All Chapters of Luna Awakening - The Rebirth of a Warrior's Heart: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
97 Chapters
Chapter 51
Liam’s POV At first, I thought that we had made an ally with Alpha Xavier but the more he stared at my mate, I knew he had other intentions. I honestly couldn’t blame him for wanting her but she was a mated she wolf. My mark that she bared should be enough for any wolf to be warned, but to Alpha Xavier that meant nothing but a challenge to him. He was known as a ruthless Alpha and I am seeing why now. He had us pinned between a rock and a hard place and I knew I didn’t have a chance to make my way out of Blood Moon with Adira alive, with none of my pack here to back me. We could do nothing at this moment but give in to his wants until my men arrive here. Unfortunately, with night upon us, he was right about it not being safe to travel with Adira through the other pack territories, especially with her father and his men still out there. I had informed Blaze what was going down and he and my warriors would leave for here at dawn. We only had to hold on until tomorrow morning and I
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Chapter 52
Adira’s POV My wolf didn’t like being here at the Blood Moon packhouse and I knew it had to do with Alpha Xavier. We already have chosen Alpha Liam as our mate and Alpha Xavier’s advances on us were starting to rub us both the wrong way. Pulling Alpha Liam into the dining room, I noticed that Alpha Zane and Lyra had already taken seats and began to eat the spread that was prepared for us. The smell of the fresh cooked roast beef filled the air and made my mouth water, since it had been at least a day since I had eaten. Alpha Liam let go of my hand and pulled a seat out for me to sit and he took the seat next to me as I began to fill my plate full of the delicious array of foods. Alpha Xavier finally entered the room, surely after the shock wore off, that I wasn’t interested in going with him to change into something else more appropriate. Honestly, I would love to have a pair of sweatpants at this moment but there was no way in hell I was going with him to get it. Besides, I was
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Chapter 53
Adira’s POV My eyes fluttered open and my head began instantly to hurt as I reached for it to try and stop the pain. It felt like I had been smashed hard in the head by something and I wanted the pain to stop. “You’re finally awake.” I heard a male voice say and I quickly turned to see who it was coming from. A tall, dark and extremely handsome man stood now by my bedside, and I couldn’t help but gaze at his appearance. Taking my eyes from him, I began to look around the room, realizing I had no clue where I was or who the man was standing before me. “Where am I and who are you?” I now ask as I try to sit up in the bed but the pain in my head becomes worse. “Easy.” He says as he moves to help me sit up and fluffs a pillow behind me. “You’re at the Blood Moon packhouse and I am Alpha Xavier, your mate.” “Wait. What?” I asked, staring at him, trying to remember what happened to get me here, but the headache I was having was getting worse by the second, as I tried to remember
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Chapter 54
Adira’s POV After a hot bath and a change of my clothes, I waited for Alpha Xavier to return to my room to take me on a tour of his territory. An hour or so had passed and I was sure that he said he would return soon. Time began to pass and I began to wonder if he had forgotten about me. Moving to the door, I decided to go looking for him and find out what was holding him up from our tour of the pack lands. Opening my door to my room I peeked out into a long, massive hallway and was in awe at the number of doors that lined it. Stepping out into the hallway I heard voices coming from my right and decided to head in that direction. As I walked down the hallway, I peered out the windows that lined the hallway and stopped when I saw the training area outside and moved closer to the window as I found myself intrigued with the warriors sparring with each other. One in particular caught my eye and I found myself watching his every move inside the ring with his opponent. He was fast and
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Chapter 55
Adira’s POV My wolf howled with excitement as we entered the ring and I could feel her pushing forward wanting to take over as the adrenaline began to rush through my body. Alpha Xavier stood at the side of the ring as his Beta moved into a fighting stance inside the ring with me. As if my mind knew what to do, I too took my own fighting stance as I eyed Beta Michael, remembering every move that he had made against his last opponent. I had noticed while I was watching him earlier that he had little weaknesses, there was a slight studder before he would change direction with his movement and I made a mental note of that. “Begin!” Alpha Xaiver called out and Beta Micheal hesitated for a moment before he charged at me. My wolf instantly pulled forward and I felt a new power within me as she side stepped his charge and landed a low blow to his gut with little to no effort. Beta Micheal turned to me with a surprised look on his face that turned quickly into a smile before he moved ba
