All Chapters of Gehenna's Inferno - Secrets of Ali: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
47 Chapters
I sit there in silence thinking of all the possible outcomes. Planning on how to handle any situation that may arise from the predicament that I’m in. The girls don’t know of my past or of my parents. Xei is to be my future mate. I’m part vampire and I’m not sure the people in my fathers alliance will accept a half breed. I’m consumed by worry and darkness that the knock at my door startles me so much I jump. With a now shaky voice, I call for whoever it is to enter. Gin strolls in with his perfect dark hair and perfectly pressed suit looking like he just walked off a magazine for Armani. I let my gaze wander down his body taking in the thick muscles that flex softly underneath his suit as he walks closer towards me. He is much like me with how he carries himself. Both born of the Bravata, we know how important impressions are. Everything about him screams calm, collected and dangerous. His dark eyes that naturally narrow just a bit stares at me like he is reading all the secrets I h
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It was just another day, Gin and I were wandering around the house playing tag. When we wandered into my dad’s office. We heard dad’s voice coming around the corner and ran to hide under his desk as usual, both of us thinking we were really going to scare him this time. We heard the old door creak open and suddenly the room filled with a sour smell. It smelt as if the room suddenly exploded with mold spores everywhere and I looked at Gin and saw he was holding his nose obviously clearly smelling the same foul smell as me. I was going to crawl out of my hiding space when Gin reached out and stopped me. He pointed toward the sound of the mens feet and I knew what he was trying to say. Dad would be angry if we interrupted work and neither of us wanted to do that. So we both sat there and quietly waited. “We are the hunters of your kind Agni. How dare you accuse me of anything.” I heard a man say with a voice that sounded as slimy as a snake. I heard footsteps again and I immediately kne
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“Ali, you have a call.” Mer’s voice cuts through the warm water that is spraying out of the shower head as I wash my hair. “Tell whoever it is I’ll call them back” I pause for a second to see if she’s going to reply before continuing. All is quiet and the warm water flows down my body allowing my body to relax. I lean my head against the back of the shower wall when suddenly the door bursts open and Mer throws the curtain back with a look of panic on her face. “It’s your father.” She says with a look of fear, concern and surprise all rolled in one. She shakes her head and whispers, “I didn’t know you knew him.” Shit. I jump out and throw a towel around myself and race to the phone leaving a trail of water along the way. Whatever it is must be important, he knows never to contact me directly. “Father. What’s wrong?” “I can’t wait any longer, you must come home and claim your place Ali.” I hear him suddenly go into a raging coughing fit. I hear a bunch of rustling around and can te
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My heart is pounding out of my chest like it’s about to come out. Her words keep repeating in my head over and over again. I’m leaving, marrying Gin, and taking over the family business. That was always the plan for my future. Why the hell do I care? She has made it clear she doesn’t want me. The bond! The fact that she is beautiful, smart and incredibly strong is only part of the allure. She is also stubborn, strong willed, argumentative and can be down right vicious. Some days I have no idea if I want to kill her or fuck her.The mate bond is undeniably strong and it's hard to think straight when she is around. Which is how that one strange night happened. Never have I shared a woman before. She truly makes me lose all of my thoughts. Since she came into my world she is all I can think about. Her long blonde hair, curvy ass and tits any man could get lost in and her eyes. Oh my Goddess, they are electrifying. I have never seen another so beautiful, and always put together.She is de
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I leave the room not long after that needing to get my thoughts together. I decide a run is the best way to do that and take off. As my feet hit the ground and the wind brushes past me I think about all the different ways this could work, or could end in disaster. I always liked things simple. Do the job, do the girl, get in, get out. Simple. Ali is anything but simple. I run faster as my lungs begin to fill with the cool evening air and try to drown out the thoughts of her. I need to think rationally. No emotion. I run and run until my body finally decides it’s tired.I end my run at the lake and sit on a large rock and overlook the water. The sun has set and the stars are shining bright. I have no idea how long I sit there when I hear a branch snap behind me. I know who it is before turning around, I can spell his expensive cologne in the wind. “It’s just me.” I hear Gin say.“I know.”“We have to talk.”I exhale a large huff of a breath. “I know that too.”“Do you want her, Xei? Do
