All Chapters of Jaded: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
227 Chapters
That's A Win
KariKari watched, taking pictures here and there as the game dragged on for most of the morning. Martha and Cliff had been right - the boys’ team was top notch. They moved around the court like they owned it, Kari finding herself yelling and cheering right alongside the fans for them. The desire to learn how to shoot or play a little herself kept washing over her as she got more and more excited. The win was only a few points from being theirs and the last few minutes of the game were highly intense, a large blond kid hitting a three-pointer just before the final clock sounded.The crowd went wild and the joy on Jake's face caused her to laugh. Her heart filled at the sight of the boys jumping all over him and him jumping right alongside them. She grabbed her camera, pulling it up and taking a few shots of the first win of the morning.The team played a total of three games before noon, two of them back-to-back. The lunch bell rang and all games stopped for a two hour break, Kari put
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First Date
JakeThey pulled up to the small bistro and Jake got out of the truck, his body aching, his palms starting to sweat. Damned if she wasn't as straightforward as he was, and here he thought she was shy or at least a bit introverted. Hadn't she said she was introverted? No, he was making that up, right? He opened her door, moving back as she stepped out, the perfect fit of her jeans on her nice sized rear not helping at all.He reached for her hand, wrapping his around hers and walking toward the restaurant. Friends didn't hold hands, but he figured their ruse to try and take things slow was a joke in the making. He hadn't felt physical chemistry with someone like this ever. He and Bethany had been together since they were kids, so the passion wasn't explosive, but more an adolescent curiosity that morphed into something comfortable. He figured this burning desire with Kari would start to fade a little too, which would be great. It was killing him from the inside out. He couldn't go spor
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KariJake bit at his lip as he moved back, his arms crossing over his chest as if protecting his heart from what was about to happen. Knowing how bad it hurt to bring up the shit from the past, she almost told him to forget it. To have tragedy hit you in a way that caused you to uproot yourself and start somewhere totally new was deeply private."I met her in sixth grade." He paused and chuckled, his eyes taking on a faraway look. "She wasn't my type either, blond hair and big blue eyes. She would play basketball for hours with me though, and she was persistent as hell. She wanted me and she just wouldn't accept no for an answer, so we started a friendship. It turned into adolescent curiosity, her being my first and me being hers. We just really grew up together."He paused and Kari felt the weight of that type of relationship. Jake wasn't over the girl and probably would never fully be. Her four years paled in comparison to his ten plus years with this girl. He reached up and rubbed
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Kari"Congratulations, coach." Kari reached over and rubbed his large shoulder, Jake turning and pulling her into a hug in the middle of the crowd. He lifted her off her feet as the crowd around them went wild. Bar Harbor had been crowned champions of the northeastern high school basketball conference, and Jake as their coach got a standing accolade. He set her down and she laughed, the smile on her face almost hurting as she enjoyed his victory alongside him.Things started to settle, Jake taking her hand and moving them out of the gym. He turned to wave at a few of the boys that called after him. Squeezing his hand, she moved in closer to his side."Damn that was fun." He laughed and held the door open for her."Winning always is.""Nah... I mean it is, but playing is the fun part. Seeing what you're capable of no matter what odds are stacked against you." He looked down at her and tugged her closer. "Let's go change and head downtown. I want to show you some of the little shops and
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Let's Enjoy the Night
KariKari bit at her lip, the sound of the bathroom door shutting doing nothing to ease the desire that pulsed through her veins. He was by far the most beautiful thing she'd ever seen. His body was honed for long nights of sex, his smile capable of making her feel far more precious than she was. Kari got up and walked to her bag, pulling her shirt over her head and dropping her pants. She slipped into a white cotton dress, her feet sliding into simple sandals. It wasn't warm enough outside for the outfit, but she'd use it as a reason to snuggle into him. She wanted to bring one outfit that made her feel good about herself, even though she hadn't expected him to be there.She reached up and let down her hair, running her fingers through it as he walked back in the room, a soft whistle through his teeth catching her attention. She turned as he moved toward her, his black hair wet, his upper body bare. His jeans fit perfectly, the small space around his waist drawing her attention. Her