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Chapter 56
Liam’s POV A few days have passed since I woke up in a cell at Crimson’s pack along with my sister. We were being charged with witchery and falsely claiming that the Moon Goddess blessing of mates was back and we were put in here by no other than Alpha Zane, my sister’s true mate. I had no clue where they had taken Adira, but what I did know is I could still feel her presence in the mate bond, which leads me to believe she was okay. Lyra on the other hand was far from being okay, as she lay in the corner of the cell sobbing from the rejection of Alpha Zane. I tried multiple times to assure her that he was not himself and something was done to us at Blood Moon, but it didn’t do anything to soothe her pain. Alpha Zane only came to us once and that was to tell Lyra that he rejected her and her false claim to her as his mate. As soon as the words came from his lips it was as if her will to live left her and I knew that the bond between the two of them was real, just as mine was with A
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Chapter 57
Zane’s POV Looking at Alpha Liam in front of me with his hands on the wolfbane laced bars, I knew he had to be crazy. No Alpha had ever been able to endure such pain to be able to even think about touching them, let alone bending them that much. His eyes were now on mine and I could see the pain in his eyes as he began to say to me, “It’s Lyra. She is burning up. She needs to see the pack doctor. Please I beg you.” The desperation in his voice made my eyes immediately move to Lyra who was curled up in a ball in the far corner of the cell and I could hear her almost silent cries of pain. Something about seeing her like this pulled at my heart and I had to wonder if this was another trick of theirs but I couldn’t stand by and see a she wolf in so much pain. “Step back.” I said to Alpha Liam as I ushered for the guard to open the cell. Alpha Liam did as I asked and I could see the burns on his hands and dark lines moving up his arms from the wolfbane. He too would be needing trea
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Chapter 58
Adira’s POV “There you are sleeping beauty.” I heard a man’s voice say as I slowly opened my eyes to see Alpha Xavier sitting on the bed next to me. “What happened?” I asked as I moved to sit up and my head once again began to hurt. “Here, let me help you.” He said as he reached for a pillow to put behind me. “You bumped your head while you were sparring. The pack doctor said it is nothing major thankfully.” I reached for my head at that moment to feel for a bandage or a bump but there was nothing. “I don’t remember anything.” I tell him as I begin to feel a bit confused on how I had hit my head. “I’m sure it will come back to you later. Right now, we just need to make sure that you heal.” Alpha Xavier said to me as he ran his hand up and down my arm like he was trying to soothe me. “Did I make a fool of myself?” I now asked him, hoping that I didn’t, in front of the whole pack. “No Dear, you were amazing and I think you should continue to train. I have never seen a she
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Chapter 59
Liam’s POV It was about damn time that Alpha Zane woke from whatever spell they had put on him at Blood Moon. Now my sister’s life was now on the lines and we had to find the witch at Blood Moon that had poisoned her. When I mentioned Adira to him something came alive within him at that moment and I knew that their friendship had to mean a lot to him. “She’s not here at Crimson. Alpha Xavier must have kept her there with him.” Alpha Zane says and I let out a growl thinking about Adira being there at Blood Moon with him. I should have known he kept her there especially with the way he looked at her after he seen what her wolf was capable of. He didn’t want her per say, he wanted her wolf to rule alongside him. Alpha Xavier was ruthless and this showed how ruthless he truly was. Adira was a mated wolf in the eyes of the Moon Goddess and if he tried to break that bond between us, Goddess knew what would happen. “What is the last thing you remember at Blood Moon?” Alpha Zane asks
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Chapter 60
Adira’s POV Shutting the door to the bathroom and locking it, I moved to the shower and turned on the water as cold as I could get it, as I stepped under it to try to calm my flesh that now felt like it was on fire. I knew there was only one thing that could be causing this and that was I was in heat, but I wasn’t ready yet to give myself to Alpha Xavier. I had to cool my body temperature down before the scent of my heat woke him. I had seen what a she wolf in heat could do to the male wolves of a pack, and I couldn’t imagine what it would do to an Alpha and what lengths he would go to get to his mate. Pressing my forehead to the cool tile of the shower, I found my hands roaming south as the heat within me began to build and I needed to find some sort of release from the burning desire between my legs. Closing my eyes, images of the Alpha from my dreams began to play in my head, of the two of us sexually together. My fingers began to move against the slickness of my interfolds a
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