Penelope suggested, "I will announce that Zayn is attending the party as your plus-one. We'll make it clear to the media that you're dating him. This way, you'll gain fame even before your debut."Charmaine said excitedly, "Mom, you're a genius! Larissa is already acting up just because she's dating a disabled man. When I start dating Zayn, let's see how she'll act."Although Charmaine was jealous about Larissa dating Ambrose, the thought that he was a disabled man gave her a sense of superiority.Zayn, on the other hand, was a top celebrity, rich, and incredibly handsome. He was also the vice president of Starlight Entertainment, making him a cut above Ambrose in every way.Charmaine had big plans once she started dating Zayn. She intended to ask him to invest in her so that she could become a celebrity. When that happened, she was certain that Larissa would be green with envy.Charmaine hugged Penelope's arm. "Mom, tomorrow is my big day. I want to look absolutely stunning for
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