, involving a dance of tongues, along with sighs and heat from both bodies. Anxiously, Igor unbuttoned her robe, letting it fall to the floor, leaving her completely naked and brushing her body more against her, feeling her soft skin in his hands. Impulsively, he brutally grabbed her small breasts.“Hmmm... “ Kataleya plunged her hands into Igor's hair, unable to contain herself from so much pleasure.Igor lowered his hand to her bottom, squeezing it tightly and in one movement took her to his lap, placing himself between her legs. Kataleya could feel Igor's erection rubbing against her groin, making it clear that he wanted to penetrate her at that exact moment.Taking a few steps, Igor laid her on the bed, getting on top, making
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It´s my choice
Days passed and Sebastian wasn't getting better. One day Kataleya and Igor went to their room. Sebastian looked at them and smiled. Igor: “ Dad, Kataleya can help! Sebastian: “ I know! I know you're a witch! Kataleya said nothing. Igor: “ But… Sebastian: “ I have lived and seen a lot in this life! Kataleya: “ Let me help you. Sebastian: “ No, please no! Don't change my destiny! Igor: “ Dad… Sebastian: “ It's my choice... A week later Sebastian passed away. Clarina was devastated and desperate. The Hunthom family was saddened. Before his death, Sebastian instructed his children on how they would take care of the inheritance. Of the three brothers, Igor was the one who best knew how to deal with business. Thanks to Igor, the Hunthom family progressively raised its “name” and social level. Vineza knew that Igor was the only one who could guarantee the family's honor and credibility and he feared that one day it would end. Kataleya, despite not having gotten used to her new life
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Evil uncle
The next morning, Kataleya was lying on a bed. She opened her eyes slightly and saw blurred, but something made her wake up completely.“ Lady Vineza! “ Kataleya said scared.Vineza smiled: “ If you thought you would have a happy life with my nephew, you were wrong!Scared Kataleya stood up and shouted: “ Someone help me!Vineza: “ Hahaha no one will hear you!Kataleya looked around and saw precious stones on the walls.Vineza: “ That's right! Here your sorcery blow will have no effect!Kataleya: “ Why? What did I do to her?Vineza: “ Maybe that's how you hooked my nephew, through the spell!Kataleya: “ What are you going to do to me?Vineza: “ I want you to stay away from my nephew forever!Kataleya: “ That won't happen!- We'll see! “ Said Vineza, leaving.Kataleya was in a room. The windows were covered with wood. It was a dark and dreary room. She had no way to ask for help and no way to escape. Days passed and she remained locked up, without eating or drinking water. She felt eno
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The next morning Igor was in the living room when one of his servants handed him a letter. He eagerly opened the letter, it was signed Kataleya.“Igor, my love. We know there's no point in insisting, his family will never accept me. I decided to move away to start a new life! In another place.Nothing lasts forever.Kataleya”Igor pressed his hands together, crumpling the letter. His eyes shone with sadness, but for whatever reason he didn't believe it. Soon after Clarina appeared.“ What is it, son?Igor said nothing and threw the letter on the floor.Clarina worriedly read the letter and sighed: “ I'm sorry.Igor: “ I don’t believe it…- What there was? “ Vineza and Samantha said, approaching.Clarina: “ Kataleya, don’t come back!Samantha: “ I knew that Kataleya was a…Igor: “ Don't you dare mention her name!Vineza: “ She's not a woman for you!Igor sighed: “ I'll look for her!Vineza: “ Where? She didn't even say where she was going!Igor: “ I don't know... But I have to find her
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In the middle of the afternoon Kataleya was in the garden with Debo. Debo had a habit of painting pictures, so Kataleya wanted to join him. She sculpted as a way to relax and pass the time.Debo: “ Art!Kataleya: “ HahahaDebo: “ I have a gift to give you! I never had the chance, because before you lived in that house and...Kataleya smiled: “ What is it?Debo showed him a painting he had made, with pencil, on Kataleya and Igor's wedding day.- It's beautiful! “ Kataleya said emotionally.It was a painting with Kataleya and Igor by her side.Kataleya: “ When will I see him?Debo: “ Sooner than you think, I already wrote to him! I told him where you are!Kataleya smiled and hugged him tightly: “ Thank you Debo!Debo smiled.Kataleya was thoughtful.“ In the meantime, enjoy the painting! “ Said Debo, showing the painting of her and Igor.Kataleya: “ Art!Debo: “ HahahaKataleya: “ On Titania Island this is very common! We work a lot with our hands! We make paintings, jewelry and sculpti
