All Chapters of Cruise from hell: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
47 Chapters
Chapter 31 – Debt collectors at work.
[Heath’s POV] It was not a bad idea to keep things low profile, we just started dating after all, but I don’t like it. Ugh… maybe it is because I still feel a lot inferior to the men she has dated before. There are many aspects in life that I might be better than them on, but me being a ‘playboy’ before and didn’t have a colorful past as mine, and so they deserved her more I could. As I watch her walk nervously to her Office Building, I feel my heart fill up, she is mad beautiful, everything about her is so beautiful that I worry everyone around her does not notice her beauty. I want to yell at her for how beautiful she is, I can already see her growling at me for being too loud and smiling shyly after that. I need to figure out a way to steal her from Gian, that way I can be able to see her whenever I want, I can have her all to myself, I can show her off more often. I quickly returned to my house before picking up a few clothes so I can return them to her apartment. Since she
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Chapter 32 – Had him first.
[Third person POV] Another knock on the door, and Selby still nervously just looks at the door, she cannot face him, after all she did, causing the scene in the office she was sure this was the end of the road for their relationship. “Selby please open the door so we can talk,” Lucas pleads outside her apartment. “…...” she couldn’t respond, she did want to resolve the problem, but she had already ruined her whole relationship. “Come on Selly, speak to me first, stop sulking,” Lucas pleaded. {A few hours before} Her second week as Lucas’s assistant and she was sure she was killing it, though she had to learn a lot as this would be her first office job, but with her boss’s patients and help from some of her colleagues she was became competent enough. But it was also a struggle that everyone knew that she was dating her boss and there were also nasty rumors about her around the office. She quickly settles to her desk; Lucas couldn’t come to the office with her this morning becau
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Chapter 33 – Typhoon from the past.
[Third Person’s POV] Lucas’s decision to take a day off had paid in their relationship’s favor because they ended up talking about troubles, they haven’t told each other yet. “You know, you could have told me that Martha was bothering you,” Lucas says, “you always acted like you asked for her help when she took over your duties.” “I… I just thought she was doing out the goodness of her heart until she started talking about how you two loved each other.” “What!?” Lucas shouts, flabbergasted, “what did she say?” “Well, she kept telling me she had you first and…...” “Had who first?” Now Lucas is looking at Selby with nothing but confusion which is making Selby more confused. “Weren’t you the one who said you and her had history?” “Me and her family had history, I almost married her vile cousin, and her mother was the one who saved me from making the worst mistake of my life.” He calmly explained. “Is that so?” Selby says confused, Martha had been holding the reason that she date
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Chapter 34 – Duncan's empire's future Monster lady
[Fiona’s POV] Life had been going well. Even after Dean exposed our relationship, my life remained peaceful, and I was happy about it. But it seemed I wasn’t going to be happy for long. And the biggest obstacle yet seems to be Dean’s parasitic mother. Although I knew I was going to face her soon, I didn’t expect it to be this soon. I am yet to be his wife, so I have no stance against her. “What the……… do you want to kill me?” I shouted at the driver. I had taken a taxi to work since Dean couldn’t drive me because of work and it seemed it was a bad idea because the driver seemed to have bought his license. “I am so sorry another car almost hit us, so I was doing my best to avoid collision,” the driver chimed frantically, as he was busy swerving the car. He spoke off chimes from its lane heading straight towards us, causing a minor collision along the way. “Hold on, ma’am, I will get us out of here,” he shouts as he swerved the car as he avoids collision avoided, this causes the c
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Chapter 35 – Insecurities.
[Fiona’s POV] “Who is dumb enough to want to cross me?” Heath roared on his phone. Not only was doctor-patient confidentiality breached, this had also doubled my then none-existent insecurities. I calmly looked at the stitched face for the first time in the mirror. I didn’t believe I looked hideous, at least not hideous enough to be considered a monster. But one thing was for sure, I was no longer considered beautiful according to the modern beauty standards, and maybe that is why people find this change very interesting. Maybe they wonder if a man of a stature like Heath would be willing to still be with a woman who wasn’t as beautiful as she was when they met. I had wondered how I looked walking beside Heath before, and I wonder if now there will be a difference that is enough to have people talk behind our backs. ‘That beautiful man is with that hideous woman’ is what they will say, and then they will giggle among themselves. The ladies will pridefully boast of how they can s
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Chapter 36 – Old enemies.
