All Chapters of My Unexpected Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
82 Chapters
Chasing The Tears Away
Gabriel’s POVI was so fucking angry. The bastard was there, and I couldn’t find him. He was so close to her. He could have taken her. It made me so furious I could barely focus on driving.Annie was sitting beside me on the passenger seat, and I could see her shaking. I placed my hand on her thigh and she calmed down a bit. She turned around to give me a small smile.I looked at the rearview mirror and saw Aria leaning on Nick’s chest. He had his arms around her, and she was looking out the window. He was burying his nose in her hair, inhaling her scent.I could see how tense he was. But having Aria close calmed him down.I pulled up the driveway and we got out of the car.Nick grabbed Aria’s hand and led her inside.I closed the door behind us and locked them. I checked on my spell around the house only to find it intact. Good.I walked to the living room and Aria and Annie were already there.“Where is Nick?” I asked them and sat down beside Aria.I put my arm around her shoulders
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Gabriel’s POVI woke up pretty early and decided to wake Nick up so we could look at the information Sebastian had given me.I also needed him to help me decide how to tell Aria the truth.I brushed my teeth and hopped under the shower.I got dressed and quietly left my room.As I was about to knock on Nick’s bedroom door, he opened it and motioned for me to be quiet.I looked at him confused, and he motioned behind him.Aria was sleeping in his bed, snuggling his pillow close to her.I frowned and looked at him coldly.“Nothing happened, man,” he whispered. “She couldn’t sleep, and she came here.”“Come on,” I said quietly. “Don’t wake her up.”He stepped outside and closed the door quietly.We walked to my grandma’s study.As soon as we got inside and he closed the door, I gave him a stern look.“What the hell happened?” I asked him.He sighed. “Nothing, Gabe. She couldn’t sleep and she came to me all by herself. I didn’t tell her to do that. The bond did. She needed me to sleep.”I
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Telling The Truth
Gabriel’s POVGoddess, I had never been more nervous than right now.What if she ran from me?What if she didn’t believe it?What if she refused to accept, I was her brother?What the hell would I do if she reacted badly?I knew this would be a huge shock for her. I knew it would be hard for her to accept everything. But I couldn’t have her rejecting me. I couldn’t have her leaving me.I couldn’t believe how my life turned around in a matter of days.Just a few days ago the absolute peak of my day was getting drunk at Louis’s bar. I didn’t care about anything or anyone. I cared about getting drunk and sticking my dick into any girl that was willing.Now I have a sister. I have a family.I never thought I would care this much about anyone. But, Goddess, do I care about her? I wanted her safe, always protected, and by my side. I wanted her close. I needed her close. Since I found her, I feel whole. Like something had been missing my entire life and it came back once she walked into my l
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Gabriel’s POVI sat back down in my chair and let out a breath I had been holding.I guess it went well.She didn’t run. She didn’t scream or yell at me.I was worried about her, though. I didn’t know how she would come to terms with all of this. She seemed calm at the end of the conversation. Maybe too calm. I needed to keep an eye on her.I would be here for her no matter what. I would make sure she was okay and happy.“Are you okay?” Nick’s voice interrupted my thoughts.I looked at him and nodded.“I am fine,” I said. “It went well, I guess. I am worried about her, though. She seemed too calm at the end. Or maybe I am imagining it.”Nick shook his head. “No, you are not. I am getting these weird mixed feelings through the bond. Confusion, pain, sadness, denial but also, I think there is happiness because she has family, calmness because she feels safe with you. I am not sure she knows what she feels exactly. We need to keep an eye on her.”“Definitely,” I nodded. “I don’t think sh
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Taking A Break
Gabriel’s POVI was holding her in my arms tightly. Her sobs were a stab to my heart.“Is that why you were so afraid?” I asked her quietly. “You thought I would hate you?”She nodded and looked up at me.“I was sure you would hate me once you realized that the woman who raised me took your family away,” she said with a trembling voice.“She did,” I nodded and wiped her tears away. “But you had no fault in that. And you are nothing like her.”Her lips quivered and she placed her head back on my chest. I hugged her tightly and kissed the top of her head.I looked at Nick and Annie. I could see sadness and worry in their eyes.My heart was breaking when she was in pain. I wished I could take it all away. I wished that bitch took me instead. At least Aria would have been safe here with our grandma.Aria lifted her head and let go of me. She wiped her tears away and sat back down on the bed next to Nick. He lifted her up and placed her in his lap.“No way you are sitting next to me when m
