Semua Bab The Alpha’s Perfect Find : Bab 51 - Bab 59
59 Bab
“The pack house was not where you first met me” I said to myself."You knew me way before, and you knew what was coming" I said again.“You didn’t meet me when I first came here” the realization hit me again, "and the guilt you felt for what happened made you despise me and, wanted to keep me out of the pack". The truth was dawning on me and my heart was beating twice as much.His silence confirmed everything I needed to know."You knew Caleb killed my parents, but you said nothing, you were there to talk to my parents that day, and you did nothing to help, you did not even try to stop Caleb from snuffing life out of them. Because he was your brother?" I looked at him, for him to deny this and tell me he had no idea about this and tried to stop his brother.Caine said nothing and I felt more infuriated and irritated."I thought he was coming for you" he said, and I shook my head. That was not an excuse.“When was the first day?” I squared my shoulders and raised my head.I met his ey
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My tears ran freely as I sat alone with my thoughts.Sleep had evaded me for the past hours, everything kept replaying in my head.Have I been conned into this marriage with Caine ?How did I not see all these telling signs?How did I blatantly believe all he said?Did I really love him?Would I ever be able to forgive him or erase what his family had done to me?Why was my fate this way?The questions kept pouring in.The way nature worked was cruel, the one man I found peace in was the one to shatter my heart the hardest.He was involved in a horrible life-changing experience that happened to me.Cruel life.I smiled as all our sweet memories came flowing back.I love him, but why would he lie to me?Why would he try to cover up his brother's evil doings, in the hopes that I was better off not knowing?He knew the details behind my parents' death? Why did he not tell me or help me when I needed it?Why did he keep it a secret?He knew it was going to happen. Why didn’t he stop it?E
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I woke up sharply to the sound of soft knocks on the door.My heart beat loudly as I looked around in alarm and remembered I was in a motel room after leaving my husband and the pack.I was so tired and stressed that immediately my head touched the pillow, I snoozed.I remembered Betty saying she was going to bring me some cinnamon, and after I ordered the food I slept off almost immediately.Now I was awake and the knock continued.I groggily looked around for my phone and found out that I had slept for two hours.And suddenly I looked around to notice my bag was still not here and Betty had not awoken me up earlier.Maybe she found out I was asleep and decided to let me sleep. My due date was next month, and I was supposed to be getting every rest I could get.The knock came again, and my attention went back to the door."Betty?" I called out.At first there was no reply and my heart rate started to spike."Betty? Is that you?" I asked again and there was silence.In fear, I picked
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I had woken up a while ago in a cabin in the woods.It was late in the evening and everywhere was becoming dark. From the small window that was open I could see trees outside. It felt like I was back in the pack.I was hungry and tired, and I was tied to a chair without basic necessities.My stomach rumbled, and I wondered if it was from the fear I was feeling or my babies' discomfort or them sensing how afraid I was or hunger.The state I was in was making me go crazy.I needed Caine. If I had not blocked him from the mind link we had, maybe he would be looking for me now.Was he looking for me?Has he finally gotten over me or was he happy I left?For the sake of his babies, wouldn't he be worried?My head dropped with a sigh as I watched these two maniacs decide what to do to me and my babies.Maybe it was time to say my last prayers. I would die without seeing my babies."He's going to come", Caleb said, and caressed Tatiana's face."He's taking too much time", She said, and I agr
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Caleb stood behind Caine as he tended to me. Caine paid no attention to him.“What a superhero," he mocked "Ah the messiah!, would you like a robe?" he added.He stood for a while and after Caine did not answer him, I heard him groan in annoyance."Hello, Brother. How do you like your present? I had her specially arranged for you like that, but in a way that I would like", he said. "Caleb. You really outdid yourself this time by going after her and I hope you're prepared for the consequences," Caine said, almost too calm. I could not understand him."Oh yes, I did it in the best way possible. Where I knew you would go crazy. And Bonnie really did a good job. God, I love that woman" he exclaimed.Caine's brow furrowed with confusion. I knew he was wondering who Bonnie was.Gently, Caine stood up and hefted me into his arms."We're going home baby" he said as I laid limp in his arms, slowly wondering how he was going to get past Caleb."Not so quick, brother, we have a lot to talk about
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HAZEL's POVA soft knock on the door took my attention away from the show I was watching.“Hey honey, I brought you soup” Caine said as he entered the room with a beanie covering the bandage on his head.He pulled the table closer and set the plate on it. I looked at him without saying anything.“My mum said it'd help with the grogginess” he said."How is she?" I had not seen her since I saw her breakdown after hearing she had lost Dustin.She had cried and wailed and could only be comforted by her husband, who was also in grief."Uh... she's getting by. We're all trying to come to terms with what happened," he said."Sorry about what happened" I said.He nodded and looked away. "It was bound to happen at one point. Either by me or someone else, he had stepped on a lot of toes," he said."It was nice you were by his side when he died." I comforted him."Yeah, he didn't go alone" he said lowly.We fell into silence for a while.“Thank you” I said suddenly.His head turned to me with a
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Five years later“Stop running around Lucien, you’ll fall.” I told my son as he ran outside the house to the backyard."Nara, come put on your shoes. It's hot outside". She was running after her brother.They both ran back into the house and their heavy giggles filled the air.Soon after, I heard the front door open."Daddy!" I heard Lucien scream happily and Caine's grunt as he picked up his son."How's my big boy doing?" He asked Lucien."Strong. Mummy is making muffins", Lucien informed him."Is she? I'm sure they'll taste good". Their voices got closer."Hey baby. How are you doing?" Caine came over and kissed me."You left early this morning. What's up?" I asked him as I brought out the cookies from the oven and set them down close to the muffins."I went for a run and had to stop by a work site in town" he said."How's the progress?" I asked."It's good, we'll be finished by next week" Caine said, and picked up a cookie."Thats hot. Did you get the cheese? We're running out of i
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“Hello” I said into the darkness.I got no reply. She was there, but she was not replying to me, so I looked around for the switch."Turn that shit off." She complained and pulled the blanket over her head as the light came on."That won't happen" I said, and slowly, she dropped the blanket from her face and sat up, eyes trained on me.The girl looked very young, like a teenager. With long brown hair and big eyes that looked like they were staring into your soul, her face was littered with tiny freckles and her small mouth stayed in a permanent pout.She was pretty.“I don’t want to talk to any queen bitch today. I just want to leave” she said in a very rude manner.I was taken aback by her words. They told me she was hot headed I didn't expect her to be so straightforward with it.“To?” I ask with a tilt of my head.“Anywhere but here!” She yelled.“But you trespassed our land and that's why you're here" I said.“Then let me go. I know nothing, and I’m not related to any hunters”, she
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A Year LaterHazel's POVI hissed as I saw the stain on my dress. Caine said it would come off easily, but it did not.It was from a night out of booze and steamy sex. I don't even remember what happened after.Tonight the house was full since almost everyone was around for dinner today and while Megan took care of dessert, I went to check the clothes in the dryer and found out that the stain on my gown was still there, gloriously showing itself on the fabric.I decided to wash it again but this time with another detergent and a little bit of bleach to see if it would do the work.Finishing what I was doing, I straightened to go back to the table but stopped in my tracks. There were some murmurs and whispers along with what I would label as moans.Walking as softly as I could, I looked behind the detergent shelf and came across these notorious two, smooching and kissing their way into oblivion.I tried to stifle a laugh and get a hold of myself before saying:“There are kids in the h
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