All Chapters of Amanda: Payment for Debt: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
55 Chapters
A week passed, and Amanda's first week in her business journey started. Because she likes to cook, she first opened a bake shop near where there are many students and employees. Marla's advice to her is to find a place that has a lot of target markets and that's what Amanda followed. She has also found suppliers for the business, she didn't have a hard time because Byron still helped her even though Amanda didn't want to.“How is that, Amanda? We are the only two employees in the shop. When will you open for staff hiring?” asked Marla.Amanda had already thought of that, what she thought was to hire at least three of Byron's family helpers because the family has many helpers and Amanda plans to be the only one to pay the three helpers if they agree to be staff at the bake shop."I've found someone, I'll just talk to them. By the way, I'm going to build a nursery area in the shop so you can bring Mia here," Amanda said with a smile.She also thought that Marla would be especially busy
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Byron's meeting ended with a CEO of a large company who could also be an investor. Now he is going back to his office where the secretaries' applications are waiting. The position as Byron's secretary opened just last Sunday, which is why many people applied."Mary, give me all the details. I'll just call who I want. I won't take long to interview them all," Byron said to Mary."Yes, Sir!" Mary replied.Mary immediately did what Byron said and also told the applicants—there were a few who regretted and were nervous that they would have been chosen.As Byron read the details of the applicants, he rejected many. He didn't like almost all of them, even after the other applicants had graduated, he still couldn't find the right one. His first secretary was good, so when Amanda became the secretary, Amanda immediately learned how to be Byron's good secretary even though she didn't graduate. What Byron looks for in applicants is that hard work can be seen in the resume, he had no care what t
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One week passed, and today is the soft opening of Amanda's bake shop. She didn't know many people to invite but because of Marla's help, she invited her work-mates and classmates, Byron was the businessmen he knew even though he didn't like this kind of event, Kenjo also helped, he invited his acquaintances, various friends and Paul are the same, which is why Byron can hardly talk to Amanda because Amanda is too busy with guests.It's just a soft opening, but if they bring a lot of guests, it's too much. Amanda didn't expect them to be so supportive. Byron, Paul and Marco, Mia's father, have also helped with the things that need to be done in the shop."You didn't say that you were bringing one battalion each," Amanda complained to them while arranging the orders.Marco laughed, because he also brought his friends from work. Byron approaches Amanda to give her a face towel because Amanda is sweating. "You should rest, we'll take care of it," said Byron.Amanda frowned because of what
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Byron was no longer successful in wanting to be with Amanda at home and just left the shop even though it was a soft opening because Amanda did not agree. "Is it forbidden? Can't they handle the shop?” Byron said with a frown.“Byron, it's embarrassing for the guests. Let's go back inside and maybe they will think that I'm not inside. It's not good if that's their first impression of me and another thing, your Mommy and Daddy will come later, we can't just leave," explained Amanda.When Byron remembered his parents, he gave up. He just got really annoyed when he saw Amanda looking at Paul. "Okay fine," Byron said as he leaned on the back rest of his chair. "Let's go back inside," he added.Amanda smiled at him and hugged him tightly. They went back inside together, just as Byron's parents arrived. The other guests also went home, the only ones left behind were those close to Paul and Marco, Kenjin was the same, he stayed with his other friends."Hello, Amanda. How are you here? I did
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Rianna went along with riding in Byron's car because she just took a taxi earlier to go to Amanda's bake shop. While they were on the trip, Rianna didn't speak because she didn't know what to say to Byron either. She just looked ahead while Byron drove. Byron is the same, he's not talking to Rianna, he's thinking about Amanda who he wishes he hadn't left. He also thought that by the time he found out who the person was bothering him, he didn't know what he could do with that person.When they got to the company, Byron quickly got out after parking his car, and Rianna immediately followed. She was the one who was nervous because of Byron's aura, it was obvious to Byron that he was angry that's why Rianna didn't speak much."Where is he?" Byron asked Rianna as they entered the elevator."Waiting inside your office, Sir," Rianna said bowing.Just as the elevator stopped and Byron got out first, he walked angrily so that the other employees he was passing by were scared to the side. They
