All Chapters of The Forsaken Luna: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
31 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
“All right, so slight change of plans,” Kai addresses their small group gathered on the forest edge. “Serenia is unable to travel in beast form, which means we won’t be able to take the same way that we took to come here.” “Going on foot will add at least a whole other day to our trip. Alpha Erik and the others are going to wonder if we’ve been delayed,” Gunnar calls out. “That’s why you’re going to go ahead and inform my father, Niklas and I will stay back and guard Serenia during the trip. Don’t worry, we’ve both made the journey enough times we know our way around. We shouldn’t be delayed by more than a day.” Kai can both see and feel the ashamed and nervous energy from Serenia, he can only imagine how guilty she feels for hindering the journey, though none of them find her at fault, telling her that will make no difference, he already knows. Therefore, he doesn’t want to make her feel any worse by voicing how much longer it will take.
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Chapter Twelve
Never has Serenia felt such an exhilarating sense of freedom as she has while riding on the back of Niklas’ massive wolf, rushing through the forest like they are being carried by the wind, floating at amazing speed. She never wants this feeling to end, she never wants to stop feeling so free. Is this what it’s like? Though I’m not on the ground, I can almost feel the pounding of the Earth beneath my feet, the rush of adrenaline as I’m launched forward with a powerful gust. I can go anywhere and everywhere my heart desires. This is what she has been missing out on while everyone else has been enjoying their freedom to shift and run wild like their kind are meant to do. She isn’t meant to be cooped up in this small and frail body, with limited abilities. She can barely see the trees as they blur by, the smells drifting by too fast for her to catch, she is completely blind to where she is and where she is going. If anything, she is mor
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Chapter Thirteen
By the time night falls Kai has successfully gotten a fire going and captured a couple of small hares to cook for the night, letting Niklas and Gunnar run wild and catch their own dinner, a great excuse to leave him and Serenia alone for a little bit. Sitting by the fire and eating their shares of meat sticks, Kai is expecting Serenia to ask questions about what to expect when they finally reach Wolfmane territory to get an idea of what she is about to walk into. Instead, she sits and listens intently to the rather noisy forest scene, the birds never ceasing their chirping and in turn, bothering the bullfrogs commuting to the stream. She reminds him of a wide-eyed doe sitting in the middle of a meadow, opening her eyes and ears for the first time and experiencing the natural sounds of life. Kai thinks back to the few times he had entered the forest territory of the Raseri Tribe and doesn’t remember hearing many sounds if any sounds of birds or insects.
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Chapter Fourteen
I apologize if the order of my chapters was messed up and there says there is a repeat of the 9th chapter. It is NOT a repeat, that is chapter 10 but I mislabeled them when trying to upload multiple chapters at once. It should be fixed soon! :) ************ Oh gods, what do I do? What do I do? Niklas is injured and getting worse and there’s no way someone like me can stop whatever is happening with Kai. I’m useless. Useless is all Serenia has ever felt unless it’s washing dishes in record time or hunting quality meat. Never has she felt utterly useless as she does now. Her entire body is frozen to the ground doing nothing more than staring at the growing pool of blood beneath Niklas who doesn’t even have the energy to shift anymore. “What am I supposed to do?” she whispers to Niklas, hearing the defeat in her own voice. “He’s going to…kill them…he can’t…” Niklas manages to gasp out. “What? Why can’t he kill them?” That sound
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Chapter Fifteen
“Is-Is that a human?” Serenia asks, cowering a little behind the crouched-over Niklas. “Why would you think that?” he asks. Serenia shrugs, feeling a little embarrassed now. “I don’t know, who else would attack us with silver-tipped arrows? We aren’t in rogue territory, are we?” “Everywhere that isn’t claimed by a tribe or pack is considered rogue territory, they roam wherever they please, but even they can’t get their hands on silver like that. Only tribes as big as ours could possibly have the need for something as lethal as silver,” Niklas says, glaring at the struggling body between Gunnar’s teeth. “I guess it’s time we found out,” she mutters. “Can you stand? I don’t think I can handle getting this guy to talk.” Niklas nods and tries his best to get on his feet but stumbles back to the ground. He groans and glares once more at the attacker before his eyes go wide. “Wait, stop him! He has so
