All Chapters of I Reject You, Mate : Chapter 71 - Chapter 79
79 Chapters
71. Hell
The air lightens, for everyone else but me. I am bound by his order, and I watch in horror as Sinclair, free once again, tries to grab me. But I suddenly feel invisible fingers around my neck, choking me. I grab my neck, gasping for breath, and Sinclair halts, snarling at King Fenrir. "Let her go!"King Fenrir leans back in his chair, crossing his ankle over his knee. "Get in the ring then." He looks back at Astrid and Naomi. "Try anything funny, and I'll snap her neck." He snaps his fingers and my head starts to move in the wrong direction. "It's really that easy."Growling, turns in the opposite direction and pulls a sword out of a guard's hostler and he's in the ring before my neck can actually snap.The king's hold on me lessens enough to turn my head forward and watch them and I exhale deeply, breathing hard and sobbing.An elder I recognize--I'm too shaken up to remember what the fuck his name is--starts rambling off the rules that no one ever adheres to. I try reaching Sinclai
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72. Her Kill
The seconds blend together and I’m there, beside my father, unable to breathe, to think a way out—Father’s form begins to morph, crumple, as he shifts. I look up, and the physician is a few feet away, but even I know an arrow in the throat is as fatal as a severed head. Still, I wail and plead. Anything to get it out, anything to get the wound to heal—because it’s not. It’s turning black instead, and it’s spreading so fast, I’m scared to blink, or I’ll lose time again.Father’s eyes, now back to being blue, shift to mine, and for the first time in so many years, I see clarity in them. He starts to talk but blood sputters from his lips, and I place my hands on either of his cheeks. “No, don’t…don’t try to speak.”I feel wet, warm hands on mine, and I look down to see him grasping my fingers tightly. It is odd. It’s been so long, I no longer know what his warm touch feels like, and though it is foreign, I tighten my fingers around his hand, unwilling to let go.In the moments when some
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73. Father To Son
Sinclair“I’ve gotten most of it out, but I’d need to administer the antidote over the next few days. I’d advise you remained at the castle for the time being, lest her condition deteriorates.”“You’re welcome to stay,” the man who I will not call my half-brother says behind me softly, and I ignore him, watching Gin shiver and sob in her sleep. I had barely stepped out of the hall when her body began to spasm in my hands.A quick inspection, and the wound from the arrow stabbed into her shoulder had turned black. Poison. It’d explain why her father died so quickly. An arrow I assume was meant for me.Naomi fidgets by the door, rattling off something to Astrid, even as her gaze keeps darting back to Ginevra. She feels guilty, and that’s a first for Naomi who doesn’t give two fucks about anything or any one else. She talks a lot when she’s nervous, and scared, and right now, even I am frightened. For Gin. She’ll recover from the poison, but I’d never seen her so…lost.A guard suddenly a
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74. Son To Father
SinclairHe walks around his desk, red robe flowing behind him, and he walks past without looking at me. At the last second, he says, "Walk with me, Norman."Norman. The impulse to rip his skin off his bones pounds through me, but I know it'll get me nowhere. I push off the door, trailing behind him slowly as he walks, hand folded behind his back.The silence stretches on for some time before he stops before a huge black door, pressing his palm against it. The door shudders and slides open, revealing a vast orchard. I hesitate at the threshold, but the king continues on, robe dragging across the grass. "If I planned on killing you, you'd be dead already, boy.""You call me boy one more time, I'll kill you," I promise, following behind him.The door shuts with a loud boom and he turns to me. "Give it a try. You know you want to."His eyes taunt me. Try, if you dare, they seem to say. I don't do well with threats or challenges. I lunge for him, my fist connecting with his jaw. The secon
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75. Ginevra