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While Byron was on a trip, suddenly there was traffic on the road, which is why he hit the steering wheel of the car out of annoyance. He thought of Amanda waiting alone, and hoped that Marla hadn't come home yet to join Amanda. Since the bake shop was still soft-opening, the event ended early. Amanda's plan is to close the shop until nine in the evening when the real journey in her business really begins.“Damn it!” Byron shouted because the traffic got longer.A few minutes passed in traffic until he reached the shop. He quickly got out after parking and ran to the shop but was stopped by what he saw. Amanda was walking away with Paul, obviously about to leave the shop. He just watched Amanda and Paul happily talking as if Byron was not in their world.Byron's jaw tightened, he quickly walked towards Amanda and Paul. "Amanda," Byron called.Paul and Amanda stopped talking, Paul's face became serious when he met Paul while Amanda looked directly at Byron. "Byron," Paul mentioned his
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When Rianna got home to their house, she quickly entered her room. Again, she did let Kenjo send her to her house. And when her mother saw her, she followed Rianna to her room. Rianna's mother knocked twice and when Rianna didn't open the door, she entered on her own.She looked around Rianna's room, she saw that Rianna put the clothes she was wearing in her trash can. Rianna's mother picked up the clothes, examined them, and wondered why she was throwing away the clothes she wore today."Mom? What are you doing here?" Rianna asked when she got out of the bathroom.Immediately her mother turned to her, Rianna looked at the dress her mother was holding. "What is this? Why are you throwing this?” asked his mother.Rianna quickly grabbed her clothes from her mother's hand, she looked away. "This is nothing, Mom. I threw it away because it got dirty," she lied.Her mother frowned, she was surprised by what Rianna said because Rianna doesn't like to throw clothes. In fact, Rianna appreciat
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The next day, Rianna went to the office even though her mother saw her in the living room, she ignored her mother. Her mother just looked at her, Rianna forgot what her mother said last night."What happened?" Rianna's mother stopped reading the newspaper when her husband suddenly asked a question."What do you mean?" asked Rianna's mother."Relyan, you and your daughter. Did something happen and you didn't greet her? She just left," her husband said.Relyan looked away, she remembered what Rianna said last night not to tell Rianna's father what they talked about."We just talked last night and didn't go well, that's why your daughter is like that," Relyan replied.Her husband frowned, confused. "You let her? I know our daughter, if she or we are at fault, she will be the first to come to us to apologize. She did not do that today, she just went out. I didn't believe that it was just a little mishap," he said at length. "Allan, your daughter and I are in a good relationship. I will t
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"You alright?" Marla asked as she approached Amanda after Diana exited.Amanda looked around to see if the people inside the shop were still looking at her, a few were looking and the others had gone back to what they were doing as if there was no scene inside the shop.Amanda apologized to the crowd and then returned to her office, she took a deep breath and calmed herself down. This is her first time showing up in front of someone who can only handle her, this is also the first time she physically hurt someone because of the anger she felt. She didn't expect to be able to do such a thing.“Drink water.” Marla handed the glass of water to Amanda.Amanda took the glass without looking at Marla, after she drank the water there she turned to Amanda. "What I did was embarrassing for the customers, I wish I had stopped myself from slapping Diana," said Amanda sadly.Marla was in awe because Amanda's kindness came back to this matter. For Marla, Amanda should learn to fight against people
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Within a day, Amanda's problem was solved immediately. Byron was called by his subordinates and found out that the three customers had talked about the video. They followed suit and deleted the videos and promised not to go on all social media.Amanda became complacent somehow. "Are you okay?" asked Marla.Amanda nodded and smiled at her. "I am better now, thanks to Byron," Amanda replied to Marla.Marla says goodbye to go back to work, and Amanda is left at the counter bar. Attending to customers placing orders. "Thank you, come again, Ma'am." Amanda said with a smile to a female customer.Outside the shop, a woman was just looking at Amanda and Marla. It was Mariz, their younger sister. Mariz came back just a week ago from America. She hears about Amanda and Marla, she learns that Amanda has built a business with Marla.As she looked at the shop, Marla happily greeting customers and Amanda smiling at people, Mariz thought that she was too far away from her siblings."Miss, won't you
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