All Chapters of Unwanted Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
165 Chapters
Chapter 31
  Mate?!  How was that possible? How could Jeremy possibly be her mate? Was she still in her dream?  Celeste's eyes widened in horror. She must have heard it wrong. She must have!  Her heart raced like thunder in her chest, the sound drowning out even the howling of the wolves in her ears. The silence around her was suddenly too eerie. Mixed emotions of fear and confusion crept into her bones as she was left with silence and the thunderous cry for her mate ringing in her ears.  She couldn't believe it.  No matter how much she denied it, Celeste could feel a strong pull bringing her to him.  Deep down, she had an inkling about this. She had thought about Jeremy's strange behavior after his first shift. She forbade herself to think more about it, but she guessed she always had a theory hidden behind the back of her mind.  The deafening thump of her heart threatened to wake Jeremy from his peaceful slumber next to her, but miraculously he remained sound asleep.  She couldn't help
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Chapter 32
  It was late at night, and Nancy's unexpected visit to Jeremy only raised more questions in Celeste's mind.  What was she doing here? Were they always meeting this late?  "Nancy? What are you doing here?" Jeremy asked icily. Okay, maybe not icily. It was just her imagination. Jeremy's voice was neutral with an unmistakable hint of confusion.  "I… I had a nightmare. Can't sleep. I still haven't recovered from the vicious attack. Whenever I dream of those horrific scenes, I wake up terrified," Nancy's voice was frail as if seeking comfort and compassion.  What?! Celeste stifled a gasp. She didn't believe a word from Nancy's mouth! The last time she checked, Nancy didn't look "terrified" at all in the "vicious attack".  Celeste gritted her teeth. The urge to expose Nancy's deceitful act was almost too much to bear.  She knew exactly what Nancy was up to. It was crystal clear to everyone in the pack that Nancy had a massive crush on Jeremy. And this was obviously a perfect opportun
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Chapter 33
  Celeste was glad that Nancy was finally gone. Her patience was hanging by a thread. She wouldn't know what she was going to do had Nancy stayed for one more second.  She thought Jeremy was going after Nancy, but she was glad when hearing the click of the lock. Turned out he just went to lock the door.  And now… she and Jeremy were alone again.  The heat of her anger had been scorching Celeste, but now it fizzled out entirely, leaving her feeling empty and hollow like a deflated balloon.  She could feel Jeremy walking back toward her. Then, suddenly as a clap of thunder, realization struck her again. Jeremy was her mate.  She wished she could just shrink and disappear from under the quilt. She calmed her breathing to maintain the illusion of her still being in a coma.  Shame went through Celeste as she realized she was just a coward who ran away from her problems. But damn it! She just couldn't bear the thought of talking to Jeremy right now.  Her mind raced as she recalled th
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Chapter 34
  The still and peaceful night was broken by the rumble of her stomach. The rumble echoed in the room like thunder during one of those wild summer storms.  Great job there! Perfect timing.  Jeremy was silent and still.  Celeste was silent and still, too.  In contrast to the thunderous rumble of her stomach, now the death of silence was almost unbearable.  Celeste froze on the bed. The air around her was squeezing oxygen out of her lungs, and time seemed to have paused for eternity.  The moonlight crept through the window into the room. It felt as if the moon's light had turned solid and trapped them all in its grasp, suspending the air around them.  Suddenly, without warning, Jeremy burst out laughing. The hearty laughter echoed through the empty room and filled the space, bringing life back to Celeste's paralyzed bodies.  Caught up in the infectious laugh, Celeste's lips curled upwards despite her attempts to feign slumber.  In the end, her laughter escaped from her lips, as
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Chapter 35
  Time seemed to stretch out to Celeste. It felt like an eternity since Jeremy walked out of that door. But in reality, probably only a few minutes had passed since he left the room.  She had never been so clingy. She had never felt such a need to be close to Jeremy. She guessed her wolf had quite a lot to do with what she was feeling. Her wolf within her had become restless for Jeremy. But she couldn't help with it.  She didn't know if Jeremy was feeling the same, though. But when he turned back to look at her before leaving, she could sense his wolf wanting the same as hers did.  The memory of Jeremy's first shift flashed in her mind. She remembered Jeremy's wolf frozen when she tried to touch him. And she remembered herself standing in front of Jeremy's room, with just a thin door separating the two of them. If he had known they were mates, how much had he gone through to keep himself locked away from her? How on earth did he manage to control his inner beast?  Her wolf yearned
