All Chapters of Alpha Chester's Obsession: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
76 Chapters
Chapter 41
Nora's POVA minute later, Chester led me into his room. He laid me down on his bed, the white down comforter absorbing my body. Leaning up and resting on my elbows, I watched as he pulled his shirt over his head. His broad shoulders and that perfectly crafted chest came into view. My eyes lingered on the sprinkling of dark hair on his chest, knowing how good it would feel against my own breasts.I realized my satisfaction wouldn’t be complete until I had him inside him. Until he was on top of me, that hard body resting above mine.He pulled off his boots and I saw that I was still putting on my own shoes. I shifted to remove them.He knelt on the bed before me, and before he could move farther, I leaned forward and grasped his hard length in my hand. My gaze lifted to his, searching for his reaction, and finding the heat I sought.I yearned to explore the effect I might have on him, but his hand came down over mine. “As much as I like you touching me, Peach, I need to be inside you r
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Chapter 42
Nora's POV Chester wasn't convinced. He reached across the table and gently took my hand in his, his thumb rubbing comforting circles on my skin. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" he said softly.I nodded, feeling grateful for his understanding. "I know, Chester. It's just... a passing phase, I hope. I am fine, really."I picked up a fork and attempted to eat some of the breakfast that had been laid out for us. But to my dismay, it tasted like wet cardboard in my mouth. I couldn't bring myself to swallow a single bite. Frustration crept over me as I placed the fork down with an annoyed sigh.Chester watched me closely, his concern deepening. "Nora, you hardly touched your food," he remarked.I bit my lip and shook my head, not wanting to complain about the bizarre taste in my mouth. "I guess I'm just not that hungry," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.Chester's brow furrowed further, and his expression grew even more worried. "Nora," he said softly, "if something's bother
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Chapter 43
Nora's POVThe pain swam through my body like a relentless wave, leaving no part untouched. It was as if a thousand icy fingers of agony wrapped around my every nerve and muscle, and I felt their bitter grip tighten with each passing moment.My lower abdomen ached with a dull, persistent throb that refused to be ignored. It was a heavy, gnawing pain that sent discomfort radiating through my core. With each pulsation, it seemed to drag me further into its wicked embrace, making me feel weighed down and helpless.I hated feeling like this: weak, useless and disconnected from my world. I hated the feeling of helplessness more than ever, because this was the very same way I had felt in that slave establishment.The same way I had felt with dozens of gazes on my naked body. The same way I'd felt when I had been peddled as a mere slave to the highest bidder.The same way I had felt when Chester had bought me and taken me back home.As though I didn't have any control over my life.But the
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Chapter 44
Alpha Chester's POVMy heart was heavy with panic, and tension knotted every muscle in my body as I cradled Nora's unmoving form in my arms. The weight of her stillness pressed down, not just on my arm, but on my entire body. It felt as though my world was crumbling around me.I couldn't bear to see her like this, so vulnerable and fragile, her usual vitality and spirit stripped away. I watched as her pale eyelids fluttered with little life, the translucent skin full of tiny green veins.The room seemed to close in on me, the walls suffocating and the air heavy with dread. My Luna, my beloved Nora, was slipping away from me, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.With trembling hands, I brushed a strand of hair from her pale face, praying for a sign, any other sign that she was still with me. I could hardly breathe as I watched for the slightest movement, any indication that she was going to wake up.Time passed in agonizing slowness, and my mind was filled with tormenting thoug
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Chapter 45
Chester's POVI returned to the room where Nora lay, still sleeping. As I gazed upon her peaceful face, my heart swelled with joy and relief. Her earlier collapse had filled me with a kind of fear that I couldn't describe. The kind of fear that numbed my senses and stole my sense of being.But now, knowing that she was safe and resting peacefully, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness. She was safe and healthy at last, and that was all that mattered to me.I lay down beside her, holding her hand gently, not wanting to wake her. The feeling of her soft and warm skin beneath my touch was a reminder of the fact that she was still here, with me. My heart was almost bursting at the seams with the ye profound love that I had for her. The fact that she was here, safe and sound, was a gift beyond words.The sight of her chest rising and falling with each peaceful breath she took filled me with immense comfort. I watched over her, savoring this moment of tranquility, and