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Like a Teenager
KariSmall shops lined the cobblestone road, Kari walking slowly with Jake, her hand in his and her mind on their next steps. He stopped and pointed to a Christmas store, a smile spreading across his lips."Let's go in here. It's my mom's favorite shop.""Christmas in the middle of spring?"He laughed and held the door open, the smell of cinnamon and pine trees filling her senses as she walked in, Jake close behind her."My mom would have it be Christmas year round if she could." He moved toward the ornaments room, stopping to look through them. "She always picks out an ornament for each of us each year, and then gets one for her and my father, and one for the whole Isaac family."Kari moved up beside him, her eyes scanning the colorful objects, some of them dancing and singing. She reached out and picked up a paint brush, the painting attached to it a view of the ocean."Beautiful," she whispered and put it back. "We didn't really celebrate Christmas much."He pointed to the little o
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Your Innocence Is Mine
KariDinner was delicious, Kari eating a small version of the steak Jake enjoyed. The sounds of appreciation coming from him after almost every bite had her in knots by the time the evening ended. The waiter offered dessert, but they both refused, Jake's voice a little more steady and calm than hers.He smiled over at her as they slipped out of the booth and wrapped an arm around her shoulders as they left the small building, the afternoon and night having been magical. Kari snuggled into his side, her fingers slipping into the top of his jeans and rubbing softly along the back of his hip. He looked down at her, his eyebrow raising. The fire burning inside of her had a few more minutes of patience before it exploded and she gave him a look to let him know.They drove in silence back to the hotel, Kari's knee bouncing up and down as she tried to think through what would happen. It had been a while, and having been with Frank for so long, she wasn't sure what another man might want in t
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You Belong To Me
KariThe night had been like nothing she'd ever experienced before, her body sore and sated beyond belief. Soft light filtered through the room as she rubbed Jake's chest, her body tucked against the side of his, her legs wrapped around his. He was sound asleep, the subtle rise and fall of his chest the only way of knowing he was alive and well. His face was tilted toward her, his long eyelashes resting on his high cheekbones.Her heart swelled in her chest, the man beside her scorching her with his passion. He'd spent hours learning what made her come unglued. He did things she'd never even known possible, the memory of them causing her to groan softly. To lose him would be the end of her. She squeezed her eyes close tightly and fought back a wave of nausea at the deep feeling of loss that rolled over her.Surely this time things would work out - they had to. It was her turn.Kari lay there for a few more minutes before slipping out of his grasp and going to take a long, hot shower.
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Kiss and Tell
KariKari pulled into the drive, her eyes heavy from staying up all night. Getting out of the car, she stretched, her heart almost stopping at the yelps of her friends as they rushed out of the house and toward her."What?" she yelled and moved toward them, shutting the car door behind her.Lisa wrapped her up in a big hug and squeezed so tight her back popped."Nothing. We're just glad you're home and that you had a magical night with Mr. Big Stuff." Sicily clapped her hands, her smile wide and filled with adoration."Was he 'Mr. Big Stuff'?" Lisa asked, licking at her teeth as she moved back. Kari swatted at her and rolled her eyes."I'm not answering that." Kari walked around to get her bag out of the car as Lisa pouted and Sicily chided her."Are you up for helping us paint today? I know you have to be tired." Sicily reached for her bag, and Kari gladly handed it over."Yeah, and Jake's going to join us this afternoon. He went home to sleep a little and then he'll come." Kari smil
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His Girlfriend
JakeThey all hushed after Kari turned on music using her phone, their paint brushes coating the wall in a muted teal. Jake stayed close to Kari, making small talk here and there, loving the concentration on her face as she painted. He looked up as Drake walked in, the closest friend in Bar Harbor he’d made at the small gym where he’d spent many nights trying to purge the memories of Bethany from his mind.“Someone call for a help?” Drake stopped at the door, his hands on his hips as he looked around.Jake moved to extend his hand to him. “Hey, buddy. Thanks for coming.” He turned and pointed to Kari. “This is my girlfriend, Kari. Her friends Sicily and Lisa.”Lisa smiled and waved flirtatiously, forever a redhead. Sicily stared a bit longer than she might have realized. Jake moved Drake over to the pile of supplies and picked up a brush.“We’re just doing the base coat now. Pick a place to get rolling and let’s go. We’ll try and do two coats before we break for the day.”Drake took t
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