Lahat ng Kabanata ng 100 Days Contract With The Bachelor: Kabanata 111 - Kabanata 118
118 Kabanata
We need to talk
Stacy’s POVImmediately we were done with our looting I thanked the girls for their cooperation and took everything to my house where I safely stacked them somewhere hidden and proceeded to go Jace’s house and see how far my plan has worked. When I arrived there the guards and maids wore a swollen expression.“Good afternoon ma’am.” The maids greeted.I acknowledge their greetings with a wave.“Where’s Jace?” I asked.“He’s at the mini bar.” A maid replied.I nodded and walked there, the loud clanging of my heels sounded sonorous to my ears and I saw Jace from afar, drinking like his life depended on it. It meant that he had found the letter and my plan had worked just as I expected it to.“Jace.” I called out.He turned to look at me for a split second before turning his attention back to his glass of alcohol. I stood before him and tried to touch him but he flinched and acted as if my touch repulsed him.“Jace, what happened to you?” I asked worriedly.He ignored me and downed anoth
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Bigger problems
Stacy’s POVStill grumbling and regretting the opportunity that I just passed by, I arrived at where Liam asked to meet looking swollen. If it weren’t for him I would be rolling under the sheets with Jace and hopefully have his seeds inside of me by now.It was something I’ve always dreamt of and whatever Liam called me for should better be worth it else I’ll make him regret it. Though Jace was now mine and there’s no longer any obstruction between us but I wanted the process to be fast and also to find something that would hold him down.If I got pregnant, he would surely take responsibility and I couldn’t wait for that to happen. Liam looked impatient and worried the moment I stepped in the room and scowled at me.“Where have you been?” He snapped.I got irritated.“Slow down your horses Liam, why are you been so irritable?” I threw back.He ran his fingers through his hair, something he does whenever he was in some sort of trouble or frustrated.“We’re in big trouble.” He divulged.
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Reason behind her actions
Jace’s POVI woke up with a banging headache and lay still for few minutes. I shut my eyes and fell asleep once more with the aim of getting rid of the headache before waking up. The hangover from the alcohol I took made me weak. I would have opted for painkillers but I felt too lazy to get up.I wake up half an hour later and yawned widely, satisfied that the headache had subsided though I could still faintly feel some pain. I leaned back against the bed frame and the incidence of the previous day flooded my memory.With a sigh, I gently rubbed my temples and shook my head as I remembered getting wasted to the point where I poured out my heart contents and grievances to Stacy and she consoled me.Stacy has been with me as a friend for as long as I remember and I completely trust her more than anyone else but I’ve been having my doubts about her and reasons to doubt her as well but I didn’t want them to be through as she’s been the only one who stayed with me come rain come sunshine.
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Getting her arrested
Stacy’s POVLiam and I didn’t find a solution even after hours of thinking and he left to attend to an important business so I headed home. Throughout the drive back home I couldn’t stop thinking of the consequences of my actions. Everything was perfectly ruined.I began to regret my actions and wished I could turn back the hands of time and change my actions but there was nothing like such so I had to find a way to get myself out of this mess. I contemplated Liam’s advice of running away but Jace was influential and would find me even if it meant going to the ends of the world and tearing countries up.I lingered in my car for few more minutes, trying to figure out a way even if it meant shifting all the blame on Liam. Liam would certainly feel betrayed but I couldn’t afford falling out with him. The evidences were too glaring and incriminating for me to deny connections with him.The llok on Jace’s face whne he discovers that I am the cause of his recent pain would be excruciatingl
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His wife, his pride
Jace’s POVI didn’t want to believe that Stacy had anything to do with Scarlett’s disappearance but it was too much of a coincidence for her to appear and then Scarlett disappears. I then realized that following any of those bad events is Stacy’s presence.She insisted that I find her in one of the hotel rooms in which I found Scarlett and hers happens to coincidentally be the one opposite it. I had just been blinded by our friendship and refused to acknowledge that she was a suspect.Tara’s words confirmed that Scarlett really loves me and I’ve be with her too long to be able to distinguish if she was after my monet or not. There were instances where I was helpless and she could have carthered away all of my monety but she still stood by me.I decided to chose love over friendship and went to confront Stacy. At the face of confrontation I got to know that she betrayed me because she allegedly loved me but it was all lies, she didn’t love me, Scarlett did. Scarlett taught me what love
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Accepting their union
Scarlett’s PovAfter I left Jace’s mansion I realized there was nowhere else for me to go than to go back home. I hesitated for the first two days as I lodged in an hotel and reviewed my entire life. I had fallen in love with a man who saw me as a plaything and didn’t feel the least same.I suffered in the hands of Stacy who constantly reminded me that I was a nobody yet I persisted thinking Jace loved me but in the end she was right. Our marriage was nothing but a contract after all.Being set up with another man was even more disgusting but Jace made me feel like a woman and told me that it was all a lie since I was drugged and couldn’t remember anything. I packed my things and decided to go back to my stepmother and stepsister.I was determined to bear whatever they throw my way and also live a peaceful life until I can get a good job and just leave the city forever. As I stepped foot at the house all trhe bad m,emories came flooding back in my head.I had left thinking I’d never c
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I love you too
Scarlett (Anastasia’s) POVIt’s been a week after the incidence and my life has been paradise save for the absence of Jace. Lucy and I became inseparable and began to catch up on the things we’ve missed in each other’s life.She would buy me flowers, clothes and we’d go out together and have fun, I was beginning to get accustomed to calling stepmom my mom and she’s being trying hard to make up for her mistakes. Everything was perfect yet I missed Jace.Lucy was busy baking my favorite strawberry pies in the kitchen and I stepped out to the balcony to receive fresh air after teasing her and making a mess with the flour in the kitchen.The breeze reminded me of the moments I spent with Jace, how we were lovey-dovey and I felt I was riding on a winged stallion on the clouds but all of that was now in the past. Our marriage had legally ended a week ago.I looked up and saw a familiar figure approach the house and saw that it was Jace, I smiled and kept enjoying the atmosphere and immediat
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Marriage, child birth and a beautiful ending.
Jace’s POVScarlett and I reconciled and I managed to convince her into coming back home with me which was almost an impossible task. Her Mom and Lucy made it hard as they insisted that they had recently reconciled with her and didn’t want to let go of her.Lucy also talked to me in private and confessed all her wrongdoings as well, she even volunteered to go the police and confess everything as well but I stopped her. She had changed her ways and accepted that she was wrong so I forgave her, it would break Scarlett to know that her sister was in jail.Though we’re together yet our contract marriage had ended and I knew that there was no other person that I would rather spend the rest of my life with. I made plans along with Lucy to ask Scarlett to marry me.I asked her out on a date as usual and had everything planned out already. We got dressed and I took her to a five star restaurant. We got served her favorite meal and she ate happily.“Are you enjoying the meal?” I asked.“Of co
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