All Chapters of Seduced for Revenge: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
191 Chapters
Seduced for Revenge: 61 - Double
Owen frowned. Kids usually repeat what adults say, so he wondered if Regina had introduced Jason as her boyfriend. “I’m your—” “Uncle Jason is not my boyfriend, sweetie,” Regina said to remedy the situation, but her niece was unconvinced. “He should be your boyfriend because he brought us sweets,” added the one further from Owen, and he was surprised that the girls looked identical. “What did you bring us?” the twin beside Owen asked, but both stared at him pointedly. “He brought us chocolate cake,” Regina replied, saving Owen from their wrath. “Okay, I vote for him,” the girl beside Owen yelled. “And I vote for him. He has dimples,” the one beside Jason replied. “Sorry guys, they’re twins, and their names are Thing 1 and Thing 2.” She giggled after referencing their favorite fantasy movie, Alice in Wonderland. “Auntie Reggieee,” they both whined in unison. “What? Are you embarrassed? They’re not your boyfriends. They don’t care.” The twin six-year-olds looked at their chosen
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Seduced for Revenge: 62 - Shower
“Don’t be so dramatic. You didn’t see anything.”“I did, and that will be hard to scrub from my memory. Maybe a few more weeks of babysitting will completely erase it.”“Hah! You wish.” She countered.“I think you should tell these guys to get dressed. My wife is drooling too much.” Regina laughed. Her brother was not wrong.Owen and Jason were eye candy. They looked like they hit the gym regularly as their muscles and abs looked toned, but Owen had more definition.Regina blushed when she remembered they were all over each other the day before, and she had her fingers touching and exploring his body.She had to fan herself before announcing that it was time to shower so they could get dressed and eat dessert before they headed home.Ronnie and Carmen used Regina’s bathroom while she ushered the men to the extra bedrooms to give them their toiletries. “I really appreciate that you stayed when my nieces begged so hard and cried for you to stay.”“How could I say no? I’m a sucker for p
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Seduced for Revenge: 63 - Unwanted
As soon as they all finished eating the cake Owen brought from Jason’s cafe, Ronnie declared it was time to go home. Callia and Reana began to protest and come up with different excuses so they could stay. “Mom, I haven’t finished my drawing yet. Owen was helping me.” “Me too. I want to finish mine with Jason.” Ronnie could see that his daughters had overstayed their welcome. The men looked exhausted from playing with them all day, and it was time to give them back their space. “Ask your dad,” Carmen replied, and Ronnie gave a meaningful glare at his daughters, and they packed up their things quietly. She knew they were afraid of their father, so she used him as an excuse whenever she did not want to give in to their demands. Regina packed up the leftover cake and sent it home with Carmen, as she knew her sister-in-law loved the cake as much as she did. “You should just date the chef, so we have chocolate cake all the time,” Carmen whispered as they said their goodbyes. Regina
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Seduced for Revenge: 64 - Dalliance
Regina ran to her apartment as soon as the elevator opened. She used the deadbolt to lock the door because she felt unnerved about Arthur’s visit. “Who are you hiding from, and why did you lock the door?” Regina grinned to cover her uneasiness. “I did not want to be disturbed by any of my relatives tonight, and the only way to do that was to lock the door.” “And you think that will keep them away?” “I’m not sure, but I am not taking chances,” she said before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. She felt bold. Now that everyone was gone, she wanted to continue what they started in the kitchen the other day, but she still felt Owen holding back. “Did you kiss your other boyfriend goodbye?” he asked, avoiding her kisses by averting his head. “Oh, stop being jealous. I didn’t kiss Jason, but I hugged him.” Owen’s pupils dilated as his nose flared. “When are you going to learn that you are dating me and your relationship with other men needs to end,” he said, pinning h
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Seduced for Revenge: 65 - Birds
Near the door, he found a baseball bat and took that with him just in case an intruder was on the premises. Owen waited for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. The patio was partly illuminated by the light from the living room and the kitchen, but since the rest of the house was dark, so were the areas near the bedrooms. Anybody could lurk in the shadows, and Owen was not taking any chances, not when it would put Regina in danger. The sound he heard came from a person or a big animal, and since they were several floors up, an animal couldn’t get up there. Regina wrapped the blanket around her body and switched on the outdoor lights to help Owen see better. In an instant, the whole area was bright as day. Outside, they found three dead birds with their feathers stuck to three different windows. “Did they hit the window and die?” Regina asked. “I told you to stay inside.” Owen was halfway through the courtyard and stopped his search. He returned to where Regina stood, in case she ne
