All Chapters of Dark Obsession: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
97 Chapters
11. Access
~ SIERRA ~“So, how much trouble did you get for ditching the party?”Today was Saturday morning and Rosie decided to stop by for breakfast since Sierra was pretty much grounded all week long. Her dad wouldn’t let her go out anywhere, and tonight was her meeting with Raphael. “A ton,” Sierra sighed and put down her croissant. She didn’t feel like eating anymore. “I thought he wouldn’t notice I was gone. He was busy in meetings with his friends anyway. But apparently, he saw the CCTV footage that I left with a guy on a motorcycle, so he went ballistic,” “You did what?!” Rosie gaped in shock.“Woof?!” Winnie, who was sitting under the breakfast table, barked in shock too. Sierra only shrugged and smiled sheepishly. Thanks to her dad and the bodyguards, news about her leaving the party with some guy was cleanly swept under the rug. The CCTV footage was also destroyed. No one was supposed to know that the perfect princess ever did something like that.“Hey, you can’t just drop a bomb l
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12. Message
~ COLTON ~As promised, Colton stood waiting by the garden at the Plaza Hotel at 6 PM that evening. He was wearing a sleek black leather jacket and dark jeans. His jet-black hair was slicked to the side and his icy blue eyes were hidden behind those cool Ray-Bans. The sun was slowly setting over the city skyline and Colton glanced at his watch again. It was 6:02 PM.Colton wasn’t a new kid on the block when it comes to the dating scene, but there was something different about tonight that got him all worked up. He was looking forward to this day all week. He changed his shirt several times before settling with this one. And he even planned out the perfect evening, starting with a romantic dinner by the Brooklyn Bridge and ending with fireworks by the park. This date was bulletproof. Any girl would be swept off her feet, and he was hoping Sierra would too. Normally, he wouldn't put this much effort into a date, but since their first meeting was already so eventful, he felt the need to
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13. Project
~ SIERRA ~- - - - - ONE MONTH LATER - - - - -“Winnie, come on! I can’t be late for my first day of college!” Sierra was dashing around her room, pulling her sweater from the bed and a sock from the floor. Winnie was following her around, not wanting to go in her cage.“Woof!” he barked.“Come on, you gotta go inside. I’m gonna be late!” Winnie made a whining sound before slowly making his way into his little cage. Sierra haphazardly grabbed a scrunchie from her desk and tied her hair into a messy ponytail before closing Winnie’s cage shut. Even though he’s a good boy, he still couldn’t be trusted with the furniture around her room. Being in his cage was the safest place for him while she’s away. “Good boy, here you go,” Sierra cooed and threw some snacks into his cage. “I’ll see you, later, Winnie!”“Woof!”Rushing out of the room, Sierra raced down the stairs and to the door. Today was her first day of classes and she was too nervous about it, she couldn’t sleep last night. She
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14. Invitation
~ SIERRA ~Sierra was dumbfounded. First of all, why was Colton here in Columbia? And how was he a teaching assistant? He never mentioned anything about being in college. Sierra’s brain was racing sixty miles an hour putting the puzzle together. For the rest of the class, she couldn’t concentrate on anything Profesor Howell was saying. She just kept glancing over at Colton, wishing the earth would swallow her whole.What is he gonna do? Would he be mad at me for standing him up on that date...?Sierra could only wonder how Colton must’ve felt when she didn’t show up for their date and she sent Rosie in her spot instead. She told Rosie to be as apologetic as she could when breaking the news, but Rosie was never known as the apologetic type. Hopefully she handled it well, but Sierra never knew.How am I supposed to act around him now? Should I say hi? Should I be friendly?While she worried about how to act around Colton, Sierra didn’t realize Professor Howell had finished his lecture o
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15. Welcome
~ SIERRA ~“Hey, you made it!” Will was beaming with excitement as he opened the door and found Sierra standing in front of him. Behind him was the living room to the PG house, one of the oldest frat houses in Columbia. Sierra took a peek inside and noted the group of beautiful guys and girls standing around, talking, laughing, and dancing to the EDM music.“Yup, I made it,” she smiled back, shuffling rather awkwardly.“Come on in, let me show you around,” he gestured for her to come inside and she complied. Will even stretched out his arm to her waist, leading her inside, but Sierra reflexively stepped away. She wasn’t used to any kind of skin-touching and it really showed.“You okay there?” Will asked.“Yeah, I’m just… ticklish,” she smiled through the lie.“Oh, sorry,” Will muttered.“No worries,”Sierra didn’t mean any harm by lying, she was just a girl on a mission tonight. This was her first ever social event where her dad wasn’t in charge. Here, she could be anyone she wants an
