All Chapters of A NIGHT WITH DOCTOR ROBERT CROWN: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
155 Chapters
chapter 11
Chapter 11THE UNHOLY RELATION...LUCAS...The Crown mansion was in chaos as need be, I took this time to go to my room to rest before I went for my shift in the evening.Just as I laid on my bed, my phone rang, I cussed at the disturbance and reached for it, Uncle David was calling, "Hey" I answered"Where are you?" He immediately asked"Am home, is something wrong?" I asked even though I already had an idea why he was calling"Come to my place right now" I answered with an okay and grabbed my car keys. In the next 20 minutes, I pulled up my car at his residence and went to see him,Has expected, Uncle David was angry and uneasy,"How could you let this happen" he asked when I entered his study, me on the other hand wasnt in the least disturbed as I took a sit comfortably in one of the sofas"Do you even understand the griveness of the issue?" Uncle David asked yet again,"You dont need to get so worked up Uncle, I have everything under control" I assured him but it was clear he was
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chapter 12
Chapter 12THE AWAKE OF SLEEPING BEAUTY...Robert...To say I was disturbed would be an understatement, I tried to think of where mom could have taken Melissa but couldn't figure it out which made me even more anxious,I couldn't help thinking what if she wasn't well taken care of or if they switched off the life support machine, these thoughts made me even more disturbed.After thinking things through, I found myself at Sally Andrews now bedroom door, taking a deep breath, I knocked.After a minute, she opened the door for me and seemed surprised to see me"Why are you here?" She asked taking a quick glance inside the room before she closed the door behind"I want us to talk" I began"About what?, haven't you insulted me enough for today?" She might have felt insulted but there was nothing that I said that wasn't true, "I am here over something important, follow me" I said and began to make my way to my room with her following behind."What do you want to talk about?" She asked when
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chapter 13
Chapter 13ACCIDENT 1...SALLY...A week had passed since the time I was brought into the Crown mansion,The week had been uneventful and to top it off, I had not seen Robert Crown since the night he tried to convince me to talk to his mother about the whereabouts of his fiance, I occasionally saw the other family members but no one really made effort to have a conversation with me except Grace who was friendly to me and Rita.I stood holding both Rita's hands not wanting to let go"The car is here" Rita said with a smile, Doctor Crown had enrolled her at a private school where she was supposed to report today, has much as I was happy that my sister would have an opportunity to be at one of the best schools, I was still hesitant to let her go,I would be left all alone in this house and that thought did not sit well with me"Take care of yourself okay, call me if anything happens" I said wiping away a tear, Rita in response hugged me"I will, I love you" she said"I love you too" I res
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chapter 14
Chapter 14ACCIDENT....Robert...Sally was taken to the hospital and immediately admitted in the ICU,Waiting outside the ICU room, I called Mom to tell her the graveness of the situation.About an hour later, Mom and Grace got to the hospital, Mom was in a state of panic as she paced back and forth unable to sit still."You look awfully worried about someone you have only known for a week" I commented looking at how shaken she was. Though she had refused to paying Sally, I was now more convinced it was all her doing"Unlike you, I don't want to lose my grandchild before he is even born" Mom replied."Seriously! you should be worried if She will survive this before you start worrying about the baby" I knew Mom's main interest was the baby but I on the other hand felt bad for Sally,I found myself genuinely worried about her, the horrific state I had found her in still left me nerved. I wondered if the accident was caused by anyone who might have wanted to cause harm to her, I had read
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chapter 15
Chapter 15...Robert...When Adam pulled up at the house, I rushed out of the car"Robert, calm down a little, we wouldn't want you to do something you will regret" He tried to stop me"Go home, I will handle everything" I said turning to him"But..." I shook my head and reassured him I was going to handle the situation to which he eventually nodded and went back to his car.I made my way to Lucas's bedroom and banged on the door before he opened it to for me"Why are You here?" He asked, he was preparing himself probably to go to work"Didnt you hear Sally is in the hospital?" I asked"I don't know what you expect me to do about that, should I have come to the hospital for the picture perfect family?" He sarcastically asked"You were the last person she was with before she got hit" I said studying his face keenly"What are you trying to say Robert?" He asked holding my gaze,"Why did you leave her out there alone?" I questioned, Lucas let out a laugh"I had an emergency, if you think