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Gabriel’s POVI swear to Goddess, if Nick didn’t stop bouncing his leg up and down, I was going to strangle him.“Stop it,” I growled and placed my hand on his leg, stopping him from moving.“This place is a dump, man,” he sighed. “I can’t believe you used to come here every night.”“It wasn’t every night,” I said with a frown.But he was right. The place looked awful. The whole City looked awful. I had been so wrapped up in everything that was happening with Aria that pushed everything that was happening here to the back of my mind.The streets were completely empty. Everybody was too afraid to come outside. While we were driving here, we saw only a few people walking down the street. I bet they were hunters. The city was constantly clouded by smoke coming from the main square and there was a constant smell of burning bodies lingering in the air. It was even more potent than it was a few days ago. You could hear screams coming from the main square.I had a feeling this would be last
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The Medallion
Gabriel’s POVAria smiled brightly when Nick said we will be going to her old village soon.“What is going on in the city?” Annie asked and placed the empty beer bottle on the table.“The streets are completely empty,” I said. “The city is covered in smoke and there is constant screaming coming from the main square. It is much worse than it was just a few days ago. It is only a matter of time before they start rummaging through the suburban area.”“I should tell my parents to go to our cabin for a while,” Nick said. “They haven’t been at work in a few days, anyway. Most of the companies are closed permanently. Some of them moved their headquarters to a less dangerous area.”If Victor continues with this inquisition at this pace, there will be no such thing as a “less dangerous area” soon. We have to stop him.“You have a cabin?” Aria asked him.“Yes,” he nodded. “It’s deep in the woods. They should be safe there.”“Tell them,” I said. “They should leave as soon as possible. As should
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Gabriel’s POVI kept glancing at Aria while driving. She was fidgeting nervously in her seat.We have been driving for about four hours now. We stopped a few times to go to the bathroom and grab some coffee.“Will you stop doing that?” I mumbled and placed my hand on Aria’s thigh.She was in the passenger seat next to me. Nick and Annie were sitting in the back. Annie was sitting behind me and Nick behind Aria.“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I am nervous.”“It’s going to go great, A,” Annie said. “Don’t worry.”“What if they are angry at me?” she said quietly, glancing out the passenger side window.“Why would they be angry at you?” I asked, surprised.“Well, I disappeared,” she sighed and turned to me. “I never got a chance to explain why. And I am pretty sure my grandma didn’t tell them anything. What if they are angry about me leaving without saying a word and they refuse to let me explain?”Nick leaned in and wrapped his hands around Aria from behind. She calmed down slightly.“First of a
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Nick’s POVI hated the nickname.I hated the way he looked at her.I hated everything about him.He still wanted her. He wanted what was mine.I almost lost it when he hugged her. It was tight and filled with love. I was the only one who could hug her like that.I didn’t like how comfortable she was with him. I didn’t like how he held her while she cried.I wanted to take her into my arms and run as far away from here as possible.Nate was freaking out and growling. He kept pushing me to grab Aria and hide her from that fucker’s constant glaring.I could see Gabriel was not pleased as well. But he was not freaking out as I was.Aria’s friend Cassie was staring at us, wide-eyed.“Who are these people, Ari?” Cassie asked and looked back at Aria.“Come sit down and I will tell you everything,” Aria said and motioned toward the couch.Cassie looked between us, confused, but she walked over to us and sat down next to her brother.Aria turned to the other guy and smiled.“Goddess, Minnie. Y
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Gabriel’s POVI was not sure I liked this.I didn’t like how close they were. I didn’t like how familiar they were.It bugged the hell out of me.I had to admit, I didn’t really think it would be like this. I thought four years apart would have left a strain on their relationship, but it didn’t happen. She was so much more comfortable with them than she ever was with us.And I was jealous.Nick and I were walking behind Jacob. He was leading us toward the guest room.Jacob opened the door and we walked inside.The room was simple. There was a big bed in the middle and a closet on the left. A small couch was on the right next to the door to, what I was assuming was, the bathroom.“The bed is big enough for two,” Jacob said. “The couch can be pulled out and two more people can sleep on it. But if you want, the two of you can sleep downstairs.”“No,” Nick said sternly. “We will all sleep in here.”Jacob nodded. “Bathroom is through there.”He pointed at the door to our right.“Do you nee
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