All Chapters of The Tribrid’s Daughter (The Tribrid Series): Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
110 Chapters
Chp 21 Pt. 2 Baby Mortensen
Katerina Today is the day. Many more have been trickling in throughout the day for the celebration of our pup. We will announce we are having a girl and Gunner will announce naming her the heir of the pack. This has never happened before. No female has ever become Alpha of any pack. It’s known among the covens as the females are stronger than the males, but never among wolves or lycans. This could either be welcomed news or cause more enemies to rise against us. This announcement makes me worry for the pups we adopted. The elders were already not on board with us taking in the orphans and I am not sure who else has been against the idea. Keileigh has been growing rapidly that Dr. Joy doesn’t think I’ll even make it four months into my pregnancy before she is full grown. We are already going on two and half months and I feel like I’m huge.
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Chp 21 Pt. 3 Baby Mortensen
KaterinaWatching the boys try to change a diaper properly and quickly is one of the funniest things I have ever seen. Poor Gunner obviously has no idea what he is doing and surprisingly Kai is done first. I look at him with a raised eyebrow and I see him chuckle.‘I helped change you when you were a baby sis. I’m a pro at this point.’‘You’ll have to teach Gunner a thing or two then,’ I giggle back through the link. Once the games have concluded, Dahlia announces it’s time for the gender reveal. Dahlia wanted to do something big, but got overruled by me. I wanted something simple so we went with cutting the cake. Though Gunner and I know, the rest of our family and friends do not know. Gunner takes his hand in mine and together we cut a slice of the cake to reveal pink inside. Everyone cheers and come up one at a time to congratulate us. My mother and Gunner’
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Chp 21 Pt. 4 Baby Mortensen
Katerina The next morning I find staff cleaning up from last night’s party. Gunner and Hunter are already busy with daily duties and though I have my own Luna duties, Jolene took over so I could rest. Everyone is sure I’ll go into labor any day now. I head to the kitchen to grab some fruit when I hear the staff gossiping.“Did you hear about the pup border patrol locked up last night? Some rogue.”“Really? A pup? I wonder what he did?”“I don’t know, but the Alpha must believe he is a danger if he is locked up in the cells.”Anger immediately grips me at the thought of a poor pup being locked in the cells all night. I quickly get changed in another maxi dress that Jolene got me and I head straight for the cells. “Luna what are you doing,” asks Lucas as he walks up behind me.“Why in the world is a pup
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Chp 21 Pt. 5 Baby Mortensen
Katerina “Taylor, this is Helen.”Taylor takes in Helen, but shows no emotion. “Hello Taylor. My name is Helen and I hear you have had quite a traumatic experience. I would like to help you if you’d let me. Would you like to go for a walk with me?”Taylor looks at me and I nod my head at him. He gets up and follows Helen outside with the assigned warrior. Helen places her hand on his back as she leads him outside and I worry her gifts won’t work. Taylor is looking back at me and is not saying one word to her which I’ve never seen happen. “You really think she can help him?”“Yes, she has a special gift,” I reply though I am for once unsure.I head back inside as Helen and Taylor disappear from view and head upstairs. I take a few steps and I suddenly get a sta
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Chp 22 Pt. 1 Enemies Never Sleep
GunnerI struggle to control Apollo upon hearing that fucking Tristan is alive. How that is possible and appearing as a kid I don’t know. Allison and Kai have been pouring through all the books she has collected through the years, some even about dark magic. Allison said she thought about destroying the books many times, but felt they could be of use one day. I’m glad she has them. “Lucas you are to remain by Katerina and Keileigh’s side. Tristan is sure to come for one or both of them.”“Tristan? Isn’t that warlock dead?”“Apparently not, though it appears he is in the form of that kid so be careful. We don’t know what other tricks he has up his sleeve.”“Yes Alpha.”“Hunter, gather your best warriors. We need to find the son of a bitch.”“I’m coming with you,” says Dahlia.
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Chp 22 Pt. 2 Enemies Never Sleep
KaterinaOnce Dr. Joy and Kai cleared Keileigh and I  home. Lucas informed me the kids decorated the house for a little surprise party to welcome Keileigh home. It warms my heart how much love this child has in her life. “Lucas where is Gunner?”I can tell he has been hiding something from me, especially since Gunner is not here to take us home. I can’t imagine what is more important right now.“Luna…he..”“Don’t even try to lie. What is going on?”“The pup, Taylor. He wasn’t a wolf at all.”“Okay, so what is he?”“According to Kai and Allison, it’s Tristan.”“That’s not possible. He’s dead.”“I know.”“But…he..oh goddess Helen! Where is Helen? The young guard th
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Chp 22 Pt. 3 Enemies Never Sleep
KaterinaI slowly open my eyes but remain in bed, not wanting to face reality. My mind is still replaying everything that I had learned. Tristan is alive. How I do not know, but he is. A knock at the door brings me out of my thoughts. Gunner walks in with Keileigh in his arms making me immediately smile and sit up.“She’s working hard,” I tease as he hands her to me.“She’s keeping me in line,” he chuckles back. Keileigh begins fussing a little and my breasts are killing me so I cradle her close to feed her. “How did he do it?”“According to Allison, he used black magic to basically take over another person’s body upon his death. And he can keep doing this unless we stop him.”“How do we do that?”“Allison will need to basically get into his mind to
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Chp 22 Pt. 4 Enemies Never Sleep
Katerina I really hope this plan of Gunner’s works. I don’t know what Adelaide said him, but it worked. He finally came up with a plan with his siblings and we’ve spent the last three weeks going every detail. Gunner has been making us go over it nonstop to ensure we all know what we are suppose to be doing. I just hope all goes well and we can end this once and for all. To ensure the safety of the triplets and Savannah we sent them to my parents. Keileigh was sent to an unknown location that Gunner and I don’t even know about. We entrusted her safety to Adelaide. It’s been killing me not knowing where she is at and not being able to hold her. I miss all my children. With them all gone I feel so empty.“Kat?”“Uh? I’m sorry Gunner.”“Don’t be sorry. I know you are hurting with them all gone.”“I j
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Chp 22 Pt. 5 Enemies Never Sleep
Gunner Katerina is in trouble I can feel it, but she said Tristan has our daughter and I need to see for myself if this is true or not. Adelaide’s nephew, Yosif, is mated to a very powerful warlock and was able to sense the dark magic Tristan had used. Tristan had killed a poor seventeen year old warlock to prepare the body for himself to use. I want to make his death a slow painful one, but at the same time I just want him gone from our lives to give Katerina the peace she deserves after all she had been through.‘Kai I need you to get me to your parents pack now!’I am glad I have gained Kai’s trust over the years. He does what I ask, no questions asked, and creates a portal for me. I step through the glowing oval and appear in his parents pack house.“Gunner where is Katerina? What is wrong?”“No time for questions Alpha Nicolai, where is Keileigh?”“She’s right her
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Katerina The wind is gently blowing on this beautiful sunny day. Spring is in full bloom as the flowers all around us blossom and the birds sing. My heart is full as I rock my son, Ezra, in my arms while watching Gunner play with our children. Three years have past since my life changed drastically. I ended up mated to a lycan and brought peace between the packs. Lycans are no longer feared and outcasted. Some have even moved into wolf packs after finding their mates. The curse is lifted and those who have wished to bring me harm are gone. My children are safe.I can’t help but laugh as the children chase Gunner and tackle him to the ground, being careful to not harm little Keileigh since she is only three. I can’t believe Savannah is now seven and the twins are eleven. Time has gone quickly and I wish it would slow down a bit. &ldqu
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