GinevraSinclair bounces the Viper into the driveway later in the afternoon. He kills the engine and I wipe a stray tear from my cheek before he can notice.I reach for the doorknob, but he’s already walking around the car to get it for me. I try to get out on my own, but my feet won’t hold me up. I’m exhausted. Recovering, but still very tired. The physician said the poison was completely gone and a few days of rest would be enough to get me back on my feet. He had insisted that I still stay, but I couldn’t stand being at the castle anymore.“Let me,” Sinclair says softly, hands sliding under my knees as he lifts me up. His face has a nasty grimace when he glances up. “I’m afraid we have guests.”I follow his gaze to the familiar cars parked around the yard and I smile a little. “They must’ve missed you.”“We very well know they’re just busybodies,” he mutters, carrying me inside. “I’ll get the urn when—”“Leave it there,” I whisper, closing my eyes to push another onslaught of tears
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76. Forty Human Years
Fenrir Leaning against the wall, he overlooked the gardens where his mate knelt, tending to the flowers with her bare hands. Her light hair brushed over her cheek and she pushed it back, smearing mud on her porcelain skin. Her eyes were the brightest he’d seen them in days, and he wished he could take her with him.It was for her, after all, that he was doing this for. He would right the only wrong he had done in his life. He would return to the past, and ensure he never even met with the boy’s mother.But Fenrir knew there were consequences and sacrifices to be made if he was going to toy with time. Nothing as drastic as losing his life, but he truly did wonder if the world might have been a better place without him. An awful thought. If he didn’t exist, Hekate wouldn’t have been reborn into Rune’s body and the problem with the Void would never have been resolved. Zephyr would have been mated to some lord who didn’t understand her meek, yet wild nature and desires. The world was
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77. Wedding
Three Months Later…GinevraMy fingers are sweaty around Rune’s arm, and my steps are slow, a complete contrast to my racing heartbeat. I cannot, for the life of me, contain my excitement and anxiety. My breaths are shallow, and I can’t get enough air in my lungs.Rune’s larger hand lands on mine, and I glance up, looking through the veil. His green eyes smile as he pats down gently. “Think of tonight. It’ll help.”Tonight. Butterflies scatter in my stomach. It’s not like it’s going to be my first night with Sinclair, but it is my wedding night after all. The first night I’ll spend as Mrs. Winchester. My toes curl in my heels at the thought of it, and maybe, just maybe I start walking a little faster to get it over with.I grin widely as Ethan, dressed in a black tuxedo, gives the huge door a large push and it parts wide enough to reveal the floral petal pathway. Rune takes the first step up, and I follow, blowing a playful kiss at Ethan, whose lips tilt up into a small smile.As I st
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78. It's Not Mine, I Swear
It’s not mine, I swear.“I’m sorry,” my husband apologizes for the umpteenth time, dropping a kiss to the curve of my mouth. It’d almost been a mishap. Almost. Had Ethan not swooped in with rings that I’m pretty sure were new; rings I didn’t choose. As if he somehow knew Sinclair was going to lose them, like he did during his wedding with Eliana. I currently have a fucking plan B on my ring finger and the more I look at the more I want to smack him.I purse my lips, refusing to speak to him. I’m not particularly mad, but how does a man forget his own damned wedding rings? Okay, maybe I’m a little irked, and plenty disappointed.Grasping his cool hands tightly, I let him spin me across the floors in an elaborate sweep than earns cheers and I blush, smiling at a clapping Ray. “I’ll murder you later,” I tell Sinclair and Dane chokes on his wine somewhere in the gathering.“I look forward to what method you’ll chose. Your hands are much too small to strangle me. You love me too much to p
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79. Epilogue
NAOMIIt is indeed amusing, more so than I thought it would be.Dane would laugh his head off if he saw me right now, carrying a backpack, strutting down a hallway filled with women who stare at me with wide eyes and men who whistle unabashedly. I know, I look good in leather.I halt by a huge door, peering up at a sentinel who has the sternest stare. “Hello, love. Would you mind opening up for me? I have an appointment with your…principal?”His gaze rakes me from head to toe and rises back again. “Chancellor Vesper,” he mouths slowly, like he’s talking to a kid, and I can’t help the faint smile that blooms across my lips at the notion. The male turns around, and I whistle at how nice his ass looks in uniform. Stepping foot into this land has brought me across the finest specimens I’ve ever seen. There is no end to them. None at all. I step out of my allotted room in castle—hot guards. I walk the streets of Lycanthia—extremely hot villagers. I walk into school—stunning, beautiful and
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