All Chapters of The Mafia King's Possession: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
The Enemy Among Them
POV Unknown As I watched her from across the room my phone rang and I walked out of the room to answer it. I looked down at the name on the caller ID. Stupid bitch! Her fucking obsessiveness could cost us everything. I look around and then slide the phone to answer. “ What the fuck are you doing calling me? I thought I made it clear no contact. Don’t fucking call me again if you want to remain alive.” I tell her through gritted teeth. She could ruin everything. “ Yeah I will meet you at our spot. Give me twenty minutes.” I end the call and go back in. I sip my cognac and watch him as he surrounds her. He won’t leave her alone, I mean how the fuck am I going to get close to her if he doesn’t leave her fucking side. “ Hey man, everything seems to be going according to plan. Soon she’ll belong to My cock aches for her as I watch her.” He says to me and I roll my eyes. If he thinks I’m sharing her he’s delusional. I staked my claim on her the first time I saw her and he’s not going
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The Enemy Among Them 2
POV Unknown As I watched him guide her into their limousine I felt my hands tighten around the steering wheel. His hands were all over her. All over my woman. “ Take this and get the necessary work done. Then use it for a brand new wardrobe.” I informed the bitch as I handed her my Gold card. If we were going to pull this off everything must be done to a tee. I couldn’t afford anything less. We would both go under the knife but first I had to disappear. If I all of a sudden wasn’t around they would get suspicious. I grabbed my phone and dialed the number. I used him before and now I will use him again. “ You know what to do. As soon as I call you with the code word. Take my woman to the destination house.” I said then ended the call. “ Don’t worry. He’ll never even know the difference.” She told me as she lit up a cigarette. I grabbed it and threw it out of the car. Stupid bitch. Doesn’t she realize that anything off could raise suspicions? “ You really are a fucking waste of a
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POV Katarina King After the baby shower I was feeling guilty. These people are our friends and we’re going to leave them all behind. It’s so crazy. Just as Alejandro said would happen news of our celebration at the babyshower where the flashbulbs took our picture and plastered them on the page of the tabloids. I read the bold print: Billionaire Mogul and Beautiful Wife Celebrate The Up-Coming Birth Of Their Son. I look in at Alejandro as he’s in the shower getting ready for the day. “ Katarina, Come here, my angel.” He calls to me and I enter the bathroom where my sexy as sin husband is taking a shower. I stare at him as the sudsy water cascades down off his body. I fan myself. He is just so dreamy and I can’t believe I am married to him. “ Are you going to just stand there staring or are you going to join me?” I gulped and then disrobed. I wasn’t even in the shower when he began kissing me and nuzzling my neck then he began moving down to my breasts and before I knew it a simple
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New Beginnings
POV Alejandro King *** THREE MONTHS LATER *** I watch Katarina as she rocks our son in the rocking chair. We have been here and living in paradise. I was told by Pedro that everything worked out beautifully. I didn’t tell my mother and father or Isadora of our plan. Those tears had to be genuine. If they knew the truth they may have accidentally let it slip and we couldn’t allow that. Now that it has been three months I have given Pedro the go ahead. Of course they have no idea they are going to see us and meet their grandson Roberto. “ He’s sleeping.” Katarina whispers as I come in and kneel in front of her kissing my son’s little head and her hand. These last few months have been like I imagine heaven to be. It turned out that leaving the mafia life and living a civilian life was much easier than I expected it to be. Sometimes I would wake up forgetting that I am no longer the Mafia King then Katarina is there to coax me back to sleep. Our days begin with breakfast on the terrac
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POV Katarina King Finally the day came and my In-laws will finally meet our son Roberto. I got him dressed in the best outfit and made Alejandro wear a matching tie that went with my dress, too. Looking in the mirror, I began to braid my blonde hair. Yes, I colored my hair. Alejandro did also because you never know if someone might see our pictures in a tabloid somewhere. We have been very cautious and I would not want to get caught in a lie. These last few months have been wonderful. Alejandro, as always, is very protective of me and our son. He doesn’t allow us to go anywhere so I was super excited to know that my in-laws were coming to visit and meet their grandson and nephew. I miss Isadora and Maria. Thay have always been so nice to me. It was really hard seeing the pictures from our funeral, they looked so grief-stricken. I began the preparations of what needed to be done and started to cook our meal when Alejandro came up and pulled me back against him. “ Just got word from th