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Chapter 36
  After Celeste finished her meal, she and Jeremy fell into silence.  Now that the room was well-lit, Celeste noticed the stubble on Jeremy's face and the dark circles under his eyes. She had seen them earlier while she was eating and wondered how many days he had gone without proper sleep. But she had stopped herself from asking about it.  They hadn't seen each other in just a few days, but to Celeste, it felt much longer. Especially considering that Jeremy had been avoiding her ever since his first shift. They hadn't properly met in over a month. During this brief period, she noticed subtle changes in him. His gaze seemed harder and fiercer, and his whole demeanor had transformed. He had gained confidence and become more mature.  Celeste wasn't sure if he actually changed. Or was it her wolf letting her look at him from a different angle? She could tell. It was hard to believe such changes could be made in such a short time.  "How many days have I been unco
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Chapter 37
  Jeremy did a double take, clearly not anticipating Celeste to suggest they share a bed.  "I…" He fumbled for words while she waited calmly.  Eventually, he swallowed hard and seemed to make a big decision, "You sure about this?"  "I am. You must have felt it too. My wolf doesn't just need you for her healing power. She longs for your wolf and wouldn't settle down if you're gone." Her face was warmer when she admitted that, but she ignored it and continued, "You don't have a place to spend the night, and I don't want you to sleep on the floor or even a chair because of me. So it's better if we share a bed. I don't mind it, anyway."  Her words were soft but firm. As she said so, she didn't look away from his eyes.  Jeremy nodded and made his way to the opposite side of the bed. He carefully picked Celeste up and moved her over, leaving enough space for him to settle beside her.  Celeste couldn't help but notice how warm his chest felt as hi
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Chapter 38
  "We're going home?" Celeste frowned at Jeremy's words. Were they safe now?  After the brutal attack by Kent and his rogues, the pack had gathered in their secret hideout. Celeste thought they would have to stay for a while longer. But now they were leaving already?  "Why so suddenly? Did something happen?" She took the breakfast as Jeremy handed it to her.  "No. Nothing to worry about." Jeremy shook his head and gave her a reassuring smile. "We've sent werewolves out to keep an eye on the rogues. And it turned out they had a disagreement and the rogues are now in another town. For now, our pack is safe. And since the traitor doesn't know our whereabouts, it's better if we split up."  Celeste nodded. It made sense. Besides, the members of the pack had their own life to tend to. If they were absent for too long, it would raise suspicion.  But another thought crept into Celeste's mind. Once the pack left, Nancy wouldn't be able to sneak into Jeremy's roo
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Chapter 39
  Celeste felt a strange wave of safety when she listened to Jeremy's words. He said no one was gonna hurt her, and she believed him.  Even the anxious wolf inside her seemed to calm down a little.  Jeremy stood up from his seat to go see who was lurking outside the house. Celeste put down her book, ready to follow him. But he shook his head, "No. You should just stay here. You're not fully recovered. I'll handle it."  She wanted to argue, but she saw the determination and concern in his eyes. She knew she couldn't shift yet. If there was danger outside, given her current state, she would only distract Jeremy. So she nodded in agreement.  Jeremy gave her arm a reassuring squeeze before turning around and heading towards the door quietly.  Suddenly, the doorbell rang, startling both of them. Celeste knitted her brows. She thought the figure was sneaking outside, and now they had the gut to ring the doorbell and confront them head on?  Jeremy looked
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Chapter 40
  "I'm just still angry that he brought that rogue into our pack and got you injured."  So that was why Jeremy was mad at their Alpha? When he spoke of Kent, the knot between his eyebrows deepened.  Celeste put a hand on Jeremy's shoulder. He stiffened a little, but she could feel him relax beneath her hand. "I'm safe now. And my wolf is recovering. And I don't think Byron meant to let Kent in. He didn't know his true color. Kent even managed to pass the Goddess's test, you know. Who would have thought he could turn against us?"  "Kent? Are you on a first-name basis now?" The words came out of Jeremy's mouth.  Celeste was caught off guard by the sudden question. How did they end up here? Did that even matter?  She didn't feel the need to explain it to Jeremy, but she was a little uneasy under his burning gaze. So she shrugged. "Well, we only talked briefly at a gathering. And before everything went downhill, Kent…" she was going to continue when
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