All Chapters of THE UNLIKELY PAIR: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
35 Chapters
Chapter 11: Is it time?
I was expecting to be sizzled, incinerated for daring to speak ill about a member of the pack, but instead what I got was a childlike giggle that left me looking at the woman with my mouth partially open. Her humorous reaction surprised me. So not everyone is stiff like Ass in this pack. “Well, you described him aptly, but you should cut him some slacks. Chase has been through enough. Life hasn't been easy on him.”The emotions behind her words were one of fondness and understanding, something I couldn't bring myself to feel for the pompous ass. Being in his haughty, and snobbish presence does not make you feel fondness let alone understanding, rather it feels you with a hungry feeling to throttle him. “What happened?”“For someone you dislike so much you sure ask a lot questions about him.”“Don't tease Frost,” I scolded my wolf, who rolled her eyes in response. “Auch!” I exclaimed not expecting the needle prick that came when the doctor gave me the injection. I have been so distr
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Chapter 12: What are we doing?
I was curious about this pack. I am yet to learn its name, but the little I have seen of the pack and it is the most beautiful pack I have ever come across. Everything was lush and green, as if they leave in a different atmosphere that has not been corrupted by global warming, green gas effect, and the whole other things that is making earth toxic. The air here is cleaner, fresh, and healing. It is like being here makes you forget all your worries. I wonder how they have managed to keep this wonder hidden for so long. Probably by interacting the least with outside world. Dustin shook his head with a regretful expression, sending his brown waves swaying gently around his face. “Not yet.”He didn't have to say the words, his expression said it all. though it was laced with a look of remorse, but it was obvious that I am still a stranger, and as such they are unwilling to let me know this much about them, or roam free. “Well if you aren't showing me around what are we doing?” I tried
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Chapter 13: The race
Being naked in public is part of werewolf culture and not something we are ashamed of, and that is not to say that there aren't any wolves who has some reserves about it. I saw Dustin cast a glance or two at me as I got naked but I pretended not to see it. My only indication being the small smug smirk that pulled at my lips at the thought of him loving what he saw. When we were down to bare skin we started to transform. It has always been a painful process, but I have been doing it for six years so the pain has become part of me. Every wolf transforms at the age of thirteen, but I did mine earlier just like I have done everything else in my life. I said my first words when I was eight months, crawled when I was four, and walked by the time I was nine months. My mother used to tease that I was in a hurry to grow up. Maybe if I had known that this was what the future held I would have taken it easy. The sound of our transformation echoed around us, and like a blink of an eye our respe
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Chapter 14: Rogues
Rotten eggs. The smell was so disgusting that I scrunched up my nose. There is only one entity that bears a smell as awful and disgusting as this. Rogues. Dustin and I clashed eyes as we realized the implication of what was in the wind. We didn't bother to use words, and instead made our way right out of the water. 0If we could smell rogues this far it means that they are in the pack land. I need to inform my father.” Dustin started walking away, a sense of urgency in his steps. His words alarmed me, and I quickly ran to catch up and then ran across his path, and stopped him with a hand to his tanned smooth muscular chest. “Please wait!”“What is it Fallon? I don't have time for whatever it is you want to say. If rogues are lurking around in our land, my father deserves to know.”He was right, and if I was in his shoes I will do the same, but him saying something is bad for me. “You can't,” I blurted out fearfully. “What!” he looked at me like I have lost my mind, but I haven't.
