All Chapters of Tangled Desires: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
77 Chapters
Chapter 51
It was supposed to be a game, just a game. But I do not think I am playing anymore. -Unknown. |K I R I L L|I fucked up.It was not supposed to be like this. I was not suppose to enjoy her company, I was not suppose to yearn for her, beg for her, crave for her. But does any of it matter now? I don't think so. Waking up next to her, I felt all tangled up inside. She was sleeping so peacefully, wrapped in my arms. But instead of enjoying the moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that I messed up big time. Her soft breathing and messy hair seemed like a beautiful scene, but in my mind, there was a storm of regret.My birthday never felt like an occassion worth celebrating but I did it with her, pathetically using it as an excuse to spend time with her. I look down at the woman in my arms, wearing my t-shirt that reached her mid thighs. Her tousled hair, a cascade of honey blonde waves, spilled over the pillow in a wild disarray. Each strand carried the memory of our shared night, a ta
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Chapter 52
In the quiet moments, you can almost hear the distant thunder of approaching troubles. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|The ambient hum of the restaurant created a backdrop for our lunch gathering as Lev, Anna, and I settled into our seats. The polished cutlery on the tables clinked sporadically, and a symphony of distant conversations mingled with the soft melodies playing in the background. The menu, a parchment of culinary possibilities, rested before us, its pages filled with tempting descriptions.Despite the vibrant atmosphere, my focus wavered between the written words on the menu and the lingering thoughts of Kirill's last message. The anticipation of our lunch outing had initially filled me with excitement, but now an unspoken weight hung in the air.Lev, with his usual flair for humor, remarked, "Zee, if you stare at that menu any longer, it might start feeling self-conscious."I chuckled, a playful facade masking the distraction within. "I
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Chapter 53
Brothers are the stars that illuminate the darkest nights of my life with their unwavering light of love. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|Ivan extended a hand, introducing himself, "Ivan. And this troublemaker is Alex. We're friends of Kirill."The mention of his name brought a mix of emotions – surprise, curiosity, and a tinge of confusion. "Friends of Kirill? How come I've never seen you around?"Alex, with an easygoing smile, chimed in, "Oh, Kirill can be quite possessive of us. You know, doesn't like to share."I couldn't help but chuckle at the playful banter, but a question lingered. "Possessive? I didn't know he had that side."Ivan leaned against a nearby car, a nonchalant posture belying the intensity in his gaze. "Oh, he does. But hey, no hard feelings."Alex chimed in with a bright smile, "Yeah, you don't have to be jealous of us."The conversation flowed effortlessly, like a gentle river winding through the night.Yet, beneath the sur
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Chapter 54
Teach your heart to accept disappointments, even from the people you love. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|The night air hung heavy as I opened the door to Lev standing there, a box of pizza in hand, and a grin that seemed to stretch from ear to ear. It was eleven in the night, and I had just ordered a pizza for myself, not expecting any unexpected company."What are you doing here?" I questioned, my eyebrow raised in mild surprise. Lev didn't bother waiting for an invitation, entering my apartment with the familiarity that came from years of friendship. His eyes sparkled with a joy that was infectious.Closing the door, I joined him on the couch, the aroma of pizza filling the room. "Okay, spill it. Why the impromptu visit, and why do you look like the cat that got the cream?"Lev's grin widened, and he took a moment to savor the anticipation before delivering his news. "Anna kissed me!"The revelation took a moment to register. Lev continued to s
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Chapter 55
Even in the haze of alcohol, her name tastes like the sweetest wine on my lips.-Unknown. |K I R I L L|I lurked in the shadows, keeping a low profile as I obsessively watched Aleeza's every move. The guilt of my secret surveillance over the past week pressed down on me like a lead weight.Through the window, I caught a glimpse of Aleeza and Lev in her apartment. Her frustration and resignation about leaving for a few days hung in the air. My heart tightened, realizing she sensed a mysterious watcher.The urge to burst inside, spill my guts, and apologize for my silent stalking overwhelmed me. But doubt held me back. Was it too late to unravel the mess I'd made, to confess that my feelings had gone way beyond a casual curiosity?My eyes betrayed the internal turmoil as I debated my next move. Aleeza, blissfully unaware, continued chatting with Lev, oblivious to the tempest raging within me.As she spoke, the need to confess intensified. I'd played a twisted game with her emotions, an
