All Chapters of Bound By A Ritual : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
79 Chapters
Chapter 51
Ava reached into her closet and pulled out her nightdress. She carefully put it on, her eyes shifting to Damon, who stood on the balcony, gazing at the sky. Was he still upset about earlier? I did apologize, but my actions might still hurt him. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't forgive myself either.Shaking my head, I let my hair down, brushed it gently, and applied some strawberry lip gloss before embracing him from behind. "What's on your mind? Are you still mad at me?" He said nothing, only turned us around and hugged me from behind."No, silly, I'm not. You know I can't stay mad at you for long. I'm just thinking about tomorrow.""Are you scared?" I asked, turning to look into his eyes. "If you're scared, we can run away, far from here." My words made him laugh, and he looked down, smiling."Are you worried about me, Ava?" His hands cupped my backside, pulling me closer. I nodded, my expression staying serious even as he continued to playfully squeeze my backside."I am worried,
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Chapter 52
Damon and I bid our farewells before embarking on our separate journeys. I was placed under Sebastian's care, with instructions to head to the Eastern Empire. However, I had other plans in mind as Sebastian and I embarked on our journey."Wow, I never thought you'd agree to move away," Sebastian chuckled. "Milady, you do amaze me sometimes.""Well, let's just say I've realized that we don't need to be together all the time. We miss each other sometimes too. Perhaps that will make our bond even stronger," I remarked as we walked through the nearest village. I noticed the children playing and the streets were eerily quiet. "Sebastian?""Hmm?""Sebastian, what village did you say we're in again?" Sebastian pulled out a map and tried to read it. Seeing he was taking a while, I looked around, and a face caught my attention.He seemed to be hiding, with blood around his mouth, appearing hungry and timing his actions. "Sebastian!""This town isn't on the map, which means we're in a..." People
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Chapter 53
Ava gasped as she settled on a massive rock in the heart of the forest. "I am hungry," I grumbled, my gaze fixed on Sebastian, who appeared perplexed by the map still leading us in circles. "Sebastian!""Milady, you need to calm down," he growled. "You're the one who wishes to go to the witches' coven, not me.""What are you trying to say, Sebastian?" Standing up, he exhaled, folded the map, and shoved it into his pocket."Milady, you seriously need to calm down. There are a few villages close by, and I'm sure they will have some food.""Then what are we waiting for?" Holding his hand, I dragged him behind me. "Hurry up and show me the way to this village.""Okay, okay."Looking around the place, I gasped at how elegant the village was. Scratch that – it should be called a city, or better yet, a country. My gaze moved from one mansion to another, with no huts or any humble-looking houses. There must be rich people around here. "Let's head to the market. I'm guessing that's where we'll
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Chapter 54
Well, unfortunately for me I was taken by Travis to his house. So much for escaping. Sitting down in Travis's house I look around the living room, just two chairs and nothing more, the house is not that big just enough for three people, he lives like a normal man. When I got settled in I decided to ask the question that has been bothering me for a while now. " Why did you call me your sister earlier?" I mumble the moment he steps back into the living room, holding a tray with him.He drops it on the table, I stare at the juice and then back to his face " And how am I sure this is not tainted? " I asked, pointing at the tray." Because if I wish to kill you, I would have done that a while back" he sat opposite me and then smiled "You do know you are weak ""Yeah, thanks for the reminder Travis, I forgot" he frowns at my tone and I roll my eyes " Look, I don't care who you are or why you think we are related, I don't care, I just need to leave right this moment " I stated " I told you "
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Chapter 55
Damon exhales, remaining seated while Grant and Chase lecture him on what they thought was right "What the hell Damon, you just lost the crown to that prick Norman. " Grant implored while I just nodded. "Come on man, why would you do something as terrible as that" he further inquired. "Well, I only did what needed to be done, and what's so wrong with losing" " you are stronger than that bastard Damon, so why the heck would you do that" Chase growled "Why the fuck did you do such a thing, are you sick in the head or something related to that " " don't cross the line Chase " shooting both of them glares. I stood to my feet and strode out of the little hut Grant could find for us. " I can't believe I am out here in hiding" Chase cries " I can't believe this is happening to me!!!" " shut up Chase!" Growling I look at the "Where is the royal seal" Grant handed it over to me and I grin "Arrange the horses, we are moving to Jaden's palace" " to do what exactly if I may ask, "Grant asks
