All Chapters of Dark Desires: Seduction in the Shadows: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
125 Chapters
Nerthus “It’s all I can do. If she fires me, I’m fucked!” I groan, stirring my cup of coffee as Jenna is already sipping hers. “Don’t think to much of it, babes. Enjoy your vacation and the world will be looking different. And then we will see how to proceed.” She put her hand on mine, but pulls it away quickly as we have to make space for Lizzie bringing us our cakes. “Thank you, Lizzie.” “Sorry, I overheard your conversation.” Lizzy smiles, blushing. “In case you need help, we are always looking for people to help us out.” “Oh,” I say, jerking up lightly. “That’s so nice from you. I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you.” She smiles brighter before she returns behind her counter and I exhale, feeling an anxious feeling grab my heart. “I can’t go back.” I whisper and Jenna looks at me preoccupied. “I know. And you won’t have to. We will find a way!” I sigh, as she purses her lips. “Sorry if I ask this, but… What’s about your, you know, your new admirer?” She shifts in her seat a
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Arawn “Nerthus Hendricks, born August 8, 1996, in Columbus, Ohio. Moved to Toledo after her mother’s death to live with her grandparents, Becky and George Hendricks. But not for long apparently, as she was enrolled in school in Des Moines, Iowa about a year later.”“Hm…” I play with my pen as Dario is rattling off his, as usual, too detailed research.I mean it is perfect that he grasps everything, but my God, do I have to know everything?“That means she is a leo, by the way.”I sigh, leaning back in my office chair, as he switches back and forth in his little notebook as he missed telling me another detail.Like the grandmother’s maiden name. “Erm… Iowa, Des Moines. Missed the first days of school. Lived with her aunt Beatrice and her uncle Herbert until the age of 17. She is a librarian and very active in the church community, while he-”“Why did she miss the first days of school?” I grunt, and he turns another of his pages.“It doesn’t say… The aunt said she had a bad flu, but I
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Nerthus“Hey beautiful!”“Gigi, we are still seeing each other tonight, right? Is everything alright?”I hear him chuckling through the phone. “I’d love to see you tonight, my belle. But I fear I have bad news.”“What? Are you standing me up?”“I have to. A gorgeous stallion just came into my bar, telling me that you are booked exclusively, and I should stay away from you.” “You are kidding, right?” “You didn’t tell me you were dating Superman.”I groan, throwing my head back into my neck. “God, he isn’t my date. He is a client.” “Girl, are you sure you haven’t got a place for me where you work at?”I laugh out loud.He is such a pervert. “Believe me, getting someone looking like him is like winning at the national lottery.”“Do you like him?”I shrug, plucking invisible lints from my clothes.“I don’t know him well enough to like him. He doesn’t talk much.”“Ooooh, you lucky bitch.”***“You!”I don’t even care that I stormed into a running meeting until I see his grin.He is, a
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Nerthus I’m about to enter the restaurant to dine with my friend as an anonymous number texts me.Anonymous: Share your location. This way, I can pick you up as soon as you’re done socializing.I laugh before I write back.Amber: Who are you? How can I even send you my location if you are anonymous?The anonymous sends me a number followed by another text that has me all giddy in anticipation.Anonymous: You know exactly who I am, Nerthus.Smiling to myself, I save the number of my gorgeous stalker as ‘Mr. Best-Fuck’ and put my phone back into my purse before walking up to the host.Gigi is late, as usual, and I take my seat at the bar and order a dry martini. Sipping at my drink, feeling extremely happy, I don’t even bother that I have to wait.Mr. Best-Fuck: Isn’t he coming?I laugh again as I look around, but he doesn’t seem to be in here.