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chapter 16
Chapter 16AWAKE...Sally...I woke up with a throbbing headache, I was in a pitch dark room laying on a bed. Despite my head feeling like it would explode anytime, I still forced my eyes open and looked around clearly,I realized I was in the Bedroom I had previously occupied at the Crown house, I tried to sit up but then realized my body was in pain,"You are awake" I looked to the other side of the bed and found Grace sitting there,"Yes" I answered, she quickly stood up and helped me sit putting pillows behind my back,"How are you feeling?" She asked"My head is killing me" I answered,"I will go and call Robert to check up on you" she was about to leave the room when I held her hand"Why dont you call your mom instead" I suggested, I could remember exactly how I had gotten hit, perhaps if I told her about it, she would have an idea why someone would try to kill me,"Mom doesn't like being woken up" Grace said, "Okay" I said and watched as she walked out of the room,I turned to
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chapter 17
Chapter 17A SWEET GIRL...Robert...The next morning, I woke up and found myself in Sally's room, she was sound asleep making me look at her face for a few seconds,She looked too peaceful and innocent, I imagined her eyes open, truth to tell, she had the most expressive eyes I had ever seen,I studied her facial features for a while before I realized this was insane.I stood up and went to do a check up on her, when I was certain everything was okay, I went back to the couch, it was too early to go for work so I decided to sleep for a few more hours again.When I woke up again, Sally was laying in bed awake,"You should go to your room now" she said, I rubbed my sleepy eyes letting out a sign"Is your headache gone?" I asked"Not entirely but its better than last night" she said, I noticed how her face looked pale,"I will ask the maid to prepare something for you to eat" I stood up to leave her room when she called my name"Robert" I turned to her"I need to use the restroom, urgent
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chapter 18
Chapter 18THE TRUTH...ROBERT...Rita and I had managed to make some hot soup, I enjoyed the little girl's company as she was funny and adorable,We took the soup to Sally and Rita helped her eat, I was watching the two siblings barter each other when my phone suddenly rang, I reached for it and saw that it was Melissa calling, I quickly excused myself and left the room.In the hallway, i answered the call"Honey" I said"Where are you?" Melissa asked, I immediately knew from her voice that something was wrong"What happened?" I questioned"Where are you?" Melissa asked yet again" Am at home, did something happen?""Come to the apartment" immediately she said that, the call went dead, I was left staring at my phone for a few seconds wondering what could have happened, I went to my room, grabbed my car keys and headed off to Melissa's apartment.I found her in the living room staring at the switched off Television"Honey" I went to her side holding her hands in mine"Why didn't you t
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chapter 19
Chapter 19GONE...ROBERT...The next few days where hectic, I briefly stopped going to the hospital in preparation for my wedding, Melissa was well and excited which made me happy too,We had selected everything and was only waiting for the day of the wedding to take place, Mom was strongly against the idea and tried to get grandfather to convince me otherwise but after I insisted to him that this was what I wanted, he let me be.Sally was still sick stuck in bed, I had been so busy that I rarely saw her. The upcoming wedding left me anxious and nervous at the same time.Adam was sitting right across me in a bar the night before the wedding teasing me,"I hope you will still have time for me once you get married" he joked"I have to put up with you at work of course I will have time for you" I said making both of us laugh"Cheers to new beginning" he said lefting his glass up"Cheers" I said and we continued to drink.That Evening, I got into my room and had a long conversation with M
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chapter 20
Chapter 20COMFORT...sally...The news of the accident was all over the internet together with footage of how Robert had lost his mind when he got to the location the accident had taken place.I couldn't help feeling bad for him, I could only imagine the pain he was going through, I had lost both my parents in a car exploration just like his fiance, I knew the pain too well.Grace suddenly walked into the room, it had been a few hours since they had brought Robert home, I forced myself to sit up in bed as she walked over to me,"I saw the news" I said, Grace dejectedly took a sit as tears fell down her cheeks"Robert is in so much pain, he loved her, I don't know how he is going to survive all this" she said, I held her hand in mine in comfort"Am sorry, I know this won't be easy for him but you all need to be strong" I said to her"He was so happy today and looking forward to marrying her, why is fate so cruel" Grace asked, I didnt have an answer to her question, sometimes life was
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