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Seduced for Revenge: 66 - Morning
“Hmm…” Regina stretched and found her arms enclosed in Owen’s biceps. The couple had slept with their arms and legs wrapped around each other after Owen tried to soothe her nightmares away. “This is going to be a habit, isn’t it?” Regina burrowed under Owen’s neck, inhaling his musky scent. “What is?” he asked sleepily, tightening his arms and legs around her so Regina felt his arousal digging into her abdomen. “Me waking up with your arms wrapped around me.” “The sofa was not big enough. I did not want to fall.” Regina looked over his shoulder. “There’s a lot of space behind you. Stop crowding me.” Owen groaned and held her tighter with his legs. She closed her eyes and thrust her hips against him when she felt his shaft twitch against her belly. “There are consequences to your actions. You’ll end up in bed all day if you don’t stop that.” “Maybe I shouldn’t go to work, and just spend the day with you?” Regina reached up to align their lips. Owen groaned after he indulged in
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Seduced for Revenge: 67 - Trip
Regina came in early that day to see Owen before he left for work. As she pulled into the driveway, Regina got excited to see someone standing outside the mansion, expecting it to be Owen waiting for her. But her face fell when she saw it was Arthur. “Hey Arthur! What are you doing here so early? I thought your work didn’t start until eight.” “Oh, I came to see you and apologize for my behavior last weekend.” “It’s okay. I’m busy most weekends, so it’s hard to schedule anything. You just need to let me know in advance so you don’t wait in front of my apartment.” “Well, you weren’t answering my messages, and I wanted to see you.” “I saw you every day last week, plus waiting outside my apartment gives a terrible impression.” The dog happily barked inside the car and took Regina’s attention as Owen sauntered toward Arthur. “Arthur, I heard you’ve been here every day for the past week. I don’t remember my uncle mentioning you’d be here today.” Owen said, as Regina left Arthur’s side
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Seduced for Revenge: 68 - Heart to Heart
Regina was happily humming on her way to Mrs. Bennet’s bedroom that morning when she encounters Yvan. “A little birdie told me my brother sampled a certain juicy, rare blonde, err… steak from the steakhouse a few weeks ago, and apparently they’re dating now. Do you know anything about this?” “Which brother are we talking about? If it’s Myles, then I am happy for him.” She tried to avoid his teasing, but Yvan was not one to let an important secret go. “C’mon, you can gossip with me. I won’t tell anybody.” “I don’t gossip. It’s bad for the people involved.” “My brother, the one you didn’t mention, did not come home last night. Was he at your place?” “We have a tracker on his phone for security purposes,” Yvan smirked and called out her address. “Isn’t that where you live?” “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” “I would prefer it if you dated someone handsome and nice like me, but I guess my brother will do. He has some redeeming qualities.” Regina was not rising to his bait.
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Seduced for Revenge: 69 - Elimination
Owen dropped by the Tesoro Cafe on his way home, and it wasn’t because he needed to get pastries to take home. He had another agenda. “Jason, I need to have a quick word.” Owen found the owner cleaning tables. “That’s if you have enough staff to take over what you are doing.” “I’m the owner. I need to make sure everything in my cafe is perfect. I assume you do the same with your buildings.” “Touché. Can we talk in private?” “Come, follow me.” Jason led Owen to the kitchen filled with top-of-the-line equipment. They all looked brand new, so Owen knew Jason had money to buy all the equipment when he put up his business, and he was impressed. Jason did not come from money, and according to the investigation, there was no loan from a bank either. The cafe owner had a silent, rich investor not mentioned in the reports. Owen did not care where Jason got his money from, but Owen was concerned that if he was dealing with something illegal, then Regina might get into trouble being at th
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Seduced for Revenge: 70 - Unexpected
-=- A, I need to write this brief letter fast. I am going on a trip, and I am worried about Regina. Who will take care of her while we are gone? That snake Owen is getting closer and closer with her, and I feel like this trip would set us back further from our goal, but on the other hand, we need this tremendous opportunity to prove once and for all that we can take care of our Ginny. I just can’t let this pass. Wish me luck. J -=- Regina was on her way out when Owen called her to his office. “I have to leave again this weekend. I need to bring a few people from the office to the job site.” “Will you be gone for a week?” she asked. “I’m not sure because I need to introduce them to the owner so they could get familiar with the project. I’m taking a very talented project manager, and she will take care of everything after I leave.” Regina’s eyebrows raised, and warning bells sounded at the back of her mind. ‘Talented? He’s never called anyone talented before.’ “So, is this pro
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