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A lion slowly walking to her prey is what she looks like. Beautiful, I feel like I’m going to explode if I don’t get inside of her now but I know I need to calm myself. Taking a few breaths as she reaches me I undo my towel letting my cock out and in full display. The moment she licks her lips as she eyes it has got to be the sexiest fucking thing I have ever seen. “Suck.” That is all I can manage to say and no more was needed.Her mouth slides over my cock in one fell dip. She takes all of me as she glides her wet hot mouth down until she has swallowed all of me. Fuck! Soon she moves up and down in a constant rhythm tightening her lips as she goes. She moans and I feel the vibrations through my thickness. I watch her head bob up and down and my body fills with sparks of pleasure that spreads like wildfire. Shit, I won’t last long like this. I grab her hair and yank her head back making a soft popping sound as my cock falls out of her delicious mouth. I stand and lower my hand to hel
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It’s been two days since I told everyone about my family. The girls asked a lot of questions but that was to be expected. We have spent the past few days spending as much time together as possible, well aside from that first night. I still can’t believe I did that again. I swear I feel like a damn harlot. With everything going on it’s been easy to push the thoughts of that night out of my mind, at least until I lay down to sleep. I’m plagued with images of each of them each night I close my eyes. Then each night my body hums with need and I can’t sleep until I pleasure myself just to get a little bit of release. It’s frustrating and infuriating, I have never needed sex or anything of the sort before, now I can’t seem to control myself, even when I’m all alone. Luckily, I am leaving in a few hours and I know leaving the both of them here will help me to put some distance and hopefully weaken the bonds a bit. I don’t need the hassle of men in my life as I try to figure out what’s goin
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I look out the window and see my childhood home just the same as it always has been. The massive home has twenty seven rooms and thirty restrooms. All decorated and designed by my late mother. She had a way with decorating and making everything homey and classic. Goddess, I wish I had known her. The lawn is still landscaped to perfection, not a single rose or flower out of place. I watch and think back to the many hours Gin and I would run in this same yard all those years ago as we came up the long driveway. The car comes to a stop right in front of the main entrance and I see my old nurse maid, Nan, standing there. She is older but even with the now white hair and age that shows on her face I would recognize her anywhere. Excitement fills me and I don’t stop to wait for someone to open my door and jump out quickly. I run up the stairs and embrace her quickly as she does the same. I can hear the strain in her voice when she says she is so glad for me to be ho
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I’m finally home back in Vegas and as much as I’m glad to be home, the sadness of today is weighing me down. To see the man I always knew as strong look so weak and worn reminds me how quickly things can change. I look around my old room and realize everything is exactly the same. The same rainbow bedspread and dolls that cover the bed are neatly paced as if the seven year old me never left. I sit on the bed and sigh as memories of staying up late and having sleepovers with Gin take over. The white walls filled with tokens of accomplishments from training help those memories play out like a slideshow running across my mind. After quickly hanging up my clothes from my suitcase, I take a much needed shower. After I get out I dress, pull my hair up into a tight bun and then make my way to the bed. I lean back on the softness and let the smell of home consume me just as I hear a knock on the door. “Enter.” I call out and lean up to see Xei and Gin enter. Their faces both sho
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“When you left, I was frantic, worried that something had happened to you. That someone found out our real reason for being at the Establishment. I searched for you in a variety of unsavory places. Of course Shi and Mer found out and were pissed. They knew what you meant to me and offered to help find you, but they didn’t understand. They didn’t know why we were really there and I knew that I couldn’t put them in that kind of danger as well.” I sigh again releasings some bottled up heat from my own personal flames. “I of course continued to search until father called and told me you were back home. I was so hurt and angry it was hard to control my fire. I blamed him for taking you away, I blamed you for letting me worry, but mostly I blamed myself for allowing myself to feel as deeply for you as I did.” I feel a single tear start to form as I remember the cluster fuck of emotions I went through that night and move to the window. This part will be the hardest to say and I don’t know
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