All Chapters of Little Bird: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
78 Chapters
We all standstill, silent and shell shocked at what is unfolding before our very eyes. There is no denying that there is crazy chemistry between Wicked and Ele. All the thoughts of them not being compatible go out the window. A light moan filled with desire departs Eles’ opened lips as her tongue swipes across Wickeds’ lower lip right before she bites down on it She lifts her hands, and she shoves him away. Stumbling back three feet, caught off guard, Wicked snarls, touching his lower lip with a look of rage blazing in his green irises. “You fucking bitch!” Wicked growls, looking at his fingers that have a splash of blood tainting them. Ele violently wipes her hand across her mouth, then spits at Wickeds’ feet with disgust. “You will live to regret stealing a kiss that didn’t belong to you, Wicked Ripley.” She hisses as she straightens her spine. “My last set of words weren’t for you to prove me wrong.” A sinister chuckle vibrates from Wickeds’ chest as he combs his fingers t
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ACE.I follow Holden and Royce down to the wine cellar, standing back as they tie him down to the metal chair screwed into the middle of the room. Wicked tries to fight both Holden and Royce off, and he manages to land a few good punches before he slumps in his chair, giving up.Dipping his head with his chin touching his chest, Wicked glares up at me through his long lashes, snarling at me like a deranged animal.“Leave us,” I order once they have secured Wicked in the chair. “And close the door on your way out, then make your way to the front of the Club. Holden, you watch the front door and Royce, stand guard by my office door.”“Yes, Mr. Ripley,” they reply in unison, taking the stairs two at a time.“One day, I pray, I will understand why you have done this to me.” Wicked sneers, slashing through the tension in the room.“I didn’t deliberately do this to hurt you, Wicked.”“Bullshit.” Wicked hisses maliciously and stomps his foot against the ground, giving the impression that he
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Sitting on the edge of Aces’ desk with my arms folded across my chest, I stare at Ele slouching in her seat as she plays with the tips of her hair and refusing to meet my gaze.“I know you might not want to hear this, but it needs to be said. You aren’t safe at the mansion with Theo any more, and it’s apparent his henchmen aren’t going to protect you either.” I say in a stern tone, sighing at the end when I see her cringe.I can visibly witness the adrenaline leaving her body as she silently trembles before me.I can also sense how terrified she is of the Bratva and she has every reason to feel like her head is being held underwater as she struggles to grasp onto her escaping breath that is slowly sucking the life out of her fragile body.I find it difficult to comprehend her past and hesitate to delve deeper into it. I fear that uncovering something unsettling may forever haunt me, not only as her friend but also as a woman. I am aware that Andrei used to derive pleasure from physic
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ACE. I slowly make my way out of the storage room that is filled with barrels of Delilah. Ismail wasn’t kidding when he said that he ordered a shitload. I just wish I was as confident in the drug as he is. Sure, Delilah has been circling the floors of my clubs for the past two nights now, and they are selling like hotcakes. True to his word, there is no comedown, and the high only lasts for a few hours before it slowly begins to wear off. The private rooms have been fully booked with multitudes of people coming and leaving after their sexcapades. I’ve had to keep my cleaning crews on all night, giving them pay rises with extra benefits they can’t turn down. It’s hard finding a prominent crew that takes pride in their work and executes their duties every time without fail. I swear the floors and walls have never looked so shiny that I can almost see my reflection in them. It’s just that niggling little feeling in the back of my conscience that won’t let me rest. Reminding me that
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I can’t stop my body from trembling as I silently pray to the heavens that I don’t crash and kill us all. Stupid adrenaline rush. I don’t know why, but I felt like I was in a movie and I wanted to be the heroine. When Royce got shot, I jumped into action and now here I am, behind the wheel, driving like a street racer in the film: The Fast & Furious. Thank fuck backup is here and multiple vehicles move to box us in. I try to keep the Audi that now looks like a moving target at the same speed as the other vehicles. I try not to look in the rearview mirror to see what chaos is going on behind us. I can only imagine it looking like a scene from the movie, too. “You are doing so well, Little Bird. I am in fucking awe of you right now.” Ace says over the sound of gunshots being fired. “Just a little longer, then you can pull over.” I nod my head, unable to verbally respond as I fully concentrate on the road ahead of us. The sound of a car ploughing into a ditch and then bursting into