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Chapter Sixteen
They must have been riding for hours by now, their previous conversation lost to the wind, Kai going much faster and covering a lot more ground than Niklas the first time, in an obvious rush as far away from the rogue territory as possible. At some point along the way Gunnar had split off from the group and hasn’t returned, but Niklas doesn’t seem concerned which tells Serenia she has no reason to be either. The ride is silent and tense, at least on Serenia’s end. Niklas seems to fade in and out of consciousness which worries her, but the colour in his face keeps her heart steady. During what feels like his hundredth time shaking himself awake with the blanket still surprisingly stuck to him, he finally speaks. “How long was I out this time?” “Just under an hour I think, I don’t have anything to tell the time, the trees are too thick above us for me to see the sky clearly.” She feels him nod and lean his head against her back again,
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Chapter Seventeen
The grass is lit with flames, the trees ablaze with embers. Everywhere Kai looks there is smoke and flames and no sign of Serenia. He can’t smell through the thick smog gathering in his nose and blinding his sight, the ground quickly turning to crumbled ash making it harder to detect movement or sound. But she is there, he can feel her. She is close and injured, he knows it through the mate bond, he felt it the moment it occurred but turned around to see nothing, the forest partially gone as is. Niklas! Kai calls out but there is no response. What the hell is happening? How is there another ambush? We took a different path! Gunnar, where are you? Still no response. Damn! Kai continues to push through the growing fire and fallen trees to find Serenia, just barely making her out along the edge of the small pool of water that is now rapidly turning red. Fear courses through him as he tears toward her, only for another barrage of lit ar
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Chapter Eighteen
As consciousness fades in, Serenia feels around the ground below her and grasps tall blades of grass that tickle her arms and legs. She blinks her eyes open and is greeted by a bright and warm sun floating above her, not a single cloud in the blue sky. All around her, she can feel the serene peace this place harbours and wonders where she is. Sitting up she looks around and sees nothing but an endless valley for miles to see, all the same tall blades of grass. The sun beats down against her but there is no sweat or humidity, just pure warm energy engulfing her as if she is being harnessed by the sun. “Sit up, child. The ground is filthy.” Serenia spins around and sees the spitting image of her mother walking toward her – but she knows somehow it isn’t her. “Who are you?” Serenia asks. The woman chuckles. “Smart girl, but now isn’t the time. You have to wake up, Nia.” Nia? A name only her mother refers
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Chapter Nineteen
Kai stalks toward the war room and throws open the doors to see his father once again hunched over the large territorial map spread out on the round table, observing it closely. He doesn’t even turn to face Kai when he speaks. “I’ve finally managed to pull you from that room, that must mean she has awoken, yes?” “If you know this, why have you summoned me so soon? She is still recovering and I-” Alpha Erik slams his fists on the table and scatters the goblet of water next to him. “You still have yet to attend a single meeting with Aurora Iversen and her mother! You didn’t even once approach her while attending the alpha ceremony for Rune Iversen, her damned brother. Instead, you were running after this offspring of an Omega, ignoring the perfect daughter of an Alpha!” “That offspring is my mate. Of all the people, I thought you would be the happiest for me. I finally have a mate to stand next to me when I rule, no
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Chapter Twenty
It has been an entire day since Serenia last woke and saw Kai. Once he was summoned away from the room with the promise of being right back, she fell asleep listening to the constant chatter of the kid guard at her door, talking her ear off about the supposed Fated Luna and late prophecies from our ancestors, but he spoke in a thick accent she isn’t familiar with, the same one she detects from Kai but not quite as heavy. After waking up the second time, the kid guard was still sitting in his chair slumped over and passed out completely. She asked him if Kai had returned while she was sleeping, and he said no. She hasn’t seen him since, wondering if something terrible has happened because he brought her there without warning. No one has come to check on her or offer to take a tour of the place, show her where the food is or where she can even take a proper bath. It’s clear the room she is in is a man’s room, but she isn’t sure who. One would be right to as
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