All Chapters of Alpha King Rejected Me After Getting Me Pregnant : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
28 Chapters
11- Marking?
“So you are living as Alpha King’s mistress now? Are you fucking him now?” I heard him, and my eyes turned red from rage and anger as I stared at my Uncle, Mason, who was glaring at me with hatred and disgust. “What the hell are you doing here?” I asked him, shocked and angered, and he let out a sadistic laugh, glaring at me with his accusatory eyes. “Came here to see what kind of a whore you are, Serenity! You’re pregnant with the Sire’s child now? But guess what, my sweet niece? The Alpha King was cursed to stay mateless and childless for eternity! Tell me whose child is it? Who are fucking…..” Uncle Mason started, and anger surged inside my body. “Not everyone is like you, Uncle. Just because you like to sleep around, doesn’t mean I am like you as well! And you really have a death wish to drag me here, push me down, and then call me names.” I spat, getting up from the floor. Uncle Mason’s eyes narrowed in displeasure. His anger increased when he saw me standing up and trying
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12- We Won't Accept Her As Our Queen
The Alpha King whom I first met and the Alpha King who was sitting in front of me right now, arranging the pillows behind my back and wiping my feet with a washcloth soaked in warm water. The Alpha King I met hated me, and the Alpha King in front of me was taking care of me. “You lied to me when I asked you how you got hurt the day we found out you were pregnant. It was your Uncle, wasn’t it?” Theodore asked me quietly. His piercing gray orbs met my light ones with an intensity that made me tremble. The way his voice was cutting me into pieces, and his hold on my ankles was so gentle, was giving me a whim. And his eyes gave birth to different kinds of butterflies inside my stomach. “You hated me when we met, Theodore. How do you expect me to tell you my painful past and the miseries I face every single day when you made it very clear how much you despise me?” I asked him, and regret flashed in his eyes as he stared at me with a remorseful gaze. His grip on my ankles tightened befo
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13- Protective Side of the Alpha King
We don’t accept her as your mate, Sire. The words kept ringing in my mind. I knew werewolves found it extremely hard to let a weaker species rule them. Werewolves believed that they were the most superior beings on the earth and that anyone who couldn’t shape-shift was inferior to them. But it never affected me before. It had never affected me in my life until I met Theodore. Their words were burning me like acid on wounds. I stopped walking. I didn’t know how to walk inside a place, in a room full of people who told me I was not wanted here. And that they didn’t want me among them. “And since when did we start questioning the fate and your Moon Goddess?” Theodore asked, his voice loud, angry, and dangerous. The dangerous edge in his voice made all the other elders tremble. Theodore was the most powerful werewolf, creature I had ever encountered. He had the power to make the other person bow down with just a look, just a gaze of his. I didn’t even realize I was taking my steps ba
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14- Will Serenity Lose Her Child?
The people of his pack were enraged after Theodore publicly threatened an elder, held him by his collar, and pushed him away in anger before leaving the meeting. They were protesting outside, in groups, holding sticks and banners. Theodore's eyes darkened at the situation. His fingers were digging in his palm to control himself from shifting into his wolf and ending the fiasco right then and there. After closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Theodore turned to look at me. His eyes were hard, determined, and serious as he gazed at me. No ounce of playfulness was visible in his dark gray orbs that were soft, mischievous, and dark with lust and affection. The Alpha inside him was showing. "Listen to me, Serenity. You will stand here and let me talk to the people out there. You will not step out of this room until I come inside to get you out. And under no circumstances you will disobey me today. Okay?" He asked me, his voice was dripping with seriousness and authority."They look
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15- Luna
ChapterMy eyes clenched shut in pain as my palms hit the ground painfully, but before my stomach could meet the same fate, something soft, and furry came in contact with my belly and my head hit something warm. My eyes were closed, my body was still in the taste of fear and panic. The realization of my body not hitting the ground, and my baby getting saved didn’t hit my mind. My mind was still in the moment when I was pushed harshly, to hurt me, to harm my baby. My grip around my savior tightened and I buried my face in the warmth, my tears soaking the fur, and the savior whined in distress under me, nudging me by their snout. My grip tightened even more when I heard men behind me growling in vengeance, pouncing on me to attack me. But I was gently placed on the ground, the weight shifting away from me as the wolf growled in anger, rage, and vehemence. My eyes snapped open when I heard the familiar growl, a lot more powerful, authoritative, and commanding. It was Theodore. The wol