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Chapter 46
Nora's POVThe news of my pregnancy had an almost immediate impact on my mood and well-being. As I lay in bed, basking in the afterglow of my conversation with Chester, I felt a warmth and contentment wash over me. It was as though the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. I felt more agile than ever before.My body, which had felt heavy and swollen, seemed to regain some of its energy. I noticed that the persistent nausea that had plagued me earlier had gone now, leaving me with a much-improved appetite. I couldn't help but smile, realizing that this was just the beginning of an incredible journey.The knowledge that Chester and I were about to become parents filled me with a sense of hope and anticipation. It was as if a new chapter in our lives had opened, and I couldn't wait to explore it together. I could already picture the two of us raising our child, teaching them, and showering them with love.As I lay there, I thought about the connection between Chester and
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Chapter 47
Jacob's POVWhen my personal adviser walked into the throne room, it was to find me in the lowest of spirits.I paced restlessly in the throne room, my agitation at its very peak. The atmosphere was heavy with the turmoil in my mind. My personal adviser, stopped and watched me with concern, his eyes filled with anxiety and concern for my well-being. He'd seen me like this on more than one occasion, but this time, he knew my anger and frustration were particularly intense."Alpha Jacob, you must calm yourself," my personal adviser urged, his voice gentle and persuasive. "Losing your composure will not serve you well."I stopped pacing and turned to face Hiram, my brows furrowed in frustration. "I cannot calm down, Hiram," I said through gritted teeth. "I just cannot. This is unacceptable!"I heard a sigh come from behind me as my adviser spoke up. "What happened this time, Alpha?"I swivelled to face him. "You saw the disrespect Chester showed me at the ball, did you not? It is absolut
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Chapter 48
Jacob's Pov I leaned forward as the woman began to explain her proposition. My interest was piqued as she spoke."In all honesty, I have kept a dutiful eye on you, Alpha Jacob," Alina began, her voice measured. "Especially when I came to your ball. I watched you closely from the corners, unknown to anyone there."Her statement ignited suspicion within me. I watched her with my eyes narrowed, waiting for an explanation. "And why have you been monitoring me?" I inquired, unable to contain my curiosity. "Who sent you to do that?"Alina's confession was direct. "This was a solo move, Alpha Jacob. I was sent by nobody. I was merely at the party to find a suitor for myself and of course, to keep an eye on my sister, Nora."My brows furrowed as I tried to grasp the situation. "You were seeking a suitor? And what does that have to do with me?"She continued, unravelling her motives further. "That has nothing to do with you. This was something I was merely doing for myself."Alina stepped for
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Chapter 49
Nora's POVI sprang to my feet. "What?!"The maids all backed up, fear evident in their eyes. "We're sorry, Luna..."My gaze moved from one maid to the other, seeking answers. "Why would Alpha Chester do that? Lily has been my personal maid for so long."The middle-aged maid, the one who had been speaking, looked down for a moment before answering. "Alpha Chester did not provide a specific reason for his decision, Luna. He merely requested that we take over your care."It felt as if the ground had shifted beneath my feet. I had grown accustomed to Lily's presence, to her support and her friendship. I had shared my deepest secrets with her, and she had been more than just a maid; she had become a friend.This sudden change left me feeling exposed and vulnerable. I had barely settled into my new role as Alpha Chester's Luna, and now the familiar presence of Lily was taken away.Confusion and concern welled up within me, but I tried to remain composed. "Very well," I replied to the maids
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Chapter 50
Alina's POVThe carriage wheels rumbled as it carried me towards the pack house and my sister. Deep within me, my thoughts matched the sound of the carriage.There was a sinister kind of happiness bubbling within me that I could not explain. I had just finished discussing plans with Alpha Jacob, and now it was time to set everything in motion.Soon, my carriage came to a stop in front of the pack house. Stepping down from the carriage, I looked up at Chester's pack house with a large sense of satisfaction. A smile widened my lips as I stared at the impressive, Victorian structure. Soon, this would be mine, and Nora would be gone from it, erased like a forgotten memory.The imposing structure of the pack house loomed overhead. It was like a sign of the power and authority that would soon be mine. My heart raced with anticipation as I thought about the intricate web of schemes that would soon unfold within those walls.Soon I spotted a passing maid with a basket of laundry in her hands
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