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Visitors 2
POV Alejandro King She gulped as I pounced on her like a feral wolf. Before she could blink I was between her legs nibbling and sucking on her femininity as she used a pillow to muffle her sounds. As she got closer I lifted her up and slid my engorged manhood into her as I bucked her up against the wall, our sleeping baby just meters away from us. She rolled her eyes back in her head as her first orgasm hit, and she bit down on her lips to hold in her moans. I shook my head at her action. “ Don’t-bite-your-sexy-mouth.” I told her in between each thrust. “ Hmm, Ah-leja-jandro, ah.” She screamed and I covered her mouth with mine as I continued to push in and out of her, watching her lose herself. It was the sexiest thing I have ever seen when I watched my angel climax. I opened up the conjoining door to our bedroom and picked her up in my arms, her legs wrapped around me, still straddling me as I walked. Once her body hit the bed I grabbed hold of her hands and interlaced our fing
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POV Katarina King The day came when we had to say goodbye to our familia. I must have cried so many tears as I hugged Isadora and Maria. Elsalvador and Pedro sandwiched me between them in a hug before boarding the boat to take them to shore. I kissed little Rico as Isadora got everything situated then handed him to his mother. Alejandro stood behind me caressing my shoulders as we watched the boat drive away. They all promised to come back very soon to visit. I knew that we would see them soon but still it hurt to say goodbye. As they disappeared out of sight I cried into his shirt and he just held me while whispering sweet nothings in my ear. “ Shh, shh, baby. It’s OK, my angel. We’ll see them again. My father said he may start a project here and that would mean they will all come back, maybe live here.” I looked up at him, my eyes glossy from tears. “ Really?” I was hoping he wasn’t just saying that to cheer me up. I couldn’t imagine him lying to me about something like that. He
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The Enemy Among Them 3-The Return
POV Unknown As I sat in my car watching them from afar, I looked at the text message from Sven and my heart that was once shattered to pieces, was now beating one hundred miles an hour. My beauty was still alive. She didn’t die in a horrific car accident! But why? Why lie about being dead? Why would she want to be dead? Didn’t she realize what she put me through? I went on a drinking frenzy. I couldn’t get the images that were on every TV screen I watched of their mangled car and disintegrated bodies burned beyond recognition. It had been so believable that had I not gotten a text from Sven of a beautiful now blonde having dinner in Antigua, I would have kept believing that she was dead. Now; however, that I found out she is still alive, the plan can continue as she had already gotten the surgery done and I had already made my disappearing act so Sven, the close family bodyguard, could do what he’s been paid to do. All I had to do was wait patiently. I called her up and told her tha
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The Enemy Among Us 4
POV Alejandro King As I made myself in the building I realized that something just seemed off and all of my Red flags went up. I heard some people talking and I hid. I saw someone from the side and realized that someone had found out we are alive and I knew that they had a sinister plot because I fucking saw my twin! Twin as in he looked just like me and for the life of me I could not imagine why someone would go through the trouble to make themselves look like me and then it dawned on me. Fuck! Katarina. Just as the thought came to my mind I got a text that read: Katarina: 911! Meet me out back at the dress shop NOW! DANGER! Fuck, fuck,fuck. They are after her. She and my son are in danger.I ran to my car, they were chasing after me with guns drawn. I jumped into my car and sped out of the parking lot. Who the hell is behind this? How the hell did they find us, we’ve been so careful? ALEJANDRO: On my way. Head out back when safe. With my doppelganger and his entourage behind
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A Bitter Pill To Swallow
POV Alejandro King   I ran into the holding cell where she was tied up to the chair and gagged and ran to her side, untied her and took the gag out. She gasped for air and backed away from me.. She looked so scared and my heart broke. Still, I needed to be sure.   “ Katarina?” I asked as I came closer to her and she stared back at me, her eyes full of fear and brokenness.    “ I’m sorry, my angel.” I grabbed her and held her to me but she didn’t hug me back. Her body was trembling. She had been manhandled, tied up, gagged, and locked up in a cell while her doppelganger was just placed in a room. Those fucking idiots! I could kill someone. They had put the wrong Katarina, my Katarina in the torture cell and her double in her room.
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