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Two eternally loving souls
The next day early in the morning, Vineza, without anyone noticing, ordered Kronck to call the from the boy who imitates handwriting. Vineza: “ Kronck I'm going to need it againof…. Kronck: “ For what?! Vineza: “ If Igor finds her, he won't come back to the house and I'll be kicked out! Kronck: “ Do you want to kill the sorceress? Vineza: “ I'm not the one who's going to kill her! She's the one who will end up killing herself! Kronck: “ And why do you need that boy? Vineza: “ Because he is the one who will help us! Kronck: “ I don't know if that's a good idea! Vineza: “ What was it Kronck? Are you afraid of the witch? Kronck remembered what Kataleya had said. “You can torture me all day, but I will not die! I will still live everything that I was prevented from doing! Even if a hundred years pass!” Kronck: “ The look of that sorceress! It even seemed like a promise. Vineza also remembered Kataleya's words: “ I have no other way! He can't find her! Never! -----------------
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After 1000 years
One “I've read books that tell storieshiddenand past lives. I have already been surprised by several illusionists. I've heard of legends, but I never thought that one day they could be revealed! I never thought about it, until the day I lived a legend!” A woman named Lissa said to her sister, when they were in a submarine and seeing a distant ship. 8 months ago Lissa was in class taking her first test of the semester. She was a 17-year-old teenager and in her last year of high school. Lissa was a happy and outgoing girl. She was tall, thin and had light brown hair. She had two friends Gizella and Rassy. Lissa and Gizella studied in the same class (simple letters) and Rassy was in the science class with biology. “ Let's deliver the tests! “ Said Mr. Luís, the history teacher. Everyone handed in the tests except Lissa. She was always the last to turn in the test. Her teacher had to snatch the test out of her hands. “ How stupid! “ Lissa said in a low voice, leaving the room. “
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The museum
Gizella was at the market. She was going to make the ranch of the month. While she was choosing fruit, a boy couldn't take his eyes off her. She noticed his gaze and looked at him. “ Hello Gizella! Gizella: “ Hi Bernardo! Bernardo and Gizella were schoolmates. He studied in the same class as Rassy. Bernardo: “ You look beautiful! Gizella said nothing. Bernardo: “ What do you think about going out tonight? A cinema? Gizella: “ It won't work, I'm a little busy! Bernardo: “ Really? Or is it because of Graciano? Gizella: “ Too! Bernardo: “ He's not a good person, Gizella! Gizella said nothing and started walking. Bernardo followed her: “ And you know that! Why are you dating him? Gizella somewhat confused: “ Because I like him! Bernardo: “ But… Gizella stared: “ Look Bernardo, I don't want to have problems or cause you any problems! You know how jealous Graciano is! “ He is well. “ Bernardo said, walking away. Gizella, somewhat sad, finished buying them and returned home.
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Strange things
Gizella was at home, with agony inside her. She was sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. For her it was as if life had no meaning. She felt weak, insecure and afraid. Minutes later her cell phone rang, she looked at her cell phone and saw that the call was from Lissa. She thought of an excuse for Lissa because she knew her friend would ask about her absence. “ Hi Lissa! Lissa: “ Hi, are you okay? Gizella took a deep breath: “ Yes! Lissa: “ Your voice is… Do you seem to be feeling unwell? Do you want me to come there? Gizella: “ No, no! It's your impression! I'm great! Lissa suspicious: “ Hmm…Do you want me to come there? Gizella: “ No! I'm fine, I told you! Lissa: “ Okay! Rassy said there will be a party at Paulo's house today! Gizella: “ Paulo, her boyfriend? Lissa: “ Yes! Gizella: “ I don’t know if… Lissa: “ Don't even think! At eighteen o'clock I'll pick you up! Gizella: “ But… Lissa: “ It's agreed! Bye, kisses! I
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