All Chapters of Bride for Rent: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
159 Chapters
I can't lose you
"Felix, what are you doing here?" Marianne repeated, but Felix's eyes were fixed onto her mother. He then walked towards her, feeling weak and helpless in the face of the situation. The room seemed to tighten around him as he stood there, grappling with the weight of his actions and the impact they had on Marianne and her mother. "I didn't know... I didn't know about your mother," Felix finally managed to say, his voice filled with genuine concern. Marianne looked at him, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions. "Why would you? We're divorced, Felix. You have your own life now. And why do you even care about my mother? You haven't met her, and she didn't know you, so... what are you doing here? I... don't need you here." Those words hit Felix like a wave of reality crashing over him. He realized the depth of the separation that had occurred between them, not just legally but emotionally as well. The connection they once shared seemed like a distant memory, and he felt the weight of hi
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Only love can hurt like this
"I'm sorry, Marianne," Felix whispered to himself, his heart heavy with remorse. As he turned to leave, he vowed silently to find a way to support Marianne and her mother, even if it meant doing so from a distance. The weight of his past actions clung to him like a shadow, pushing him to reflect on the choices that led to this moment.Meanwhile, Marianne composed herself, her resolve firming up as she faced the uncertain road ahead. She whispered comforting words to her unconscious mother, promising to be there through it all. The room, once filled with tension, now resonated with the quiet determination of a daughter determined to weather the storm. As days turned into nights in the hospital, Marianne juggled the complexities of her emotions — the wounds of a broken marriage, the guilt of decisions made, and the unyielding love for her ailing mother.On the other hand, as Ethel heard the news about Emma, she hurriedly went to the hospital to check on her.Ethel, Marianne's lifelong
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I need you, Mom
In the midst of her emotional turmoil, Charlotte was pulled to a quiet seat by a weeping willow. The branches hung low, providing a protecting canopy as if nature could empathize with her distress. As she sat, the willow leaves above swayed rhythmically, echoing the tempo of her tears. Nate, who happened to be walking alone through the park, observed Charlotte from a distance. He grimaced as he approached her, "Mrs. Anderson?" Charlotte raised her head to see Nate again. He removed his jacket and carefully wrapped it around her shoulders, providing warmth and a soothing presence. "Are you okay?" Nate asked, his voice quiet and full of empathy. Charlotte, taken aback by the unexpected gesture, managed a slight nod, unable to find her voice. Nate sat next her, allowing her to be as open as she wanted. The park's beautiful aura appeared to wrap them in a bubble of peace, temporarily sheltering Charlotte from the chaos of her life. "I'm not one to pry, but you seem like you could use
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A bittersweet kiss
Felix glanced at the files on his desk in his office, but his thoughts were not focused on the statistics and reports. The weight of the day's events weighed on him, and Marianne's tear-stained face stayed in his thoughts. He knew he had to face the reality of the situation, not only for Marianne, but also for himself. Felix rose up, unable to focus any longer, and left his office. The corridor lights flickered as he walked to the hospital, the echoes of his footfall reflecting the pain within him. As he entered the room, he looked about, but there appeared to be no one around. Felix paused for a second before pulling open the door. The gentle creak of the door echoed in the quiet corridor as Felix entered the hospital room. He then moved closer to Emma, and his eyes began to water. He stood before Emma, who was still comatose. "Mother, I'm sorry," he said, bowing his head in front of the unconscious woman. The room was silent, interrupted only by the occasional beeping of the devi
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I don't care about you
Marianne's anger softened, replaced by a mixture of surprise and confusion. She looked into Felix's eyes, searching for any sign of deception, but what she found was a raw honesty that caught her off guard. The room seemed to pulse with the weight of unspoken emotions, and for a moment, Marianne hesitated. "Why now, Felix? Why admit this now?" Marianne asked, her voice softening. "Have you forgotten? You're already married to Charlotte now, so... please stop this right now." "How can I? Even I don't know what to do anymore, Marianne. I..." "Stop! This is enough, Felix. You... leave right now," Marianne's voice trembled with a mix of emotions. She pointed towards the door, her eyes filled with a resolute determination. The air in the room crackled with tension as Felix caught in the whirlwind of his conflicting feelings, hesitated for a moment. "Leave, Felix," Marianne repeated, her tone firmer this time. "You can't unravel the mess you've created with a kiss. You're married, a