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16. Madness
~ COLTON ~A smug, winning smile was playing on Colton’s face. After all, he was Colton fucking Rhodes, player king of New York City. He wasn’t new into the dating game, and there was no way some virgin girl could beat him at his prime. Did she think he was mad that she stood him up? No, he didn’t get mad, he’d get even. “Mmhm, I’m so happy you called. I didn’t think I was gonna hear from you again,” Catalina purred into his ears as they reached the second floor of the townhouse. Colton stifled a smile and Catalina leaned for his neck, gently kissing and licking his skin.Colton met Catalina at a party in Columbia a few months back. They hooked up several times until Colton got bored and ghosted her. She was beautiful and sexy, sure, but she was also too predictable. She’d let him get away with anything and that was just too easy. Colton always liked someone with more resistance, someone more challenging.“I’ve missed you so bad,” Catalina whispered again, rolling her tongue on his
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17. Hysteria
~ SIERRA ~“I’m not upset. I’m not jealous. I don’t care.”Sierra pushed past Colton and made her way downstairs to the basement. She was doing it dramatically on purpose too. She didn’t know what had gotten into her, but she was feeling upset and she couldn’t control it. Also, she was upset about feeling upset. She had no right to feel jealous if Colton was with another girl, they weren’t exclusive or anything. She was also the one who insisted that nothing could happen between them. So why was it so upsetting that he showed up with some gorgeous girl and went to the second floor bedroom with her?“I’m not. I don’t care. Really.”“Sierra!” Colton yelled again, but she just kept walking, ignoring him.Today was supposed to be a good and fun day. It was Sierra’s first college party ever. All she wanted was to go experience new things, maybe make some new friends, and make new memories-- but Colton had to come and ruin her night. Everything was fine before he came along, she was enjoyin
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18. Honesty
~ COLTON ~Colton walked slowly and carefully, not making any sound. He stepped closer to the bed and tilted his head to the side. He was watching Sierra sleeping soundly in his bed. The morning light was streaming through the window and it was hitting her skin in a warm yellow hue. She’s so precious, he thought to himself. Colton’s hand reached for her instinctively. He couldn’t help it. He wanted to touch her, to run his fingers on her smooth skin, and to tuck the wild strands of hair away from that beautiful face.As Colton stood right next to her, Sierra was sleeping soundly like a baby, not noticing him at all. He ran his finger gently down her cheek and his eyes softened. For a moment, he remembered how those guys’ hands were on her and it made his blood boil. He didn’t like that thought at all, so he shook it off. It had been a long night and Colton didn’t sleep at all. He was busy taking care of business, making sure those guys got what they deserve. He didn’t rest until e
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19. Awestruck
~ SIERRA ~Friday. The day Sierra had been waiting for all week long had finally arrived. As soon as she was done with her afternoon class, Sierra raced back home to get ready. Her dad was out of the country on a business trip so this was the perfect Friday night for a date. She even got Rosie to cover for her, telling her dad and the bodyguards that she was staying over tonight.“Share your location with me,” Rosie demanded as Sierra was waiting for Colton to pick her up at Rosie’s.“What? Why?” Sierra whined.“Just in case. Do it,” Rosie demanded again, pushing Sierra’s phone to her face.“Rose, you’re being ridiculous,” Sierra laughed and took her phone, debating whether or not she should share her location with her cousin. She felt like it was unnecessary. This was Colton, the guy that saved her life. If he wanted to do something bad to her, he would’ve done so already. “Si, I know he’s got your back and everything, but you can never be too careful,” Rosie argued as if she could
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20. Blossom
~ SIERRA ~“Damn girl, who got you smiling like that?”Rosie was hollering extra loud as soon as Sierra came into the kitchen. Sierra was, of course, smiling like crazy as she was staring at her phone. She was reading and re-reading the text messages she and Colton exchanged over the weekend. “Rosie! Shush!” Sierra snapped at her cousin, then she looked around to make sure that her dad or anyone else wasn’t hearing them. Luckily for Sierra, her dad was already in the office and none of the maids were around.“What? It’s Monday morning and you’re way too happy,” Rosie commented as she sipped her juice. “You need to be more discrete, you’re showing too much,”“What? I am a happy girl. I’m going to class, I like my professor--”“--Sure, your professor,” Rosie cut her off and winked playfully. “And I’m sure your professor will like you in that high-waisted skirt and tights too,”“Rose, you know I can smother you in your sleep, right?” Sierra glared at her cousin, half joking and half ser
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