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Chapter 56
Ava sighed as Sebastian and Trevor kept on arguing about folly things " You better stay off Trevor, I still don't get why milady let you come along on this trip. Cause you're useless around us." " I will tell you the reason dear Sebastian " Trevor's voice fills with fulfillment" because I was among the people who created the book she wished to open so badly and to top it up, I am her brother. Half brother." Sebastian spits at that "Brother my foot. Go tell that to the birds, I'm sure they'll doubt that as well" I turn around to stare at the two idiots who are still fighting in the middle of the forest and so late at night "What!" Sebastian growled, he looked pissed. " Why are you looking pissed off?" I asked and watched him give out a big sigh. " milady should only be liked by Damon and the others should take their filthy eyes off you. You know he will be pissed off when he sees the way this moron keeps looking at you. " he glared at Trevor before mumbling that last part. " Calm d
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Chapter 57
" I am yours to marry Vila" Smiling I nod my head " But don't you think we need to talk privately, I mean it's not everything your brother needs to know "Her eyes widen with realization before she nods and for some reason, she seems excited. Although I would not blame her, I just told her that I was going to marry her and it's only normal for her to get excited." You're right, Lord Damon. We are going to get married, after all, so I think we should get to know each other properly." Vila smiled "Come to my study room, am sure it is something serious you wish to discuss"" it is, go ahead, I will be behind you "Watching her leave, my gaze moves to meet Jaden " You have what you ask for done, whatever happens between her and me from now on isn't your business right?"He nods "You're right, it isn't ""And you're not going to interfere in our matters" I added and he just nodded." Good, now reply to that message, tell him you aren't helping "" I know what to say stupid " Jaden growled, "
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Chapter 58
" We have arrived " Sebastian announced before falling, it took us almost a week to find this place and it looked a little weird, I mean, I was expecting a dark creepy coven with a dark cloud, and a scary environment but what I am seeing is a beautiful town, with flowers, girls dancing, they look happy. " why is it called the witches coven?" I asked the obvious question. I look at Travis, his gaze and attention on the village, and from my view, he looks surprised too, it is quite unusual. " I don't know either" Travis shot me a worried gaze " From what I have heard, the witches aren't this beautiful, I mean look at them, they are shining all over the place " " So you are enchanted by their beauty? " Travis nods his head while grinning "Definitely but...." He shakes his and then looks my way " They don't hold a candle to you "Rolling my eyes at his words I bend down to Sebastian's level. He looks pretty tired to me, but what can I do? We have to hurry up. We don't have time. " Seba
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Chapter 59
Ava stood still, taking everything in, different questions kept on ringing in her head, why do people keep warning her about the book, what's in this particular book that people are so scared of anyway? But one thing was certain, no matter how much anyone tried to make her change her mind, she was not going to give up easily. She's already come this far so it's too late to turn back. No, never, not now that she was determined to get stronger for Damon. "I am sick and tired of hearing this "Grabbing the book I look at Delia " I don't care if this book possessed your sister or if it hurt and killed people, do you understand that " " what are you saying milady" Looking at the book I nod my head then my gaze moves back to meet a confused-looking Sebastian " I have made up my mind, this book will accept and worship me, I have come so far for this stupid book, it's the only way for me to be strong and not opening it will determine my death so what do you think I should do! Just sit back an
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Chapter 60
Alex remains seated, still confused as to why Damon will lose a match to such a person. I still find it hard to believe that Damon of all people would lose such an important duel with a man like Norman. How would he do such a thing without thinking about Ava's safety. " our aim is the main palace my lord" one of his loyal men mumbled behind him "We are going to face the main battle in three days" " Will Damon be present? " " No my lord, I heard he has moved to lord Jaden's palace and he is engaged to Princess Vila " Nodding my head I mutter " he lost his kingdom and now, his next plan is to take over another? Isn't that plan absurd, Damon can't and will never rule the country" "Although, people said it's just rumored, my lord" " I doubt it " Before I could say more Vince rushed into the room breathing heavily, standing to my feet I gave him a curious gaze " What got you running like someone who just saw a ghost " " I have news, good and bad" Vince tried catching his breath and I
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