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Chapter 56
After every storm, there's a moment of calm. Seeing him is my calm after the storm of longing. -Unknown.|A L E E Z A|Getting ready for the airport, I threw on this cute white tank top, paired it with some light blue jeans, and topped it all off with a snazzy pink crop jacket. Comfort first, so I slid into my trusty white sneakers – ready to take on whatever the day had in store. Checked myself out in the mirror, did the classic hair flip, and let out a sigh. I'd say I looked as airport-ready as it gets.Anna rolls up in her car, and there's Lev chilling shotgun. I hopped in the back, and off we went, cruising through the city buzz like the squad on a mission.I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "Movie night turning into a real-life drama, huh? Anna, spill the deets!"Anna, blushing a bit, kept her eyes on the road. "It was just a spontaneous thing, you know? Movie vibes and all."I nudged Lev, giving him the side-eye. "Smooth moves, Le
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Chapter 57
Love is tragic, yet people can not help but ask for it. -Unknown. |A L E E Z A|Kirill wrapped his arms around my body, pulling me into a warm hug, I couldn't help but smile. The sensation of his touch after days of absence felt like a familiar melody playing in the background of my life.His embrace spoke volumes, conveying a longing that matched mine. In that moment, words seemed insufficient, and actions became the language of our unspoken connection. I hugged him back, feeling the strength in his arms and the sincerity in his embrace. It was a hug that held the weight of missed moments and unspoken conversations.In the midst of our shared warmth, his voice, still close to my ear, whispered, "I'll miss you." His words resonated with a tenderness that melted any lingering doubts. "I'll miss you too," I replied, my voice soft, carrying the echo of my own sentiments.As we remained entwined in that comforting hug, he, still holding me
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Chapter 58
She's not just my world; she's the reason I believe in galaxies within a gaze. -Unknown. |K I R I L L|I found myself on my bed, scrolling through the gallery on my phone. The familiar images of Aleeza and me together brought a bittersweet smile to my face. Each photo held a story, a memory etched in pixels. My thumb traced the outline of her face on the screen, a subconscious gesture of longing.Sighing, I decided to reach out to her. I opened our chat and typed, "I miss you," feeling the weight of those words resonate with the quiet room. As I hit send, I set my phone down, staring at it as if expecting an immediate response.A few minutes later, a notification popped up. Her message read, "What are you doing?" I grinned at her question, the simplicity of it making me chuckle. Quickly sitting up, I replied, "Just going through our pictures. Missing you even more now."Her reply came swiftly, "Aw, that's sweet. I miss you too." A warmt
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Chapter 59
|A L E E Z A|Three days later...The plane's tires touched the runway, signaling my return to the city. I felt the familiar jolt as the aircraft slowed down, and the anticipation of seeing Kirill grew with every passing second. As I disembarked, the late evening air wrapped around me, and the hustle of the airport became background noise.Surprise danced in my eyes when I spotted Kirill waiting for me at the arrival gate. I abandoned my trolley of belongings, rushing into his arms. He caught me with the strength I had missed, caging me between his arms. The warmth of his embrace was a haven I longed for, and I hugged him back with equal intensity.When I pulled my head back, his lips found mine in a gentle kiss. His touch spoke volumes of the longing he had endured in my absence. I couldn't help but smile against his lips, feeling the connection rekindle."Why are you here?" I asked, my voice filled with a mix of curiosity and delight."I couldn't wait," He responded, his eyes fixed
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Chapter 60
The shattered pieces of my being cry out for repair, for the gentle touch of empathy to mend the fractures within. -Unknown. |K I R I L L|I stood there, unfolding the truth to Nikolay, the disbelief etched on his face like a canvas of shock and denial. "What do you mean by you are in love with that woman?" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the deserted cabin.My gaze met his, determined yet apprehensive. I could feel the weight of the revelation hanging in the air. "Nikolay," I began, "it's not a joke. I never thought it would happen, but it did."My eyes searched Nikolay's face for any sign of understanding, but all I found was a storm brewing beneath the surface. His fists clenched, and the lines on his forehead deepened. The room seemed to shrink, suffocating under the tension.Days of rehearsing my confession hadn't prepared me for this moment, for the intensity of Nikolay's disbelief. "I've tried to find the right words," I co
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