All Chapters of The Echoes of Love: Lycan King’s Regret : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
51 Chapters
Chapter 11: 50 First Dates
Ana POVI looked at Xavier flabbergasted at his statement about a wedding ceremony. Ethan stepped back into the room. “You don't think the greatest Lycan king on this land would quietly sneak away for a wedding, do you?" I was started by his question. He walked up to the table and grabbed something off of it. “Sorry to interrupt,” He held up his phone. “Forgot this. But in all seriousness, did you not think there would be a wedding?” Both Ethan and Xavier looked at me expectantly. My mouth opened and closed like a fish several times before sputtering, “I…I guess I thought we would be doing things more .... privately?” I know I sounded naive, but I really hadn't put much thought into the logistics of what was to come. Especially after my Auntie Leeanne all but petrified me with the notion that King Xavier killed every prospect. Why would I be any different or expect anything different?My thoughts began to spiral. What if this was all a ruse of some sort, to make me feel comfortable
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Chapter 12: Dashing a Disastrous Date
Ana POVXavier shrugged, “Okay, I’ll go get one of the others, so we all have a horse to ride.” I tense. Not wanting to tell them I didn’t know how to ride. Xavier left the area into one of the stalls. When he was out of sight Sarah approached me and crossed her arms. I looked up at her with a questioning look. A cruel smirk spread on her face. “You don’t know how to ride do you? I can smell the fear in you.” I straightened my spine. “So what? I can learn.”She let out a sinister laugh. “You think Xavier will have the patience to teach a country bumpkin like you how to ride? You are delusional.” I took a step closer to her. She reminded me of Talia, and I was done being treated like a piece of garbage by anyone. “You are the one who is delusional. I see right through you Sarah.” Sarah glared at me. Before she could say anything, else Xavier walked around the corner with a large brown horse. “Xavier, you might as well bring Sunshine back to her stable. Miss Ana over here doesn’t k
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Chapter 13: Destiny Disguised as a Riddle
Xavier POVIt takes all of my will power to get off Annette and go meet my mother. Thane roars in my head from the sexual frustration and the onset of blue balls. What could possibly be so urgent that she needed to meet with me at this very moment. Then it hits me, the region’s alpha meeting. As I am about to enter the den, I hear the hushed voices of my mother and Sarah.“You need to talk some sense into him.” I hear Sarah say. “He can’t see past the resemblance of Ambrosia, to see that Ana does not fit into our world.”I stay out of sight to listen to the conversation. I notice my mother sitting in one of the recliners. A visible tremor of her hand as she sips her tea is a harsh reminder of her illness while Sarah is pacing with her hands on her hips. “We both know the only reason he is keeping that girl around is because he misses Ambrosia. It’s a phase. He will get over it.” My mother responds. Her words made my blood simmer. She's aged so much in the past year. Her once full
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Chapter 14: Facing Fear
Xavier POVThe meeting went as smooth as it could with some alphas on the fence on how to deal with Alpha Lawson and his rebellion crusade. I waited in my office and watched the grandfather chime at 5pm. Geegee, Ethan, and Ana still weren’t home. Either they were on a shopping spree or something was wrong. Thane began to stir in my head. *Where's mate?* His gravelly voice came through to me. *Working on it.* I responded. As I opened the mindlink to Ethan, I heard hushed voices accompanied by the sound of the front door closing. All color drained from my face when I saw the fear emanating off of Ethan and Geegee. “What is it? Where is Ana?” I balled my fists at my side as I tried to fight the shift that Thane was pushing.Ethan put his hands out like he was herding a scared animal. “Brother, we aren’t sure what happened…” His Adam's apple bobbed. “SPIT IT OUT!” I roared, feeling my aura burst out of me. The force pushing Geegee and Ethan down on their knees. Ethan clenched his t
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Chapter 15: Facing Facts and a Feuding Family
Ana POVI was almost asleep when I heard the door of my room open and close. I rolled over as Xavier lay on top of the covers, a clear show of respect for me and my boundaries. He turned on to his side to face me. “Are you okay?” Xavier’s voice was tender as he tucked some of my hair behind my ear. I took a moment. Was I okay? The answer was an easy no. But I couldn’t tell him all the reasons why. The main reason I couldn’t share was being wolfless. “Um…I’m still processing. I’m still trying to figure out what that witch's riddle meant and also why would someone want to kill me?” “Come here,” Xavier instructed as he lay on his back. Listening, I rested my head on his chest as he lazily drew circles on my back with his finger. “I promise on my life and on this kingdom, that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe and find out who is behind this.” He lifted his chin up with his finger, making me meet his gaze. His piercing blue eyes seemed to stare into my soul. I felt his