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Chapter 15: Chit Chat
He has a nice laughter. Deep and manly, even though his appearance is more like a boy. I wondered at his age, and decided to find out. “How old are you?”“Didn't anyone ever tell you that it is rude to ask a man his age?” His brown eyes twinkled at me letting me know that he was joking. I joked back. “I believe that is my line.”“Does that mean that I won't be getting a number in return if I tell you mine?” He arched a thick brow at me. I smirked at him. “I am not that old to be hiding my age.”“Seventeen.”“What! You look older.”“Auch,” he hand clutched his chest as he feigned being in pain. “I meant that as a compliment,” I tried to defend myself in a high pitch note, at the same time laughing at his exaggeration. I laughed harder when one of his brow climbed higher than the other and he said. “In what planet does telling someone that he looks older than his age sound like a compliment?”His tone was playfully sarcastic.“In the planet of young men. Most boys take it as a complim
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Chapter 16: I messed up
The kitchen was beautiful, a coat in white, with a round kitchen island boosting of the same pristine sparkling white colors on the walls, high round stools around the island, and an L- shaped kitchenette, with over hanging cabinets filled to brim with anything you desire to eat. The glassy drop down windows allowed a marvelous view into the forest and streams of daylight that bathed the entire space in bright light. Dustin's sandwich tasted so good that I moaned when I had a taste. The crunchy way he fried the egg blended well with the soft cheese and bread. He was watching me like a hawk as I took a taste, and then exhaled loudly when he saw the look of enjoyment on my face. "Good?" He smiled knowingly as he asked this. My mouth was full, because I just had to have more bites, so I nodded. "So good," I gurgled out when the bolus in my mouth lessened, and then took another bite. "I am glad you like it." Dustin sounded so pleased with himself. He made his way to the tall fridge by t
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Chapter 17: Thank you
I haven't been allowed up and about since my arrival in this pack, so I have had minimal contact with the members of the pack, except for the ruling house, the good doctors and some servants who brought me thing. So I haven't met this ex he keeps mentioning, but from the way he talks about her it looks like she really did a number on him. A joke to lighten him up seemed like the appropriate response. Sad expression doesn't look good on him. I like him all confident and full of zeal, not the insecure him, doubting himself. "I wasn't asking for a relationship," I teased, wearing a smug smirk, and a cheeky grin in my eyes. I expected him to laugh at my words, and then brighten up, thereby breaking the moody ice. The ice was broken alright, but it gave birth to something primal that my thighs clenching together. The look in his eyes darkened, the smolder deepening as he walked slowly in my direction. He looked like a predator on a prowl. My throat grew dry as my eyes followed his slow p
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Chapter 18: You are an ass
Wo! My jaw dropped as we walked into the red carpeted lobby. It was the perfect house extracted from the movies. The chandeliers looked like they were made from real gold, and everything around me glittered even the walls. "Come. I believe everyone will be in the dinning room," Dustin started off in that direction, but I didn't immediately follow. I had believed the dinner was just his family alone. I know in most packs they had communal dinner, but it was rare in our packs, as my parents wanted time alone with each other and me. It is easy to get lost as to what is important when you have a lot of people to focus on."Everyone?"Dustin stopped to look back. "Yeah. My parents, brother, and some members of the pack who dropped by to eat with us. Someone is always dropping by." I gagged when he mentioned his brother. So not looking forward to facing his ass, though it will be fun to see his face when I walk in with Dustin. And the only thing that stopped me from looking forward to it w
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Chapter 19: The rift at the table
His words sent shivers down my spine and definitely not the good kind. I didn't need to look at him to know that his expression matched the coldness I heard in his voice. They say the best treatment to an evil person is silence. That is what I did. I ignored the devil spawn beside me and focused on the treat that was the food on the table. It was a real buffet. Every dish was represented. Appetizer, main dish, and desert. The carrot cake was looking mightily tasty. I wondered what my host will think if I started with desert. Cake is definitely my thing, and I wouldn't mind having it all the time. The buffet wasn't just on the Alph's table, but on every table in the room. I wondered if this is how they eat every damn night, or is there a special occasion that I didn't know about. I wished Dustin was seating beside me. I got questions, and I sure as hell not asking Satan here beside me. Who is also doing an amazing job of ignoring my existence. Something he went extra length to make su
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Chapter 20: Bad news
The tension brought on by the heated exchanged between father and son lingered for few more minutes after ass left, and then it dissipated like smoke and things went back to normal. I would like to say his presence was missed but who am I kidding. His absence made my food travel down well, and I was able to relax. So did everyone at the table. Conservation started to flow smoothly again. I even found myself joining in here and there when they brought up something I have an idea about. The meal was approaching an end when Dustin spoke up again. Directing his words towards his father. "Father," he got his attention. The Alpha looked at him with question in his eyes. Dustin hesitated to speak. He looked as if struggling to spit out his words. I felt him look at me and returned his regard. The look in his eyes made me aware what he was about to say, and it caused nervous butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Will the Alpha and the Luna accept for me to stay with them? I was terrified to kn
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