All Chapters of THE SICK ALPHA AND HIS LYCAN LUNA: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
70 Chapters
Chapter 61
MARCUS' POVI understood that making difficult choices was necessary to ensure our pack's survival. Ava was unable to make a decision at the time since she was not thinking clearly. The illusion of oneness had crumbled beneath the weight of the revelations, revealing the weakness in the basis of our pack.The food shortages had gotten out of hand, and it was obvious that something drastic was required to keep Ava, the council, and myself from going hungry. We could assign blame later; for now, we just needed to make sure we had enough food to survive.I firmly said, "It's not time to assign blame," my voice breaking through the rigid atmosphere of the council meeting."We need to act quickly and decisively to address this crisis."Ava's gaze wavered, showing signs
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Chapter 62
Steven's POVI never imagined that I would find such important information. Usually, being a servant means remaining unseen, but on that particular day, fate had different ideas.It was simply another typical morning at the packhouse. A sense of tension pervaded the room as I stepped inside in the low light. With solemn expressions on their faces, Ava and the council members sat around the enormous oak table. As a servant, I knew better than to interfere, yet I had to be there."Ava, we need more supplies for ourselves. Or did you bring us to this pack to suffer?," a very authoritative voice challenged from one of the council members.Ava narrowed her gaze.Everyone wanted to express their ideas at the same moment, thus there
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Chapter 63
NATHAN'S POVI smiled as I recounted the day's events while I lay in bed that evening. Though we had made headway, our top priority was releasing Noah, Ciara, and Alex. As I was preparing to retire for the night, I heard footsteps approaching my room. Jude, accustomed to a life of vigilance, would rather spend the night outside, so I was the only one in the room. The scent floated towards me. It was Grace.As soon as she knocked and entered, I shot out of bed. "Can I sleep here, Nathan? I'm scared," she said.After a brief pause, staring at her with shock, I firmly said, "No, Grace. It's not a place to sleep."She began pressuring me, "But please, I don't want to be alone.""You know the rules," I said, shaking my head. &ldqu
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Chapter 64
AVA'S POVI summoned a meeting of the general council. Riley's punishment was over, but there were more urgent concerns to attend to. It was necessary to find Justina and the other traitors. The authority I wielded as Alpha of my pack hinged on it."Among us, there is a traitor," I declared with a forceful voice. "Justina has sided with people that want to bring us down. We must discover her and the other people who have turned against us."“I’m glad you're finally making a move on her,” said Leo.The others gave a nod."We have to take action against her betrayal," I said. "We will search every corner of our territory until we find her and those who conspired with her.”
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Chapter 65
NATHAN’S POVI was restless, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. One of our spies learned the truth from Riley, who was previously Ava's closest confidant but was now imprisoned in the packhouse for treason. That spy happened to be Steven, one of our most trusted loyalist to the cause. My heart was thumping with anxiety and shock as Steven was telling me the news.I paced in our makeshift headquarters, a room in James's house. The air was heavy with tension. Jude, along with all of us in the rebellion, had been studying Ava for any vulnerability. We had to figure out how to overthrow her and set the pack free from her oppression.Our biggest chance for information had been Riley, who had formerly worked with Ava before. He used to be her Beta, her former lover, but she betrayed him by saying he was a traito
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Chapter 66
AVA'S POV *FLASHBACK*It has been unsettling recently. Something in the air was causing my skin to stand crawl. Perhaps it was just the excitement of the upcoming full moon, or perhaps there was something worse hiding in the shadows.Among the pack, I had heard murmurs and quiet talks that ended when I got close. It felt like they were planning something behind my back that they would prefer me to be unaware of."Are you alright, Ava?" Marcus asked, a hint of worry in his voice.I responded, attempting to sound assured, "I'm fine." On the inside, though, I was far from okay. It seemed like trouble was building, and I couldn't get rid of it.I had called a meeting of the coun
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Chapter 67
UNKNOWN POVHeart thumping in her chest, Ava stood at the edge of the forest. The air was thick with tension, like a storm building on the horizon, and she could feel it. A couple of her faithful soldiers stood beside her, their faces stern and gloomy.With a low, frantic voice, one of them added, "We have to do this, Ava." Ava nodded, her jaw clenched in resolve. She was aware of the stakes. Tension between their packs had been growing ever since she had assumed leadership in Noah's absence as Alpha. And now it had reached a tipping point.She showed no signs of fear as she faced Noah and his soldiers directly. Ava wasn't ready, but she pretended to be, and it felt like everyone had something against her.Ava snarled, "Oh my goodness, see who decided to show up," as Noah's pack appeared out of t
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Chapter 68
CIARA'S POVAs Noah's recovery progressed, I was thrown into a leadership role that I had not anticipated taking on so quickly as our pack's future Luna. It was a difficult chore that I had not expected, but I had to respond when duty beckoned. Standing before our pack, prepared to allay their fears and lead us toward stability, were my beloved brother Alex and the courageous rebel leader, Nathan, who stood by my side throughout those tumultuous days.As I rallied the group in the center of our domain, I spoke to them with a sorrowful yet resolute attitude. "My fellow pack members”, I started, thanking everyone for attending, my voice firm despite the nerves gnawing at me, facing our pack members who were assembled in the meeting chamber, their faces eager to please. "For all of us, these past few months have been turbulent. We are currently navigating a
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Chapter 69
CIARA'S POV The last few days had seen a further worsening of Noah's condition. His motions were slow and strained, his formerly bright eyes now dull with suffering. With a troubled heart, I watched him from the doorway. It hurt me to see him struggle because I was his partner. The idea of losing him was unbearable to me, especially at this point when his stability was vital to our pack."Hey, Ciara," was Noah's feeble greeting upon my entrance into the room. His voice was barely a whisper, and it made me feel pain."How are you feeling today, Noah?" I questioned, trying not to let my dread get the better of me.Noah forced a meek grin, but the pain was evident in his eyes. "Just another day, I guess," he replied, his voice strained.
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Chapter 70
The priestess Zara spoke in ancient tongues while chanting in a little clearing far into the forest, her voice resonating over the foliage. Standing next to her, Ciara's heart was heaving under the weight of what lay ahead.Her hands lifted to the sky, "By the ancient powers of the forest, we beseech thee," she said.With breath caught in her throat, Ciara observed the enchanted circle that Zara's words created around them. Even though she understood what needed to be done, the concept made her shudder."Ciara, Noah needs you," Zara whispered gently, knowing in her eyes. "As you are his mate, you are the only one who can give him what he needs to survive."Ciara reached out to Noah, who was quiet and pale on the ground, nodding, her hands trembling. 
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