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Chapter 16: Salty Sweet - A Yummy Treat
After my conversation with Alpha Henry, it was clear that Alpha Lawson from the Black Claw Pack was going to be a bigger issue than I anticipated. Henry had mentioned several of his border patrol members had shown up dead or missing. The only reason we knew it was Lawson was due to the engraving carved in the flesh of the victims. A crescent moon with a claw mark through it. Henry made his concerns clear, which I had to agree with him. I may not like how he treats his daughter, but as an Alpha, he was a damn good one. By the end of the meeting, I agreed to adding more men on the borders not only of the palace but also around the surrounding packs. I would visit each pack to make sure they were on the same page as me. When I had asked Henry if Annette had ever received any self-defense training, he almost spit out the sip of whiskey he had in his mouth. “Gosh no, your highness. Annette loves people too much to want to hurt them. She’s too fragile. You have way bigger fish to fry tha
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Chapter 17: A Cookie is a Way to a Man’s Heart
Xavier’s POVAs I worked on mapping out my visits to the surrounding packs, the aroma of coconut cookies wafted into my nostrils making my mouth water. Looking around my office, I tried to figure out where the delicious smell was coming from. I didn’t have to wait long since Sarah walked in with a plate filled with cookies. She knocked on the doorframe. “Knock, knock. Mind if I come in?” She looked nervous. Which was a good thing. She should be nervous after the bullshit she pulled with Annette. I grunted in response. Walking over to me, she placed the plate of heaven in front of me as a peace offering. I looked up at her with a questioning look. “I made your favorite.” Sarah fidgeted with her fingers. “What’s the occasion?” “I was just thinking back to simpler times.” She leaned on the edge of my desk and grabbed a cookie from the plate. “Do you remember when you and E had just turned 18, so the 3 of us decided to go to the islands for a birthday getaway?” She took a bite of the
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Chapter 18: Facing Failure as Luna
Ana POVThe world around me seemed to move in slow motion as I began to tumble towards the rocky terrain. The momentum of the fall caused me to roll several times before I was finally able to stop my body. As I tried to find something to put my foot on, I was met with the ugly truth that nothing, but a 100-foot drop was below my legs and waist. I dug my fingers into the rocky edge of the cliff so hard that the skin began tearing from the sharp edges of the rock. “Xavier!” I cried as I tried to pull myself up. Stupid wolfless girl. Why couldn’t I have werewolf strength and claws? Those would surely come in handy right now. I tried to swing my leg up towards the side in an attempt to get my foot on top of the ledge. Instead, as my leg fell, it made one of my hands slip. I clenched my eyes shut and prepared for my demise. Just as my other hand slipped from the blood that was oozing from my fingertips, a strong arm grabbed mine and hauled me back on to safe ground. The sound of Xavier s
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Chapter 19: Little Things Matter The Most
XAVIER POVMy mind kept going back to the morning sexting session with my kryptonite. My cock at half-mast the entire day. My side was feeling better than it did yesterday. Even with Lycan healing abilities, with the injury I had it would still take time to fully heal. As I put on some gym shorts and a t-shirt to get ready for my patrol walk, I mind linked Ethan to find out where Ana was. I wasn’t pleased to find out that my girl was locked up in my old-time out room. But I would deal with my mother later. When I made it back to the main house, after checking in with the patrols, I headed into the kitchen to grab something to drink. I was surprised to see no one was in there except for Sarah, who was drinking a glass of white wine and reading a book. A sense of disappointment hit me in the gut when I saw Sarah and not Ana. ‘Ethan,” I mind-linked.‘Yes sir?’ He responded instantly.‘Please get Ana out of my childhood room and bring her to my quarters.’‘But your mother–’ I cut him
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Chapter 20: The Wheel of Torture
Xavier POVAnnette was radiating happiness as we walked into the crowded amusement park. A smile that met her eyes was plastered on her face. Her eyes filled with wonder and excitement. Her blonde hair was up in a high ponytail which swished in the air as she walked. Today we were dressed more casually to not stand out even more while going on rides. I opted in for a plain white tee, jeans, and boots. While my princess wore white sneakers, faded jeans that highlighted her ass perfectly; a green, silky camisole and a black cardigan. I could get addicted to her happiness. The way it warmed my entire being was a high I had never expected after losing Ambrosia. I squeezed Annette’s hand and gave her a bright smile in return. “Xavier, this is incredible!” She let out an adorable squeal of joy and bit her lower lip. I wanted to latch my mouth onto hers and steal her lip that her teeth had the pleasure in capturing. I let go of her hand and stood back as Annette slowly turned around takin
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