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16- I was thinking of Marking you
I flushed red when my eyes fell on my soulmate, naked in his glory, smiling at me mischievously, no longer looking dangerous, angry, and blood-thirsty. The sudden change in his demeanor gave me a whim. I swallowed nervously when he took a step forward and I took several steps back. I made sure my eyes didn’t waver from his face. “Like what you see, sweetheart?” Theodore asked me, and I closed my eyes, turning around once again. But soon I was turned around by his warm hands, and he pried my hands away from my eyes. Much to my relief, he was wearing a pair of sweatpants, hanging low on his waist. “Nothing I have not seen before,” I said, rolling my eyes, trying to put on a strong face. Theodore raised his eyebrows up, encircling my waist as he pulled me closer to his chest, my fingers touching his naked shoulders, passing shivers down my spine. “Oh, so you have seen this before? Where, my love? I want to know the address.” He said sweetly, twirling a strand of my hair, and I closed
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17- When The King Begs
“I was thinking of marking you,” Theodore said, his words ringing in my head. Clothes fell from my arms as I stared at him in disbelief and shock. Fear coursed my veins at the mere thought of having his canines deep inside my skin, blood oozing out of my shoulders. My hands immediately went to caress my belly. “Hey, hey, stop panicking. I won’t do that without your consent. Come, you need to bathe first. And then we can talk about marking. It’s important, Serenity. With increasing danger, you need to be marked. I need to know where you are. To protect you, I need to be able to read your mind. If you are in any kind of danger, you should be able to communicate it to me. In one way or the other.” He said, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, and I sucked in a breath. “Won’t it hurt me?” I asked him, looking at him silently, and he hummed, taking me inside the bathroom, and making me sit on the small perch as he dipped his palm in the water before turning the tap off. “If y
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18-Please Mark Me
“Theodore,” “Mm?” Theodore hummed in response without looking up from the files he was holding. I don’t even know what Theodore works. How he manages his people. I barely know anything at all. But then again, I have just started knowing him. “A medical camp is getting organized for human beings today. I was thinking of helping Doctor Paul in taking samples, and examining the patients.” I said, and Theodore stopped working. His fingers ceased writing whatever he was writing giving me a bad vibe about it. When Theodore didn’t speak anything for a minute or more, I couldn’t help but think of the worst possible scenario my mind was weaving for me. I was expecting so many things in that one minute. After all the attacks and chaos that had happened in the past few days, I was expecting Theodore to stop me from working. I was ready to fight. My mind was already making up conversations. I was almost ready with a speech on how women need to work and no man can stop her until he nodded his
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Theodore looked at me in silence, reading my eyes, trying to see for any sign of hesitation. But when he found none, he gripped my jaw, pressing his lips against mine, for a second blurring the world behind me. His soft lips were rough against mine. Moving with such a passion that I couldn’t help the warmth that kept pooling inside my gut. “Do you really want this, Serenity?” He asked me, his voice low and serious. I could feel him shaking. My heart wasn’t just affecting me but him as well. But his bare minimum concern and affection were making my heart warm. “Tell me, Serenity, do you really want me to mark you? I won’t mind waiting for some more time. Trust me.” He whispered against me, placing his forehead against mine, and I closed my eyes, smiling at him, shaking my head. “No, I want this. I… I don’t know how to say this, Theo, but the mere thought of delaying this marking is causing an ache in my chest. Please mark me. Or else I swear, I will end up marking you before you mar
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20- Problem of Rivalry
Doctor Paul looked at me with amused eyes. While he was amused, others were shocked and they were looking too scared, and suddenly too alert. I could think of several reasons why everyone was looking at me differently. And the most fitting reason was the mark on my shoulder, glowing red, looking ferocious and wild. The claim that I was marked and Alpha King accepted me was proudly sitting on my right shoulder. Surprisingly it was looking good on me. I was never fond of tattoos but this was looked so beautiful. Though it was not a tattoo, it was still looking beautiful on my skin like it was meant to reign my body. “You are glowing today, Miss Knight. I believe the mark has to do something about it.” Doctor Murphy said as I helped other nurses in setting up the camp. Color rushed through my skin, and a blush spread my cheeks when everyone else looked at me silently but curiously. “Did the Alpha King really mark you?” One of the doctors, Amelia, asked me, touching my mark. Her eyes w
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