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Love is painful, especially when it's not real
Charlotte's composure wavered, and tears spilled down her cheeks as if betraying the emotional storm within her. The room bore witness to her vulnerability, the subtle tremors in her shoulders mirroring the seismic shifts in her understanding of the marriage she thought held some semblance of meaning. "Felix, I thought... I thought we could make it work. I thought there was more to us than just a business deal," she confessed, her voice breaking. She sank into a nearby chair, her hands covering her face as the weight of the truth unfolded before her. Felix remained silent, his gaze fixed on the floor, unable to meet her eyes. The truth, stark and unapologetic, hung heavily in the air, casting a pall over the room that echoed with Charlotte's quiet sobs. "I gave my all to this marriage, Felix. I tried to be a good wife, to support you in every way I could," she continued, her words strained with the pain of realization. "Can you just... treat me like a human being instead, Felix? I
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A kiss with a stranger
"Get your hands off her!" a man shouted at the stranger, causing him to turn around to face him. The man who shouted was Nate, who was called by Ethel for help and to take Charlotte home. "What do you think you're doing?" Nate demanded, his tone filled with a mix of anger and concern. The stranger, caught off guard by Nate's sudden appearance, raised his hands defensively. "Hey, man, I didn't do anything! We were just dancing!" Nate eyed him suspiciously before turning his attention to the unconscious Charlotte. His face softened with concern as he approached her. "Charlotte, wake up," he gently called her name, trying to rouse her. As he was about to carry her, the stranger spoke, "And... who are you?" he asked. "I am her friend, why? And who do you think you are?" Nate, with Charlotte in his arms, stepped out of the dimly lit bar into the cool night air. The city buzzed with life, oblivious to the personal tumult that had unfolded within the confines of the crowded establish
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Kiss as many as you want
"He sent me here to pick you up. He's busy, so he can't come." Nate's explanation left Charlotte with a mix of relief and disappointment. Relief that Felix wasn't directly witnessing the aftermath of her impulsive actions, and disappointment that he couldn't spare the time to be there for her when she clearly needed support. "Let's get you home," Nate suggested, guiding Charlotte towards the exit. The car ride was filled with a palpable silence, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air. Nate couldn't help but steal glances at Charlotte, wondering about the turmoil she must be experiencing. Upon arriving at the Anderson mansion, Nate helped her inside. The familiar surroundings brought a sense of comfort, but Charlotte couldn't shake the heavy feeling of guilt that clung to her like a shadow. "Thanks, Nate. I'll be fine from here," Charlotte said, managing a small smile. Nate nodded, concern still etched on his face. "Take care, Mrs. Anderson. If you need anything, don't hes
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Chapter closed
Felix sighed, a hint of vulnerability breaking through his tough exterior. "Nate, you don't understand. Marianne had been running through my head. I can't get her off my head."Nate's expression softened as he listened to Felix's confession. He could sense the inner turmoil and conflict within Felix, a man torn between the past and the present. "Felix, I get it. Marianne meant a lot to you, and her loss is something you still carry. But you can't let it define your present, especially when there's someone here who needs you."Felix leaned back in his chair, running a hand through his hair. "I think... I'm in love with her."Nate raised an eyebrow, surprised by Felix's revelation. "In love with Ms. Marianne?"He just nodded his head, and Nate was still surprised by his revelation. Felix is the type of man who doesn't fall in love that easily, but seeing him right now, he can really say that his friend is really into Marianne. Nate considered Felix's words carefully, realizing the comp
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Everyone deserves happiness
He drove back home, the cityscape passing by in a blur. The weight of his emotions pressed on him like a heavy burden, and the realization that he had just said goodbye to Marianne, perhaps for the last time, settled in his chest. Back at the Anderson mansion, Charlotte was waiting. Her eyes reflected a mixture of concern and curiosity as Felix entered the house. She had been through a tumultuous day herself, grappling with the aftermath of her impulsive actions and the revelation of Felix's true feelings. She was about to speak when Felix spoke, "I'm sorry," her eyes widened hearing that from him. "What?" "I said I was sorry. Sorry for being so harsh on you." Charlotte's eyes softened, surprised by the unexpected apology from Felix. The sincerity in his voice cut through the tension that had defined their recent interactions. "Felix, I... thank you for saying that. It means a lot." Felix nodded, his gaze meeting Charlotte's. "I've been selfish, Charlotte. I've been carrying my
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