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ACE.My Little Bird has remained silent during the drive home. Many times, I wanted to pull over and wrap my large arms around her body and whisper in her ear that everything would be okay and that I vow, our tomorrow is promised.But being out in the open, I couldn’t risk it for I don’t know how many, or worse, who it is that wants us dead. I know I have pissed off Theodore Drakos, The Serbs and for all I know, Olivia Black could be behind the hit.Shit…The Bratva could be behind it too.After all, it was Amelia who stopped them from getting their hands on Ele.Either way, I will find out when we get home and I will make them suffer.In the harsh realm of the Mafia and organized crime, vulnerability is an amenity that I simply cannot afford. Amelias’ safety is paramount, and I’m not about to risk it just to reassure her that I won’t let anything happen to her.My mind drifts as I grip the steering wheel tightly, imagining myself emptying my clip into their fucking chests as I wat
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As I walk into the villa, I remove my shoes and carry them up the staircase with me. I free my hair from the clutches of my hair tie and make it halfway up the stairs before I hear my mother calling my name.“Amelia, darling…” Her voice is gentle, filled to the brim with unsaid emotions that I can somehow sense.I slowly pivot, dropping my shoes the moment our gazes collide, I run down the stairs and throw my arms around her neck when I reach the bottom.“Mama…” I whisper, gulping back the tears threatening to stain my cheeks with grief.My mother wraps her arms around my body, crushing me to her as she runs her fingers through my hair. “It’s okay, my beautiful darling girl. You are safe… you are safe…”It takes everything in me not to break down into a blubbering mess in her embrace. We survived, managing to escape unscathed, physically. So why do I feel like an emotional wreck?“Are you okay?”The sound of my father's voice has me pulling back from my mother, and I stare at him be
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ACE.“Tell me who sent you, or I will see to it that everyone you love and care about becomes fish food, buried at the bottom of the ocean with rocks bound to their feet.” Nathanial roars, driving his fist into the face of our captive.Leaning against the wall, I suck on the brown filter of my cigarette, giving my hands something else to do rather than taking the life of the bastard who already looks like death.“Fuck you.” The man hisses, his head dangles to the side.“Fuck me?” Nathanial snarls, unbuckling his belt and the top button of his slacks. “With pleasure.” He scoffs. “Untie him and hold him face down.” He orders.Three of my men rush forward, they untie the poor guy, who is now desperately putting up a fight and screaming in protest.“No, No…” He yells at the top of his lungs, his voice raspy and strained.Raising the cigarette to my lips, I take another long drag from it, chuckling as I exhale and call Nathanials’ bluff.“Don’t forget to lube, my friend.” I couldn’t help m
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ACE.The silver bullet strikes the glass covered in gasoline on the ground, igniting a ring of fire to encompass our naked captive.The kid swiftly steps away from the iron rods, his eyes larger than saucers drift to the ring of fire, and he shakes his head with disbelief – shock evident in his eyes.I don’t know what he was expecting.Did he seriously think that I was bluffing?That this was all a set-up to make them talk?I mean, yeah, I didn’t shoot his brother like I stated, but I did shoot my weapon.The kid is more naïve than I could have guessed, and not a sliver of pity nips at my twisted, cold heart for him. Not like it did when his father and mother had passed away.I can faintly hear our captive screaming in the background as my focus bores into Alanas’ son, who has a big mouth.Redirecting my gun to the front of me, I aim it at the dark-haired kid cowering in the corner with his hands covering his ears and his body rocking back and forth.“Looks like you just skipped the
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My body is almost vibrating with anticipation as the whole morning has flown by in a haze. After I had asked my mother and Eleni to give me a moment alone, I looked at my reflection in the floor-length mirror.My fingers brush over the layers of lace and silk, toying with a few pearls that have been hand-stitched onto the bodice of the gown.I can’t prevent the girly smile from spreading across my face like wildfire as I admire the gown that Ace had chosen for me.Today’s the day that I start my new life and become Mrs. Ace Ripley, leaving my past behind like smoke drifting through my fingers – elusive, transparent. I turn around when the sound of the door softly creeks open again. This time, it’s my father who enters the room with a large grin adorning his handsome face. He places both of his hands over his mouth as his gaze lingers over my gown, then rises to my face.“You look… beautiful, baby girl.” He says in a strained voice like he is doing his best to hold back his unshed t
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