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Nerthus   “Good evening, Rajid.” I shout as a greeting while stepping into the small convenience store. “Oh, hello, Amber. Long time no see.” The owner of the store waves at me from behind the counter. “What are you up to tonight?” He asks me while I scroll through the shelves for the ingredients that I need. “Baking cookies!” I say elatedly. As I grab a few ingredients from the shelves and get to the fridge to take a bottle of milk, I can sense Rajid’s demeanor shift uncomfortably. I guess my hulk has entered the store. Putting all the things I gathered on the counter, I smile at Rajid brightly. He starts to scan the items as Arawn steps behind me. “What’s all of this?” He murmurs as he checks out my selection. “A surprise.” I grin up at him and he shakes his head. “I don’t like surprises.” “Ha! You will like this one.” I chuckle, turning
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NerthusI turn on my stomach to crawl over the bed, only to feel him following me. My heart skips a beat as he lays himself on me, the moment I start opening the bottom drawer of my bedside table.“I always do.” He growls, his hot breath tickling my skin.I click my tongue, and he reaches for my toys, pulling out a purple vibrator. The hum that he utters as he inspects it, is surprisingly hot.“Is this your favorite?”I look back at him over my shoulder, finding him flashing me a big grin.“I mean after mine.”Rolling my eyes, I reach into the drawer to pull out a slightly bigger one. His eyes widen, and I clear my throat.“Yeah, it used to be, but I needed to get a… well…”I love how his laugh echoes through my bedroom before he buries his head into the crook of my neck.“Give me that plug.”“Oh, my.” As soon as I have passed him the anal plug, he pushes himself off the bed. I feel the bed dip as he positions himself on his knees. I sigh as he glides the point of the toy over my skin,
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Arawn“Must have been a hell of a tea,” Jenson mocks, taking a sip of his beer bottle.I throw down my cards with a shake of my head, taking my glass of bourbon from the table.“Didn’t even ask what it was.”“You should have! I’ll tell my wife I want the same too.” Harvey says, getting the table to laugh.“You wish.” I grunt, and they continue to banter about my allegedly drugged tea and my amazing sleep experience.It’s bad enough, and I didn’t mention that I slept in her bed rather than staying on the couch.“It wasn’t drugged.” I state, picking up the newly dealt cards.“I had my blood tested.”Out of the 5 men, Jenson is the one to laugh the loudest.I lower my head with a grin as I watch them crack up on my expenses. Although I would like them to stop, I have to realize that I’m taken aback by the fact as they are. I had really hoped that the tea was drugged.This way, I would have gotten rid of her. “Well, if she makes you feel good there is nothing wrong with it, right?” Matti
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NerthusI inhale deeply as I stand in front of Luciana’s timber house.It’s my second day up here, and I can’t say that I slept particularly unwell, but I’m really not made for existing outside the city. Especially now that I’m accustomed to New York City, the peace up here makes me feel like I’m back in my hometown.And I loathe it.Taking another cleansing breath, I stretch, standing on my toes. I start walking down the road to reach a small diner and order a shitload of unhealthy food for breakfast.I love these places. As I dig in, I watch the people outside, getting ready to hike up the paths. I’m sure that I would throw up on my first hike as I’m definitely exaggerating on my breakfast, but I don’t care. Jenna’s fear must have had a bigger impact on me than I had imagined, as I thought that someone was following me. But I must be crazy as they took another street in the end, and this is a big as well as a popular spot to get out of the city.Finished my breakfast, I send a text
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Nerthus“Why are you whispering?” He says nonchalantly, and I roll my eyes, wetting my lips.“Arawn. There is someone in the house. Before you came, someone tried to get me outside and messed with the trash. As I wanted to get back in, the door was open! Whoever they are, they are in here.” I answer in a whisper-shout. His rumbling laughter has me jumping. Literally.“It was you then.” I hit him playfully. “You asshole.”“No.” He says, still chuckling.“What?”“There is absolutely someone here.”“What’s funny? Are you fucking psycho?”“Yeah.” He simply states, laughing again.Raising back up to his full high, he opens his leather jacket, showing me his left side.“Take it.”I take a step forward automatically, just to flinch back at the sight of it and cross my arms. “Nuh-uh. I’m not touching that thing.”“Nerthus!”Clicking my tongue, I reach for his gun, pulling it out of his holster.“Why did I not see that before?”“Because I take it off before I meet you. The lights distracted m
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