[Heath’s POV] She looked sad today, her bright eyes no longer shone like magical stars. Well, since the accident she had become rather dim. Rumors after rumors that are nothing, but fabricated lies can somehow do that to you. One of the few things that made me mad is that I brought her into this mess. “How was your day?” I asked, she sighed heavily before letting out a bitter smile. “It was better,” she says, “Mr. Apostrophe wants off his project though, so that is a bummer.” I tried my best to stay composed hated I knew I was about to tell her bad news and I hated that Mr. Apostrophe had already made her sad. “You will be okay, your friends will always support you,” I said bitterly. “want some food? I wanted to pass by a drive-thru.” Fiona would love to eat her feelings away a lot, and I knew a good place to help her with that. “Please, I could use a good burger and fries,” she chimes happily, forgetting all about her problems at work. She happily sings along to the music play
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Chapter 37 – Codependency
[Third person POV] “Sir, the madam is bleeding, I think the baby is in danger,” after the words hit his ear, he couldn’t explain the dread he felt at that moment, this was all too familiar. He had witness many a time when he would be called about his wife bleeding, and it all ended the same way, with news of the death of their baby. It was always the same, it was always the same, it was supposed to be different this time. There were only two months remain for her to be full-term. ‘Who needs kids anyway?’ a quote he had learned to tell himself each time he had to watch his wife go through this. He remembers the first time he met Clover, through his fiery secretary who kept trying to set him up with everyone and he would always pay Fiona extra just to avoid getting set up. And one day he had met a woman who made him beg Fiona to at least set him up. ‘She is married,’ Fiona said, but Fiona’s tone alone made him believe that he could win Clover’s heart. He just had to be persistent.
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Chapter 38 – Falling out of love
[Fiona’s POV]Heath was clearly annoyed by me jumping to go to the hospital, which was a surprise to me as he had always seemed to enjoy supporting me.Guess it is different now, with the scar and this new crisis in my life. I guess the love drug is wearing off now.“We have arrived,” I heard Heath’s unimpressed voice chime.“You can stay here. It is clear you don’t want to be here,” I said, and before he could even protest, I was already out of the car.I found Gian in the hallway. I didn’t even have to search for him, but surprisingly, he didn’t look distraught, he must be numb to this already, he had gone through this enough to not care about it anymore.“Gian?” I called out, his face lit up immediately when he saw me.“Oh…. Fiona, thank heavens you are here,” he says, “please go to Clover, she needs you, she is not listening to anyone.”“I understand Gian, she just lost…...”“Oh… No, she didn’t lose the baby,” he says happily, “she was saved, she was born prematurely.”I can see t
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Chapter 39 – The second Husband
[Third Person POV] After arriving at the empty house, Heath calls his security team to start monitoring Fiona from Gian’s house, since she will be living there for the time being. He hated it, everything happening just seemed to annoy him alone and he hated how no one seemed to notice what he had been noticing, and worse of all, Fiona was getting angry at him. He sighed, maybe he should relay his message in a better way. Communication was never his strongest trait. The people who raised him had deprived him of a healthy way to communicate as they showed their emotions through hurting each other. “What should I do now?” he said out loud. He felt like he was losing Fiona. In fact, it is not a feeling, it is actually a reality. He was sure he was behaving a bit childish, but couldn’t Fiona just listen to him more. ‘Then again, I am not even telling her what is bothering me,’ he says to himself. ‘I should talk to her.’ His night was quite unsettled, he couldn’t sleep a wink, he kn
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Chapter 40 – Heart to heart.
[FIONA’S POV]Heath Duncan has been the only thing on my mind these past few days, Love. Was it love I felt for this man, but what kind of love was it?I have loved before, but never have I loved enough to not want to let go of anyone. Every time I had loved, when I was mistreated, I had always left.But now I felt hesitant to leave him, when he informed me about Esther being here and out to get me, he sounded caring, loving. When his actions prior were not caring at all.And now he is always acting strangely, being angry out of nowhere and being interested in what I was interested in, like usual.“Miss Lennon, the meeting will start soon,” Jennie tells me. Jennie would always take-over for me when I was filling in for Gian.“I will be with you,” I told her. I planned to call back at Gian’s house to find out how Heath was doing. His state this morning terrified me.Yes, our fight the previous day wa
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