All Chapters of Rejected: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
120 Chapters
Chapter 31
As Ethan and Amelia moved deeper into the Moonlit Meadow, the moonlight came through the thick tree cover and made surreal patterns on the forest floor. There was a lot of excitement in the air, and the full moon in the distance made everything look strange.Ethan's heart was still hurting from Gabriel's rejection, but his bond with Amelia was getting stronger every day. As they walked together, the secrets they both knew hung between them like a thin thread.The quiet was broken by Amelia's trembling voice. "Ethan, there's something important I need to tell you."He turned to look at her, and the moonlight made his eyes dance with doubt. "Amelia, what is it?"She took a deep breath and tightened her grip on his hand. "I'm not who you're thinking I am."Ethan's forehead creased. "What exactly do you mean?"Before she said anything else, Amelia paused and looked down. "I'm not just a woman who fell into your life by chance. I have a complicated history."His heart was beating fast. "Am
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Chapter 32
As Ethan stood between Gabriel and Amelia, the stress in the air sounded like a storm about to break. The full moon hung low in the night sky, giving the area where they were meeting an eerie light.Gabriel begged, "You have to believe me, Ethan," and his voice was full of despair. "I made a terrible mistake, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to fix it."Amelia took a step forward, her eyes full of sadness and purpose. "Ethan, I need to tell you something. It's about my history and who I am."Ethan's mind was full of different thoughts and feelings. He had come so far on his path to healing and finding himself, and now everything depended on what happened next. He looked at both Gabriel and Amelia, trying to figure out what to do."Tell me," Ethan said, his voice shaking because he didn't know what to do.Gabriel moved toward Ethan and locked his eyes on Ethan's. "Ethan, I turned you down because I was afraid. Afraid of what our relationship meant and the burdens it brought. But
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Chapter 33
The Moonlit Meadow had a surreal glow because the moonlight got through the thick cover of trees. Ethan stood at the edge of the clearing and watched the pack gather for the full moon celebration. The air was full of excitement. After Gabriel's statement, it had been weeks, and Ethan's heart was still torn between his soul mate and the mysterious Amelia.Gabriel walked up to Ethan with a look of both hope and worry on his face. "Ethan, can we talk? "By Myself."Ethan thought for a moment before nodding. They walked to the edge of the field, where no one could see or hear them."So, Gabriel, what is it?" There was a hint of tiredness in Ethan's voice.Gabriel took a deep breath, never taking his eyes off Ethan. "Since I turned you down, I've thought about us every day. I can't stand to think of you going away, Ethan. You are my soulmate, and I made a terrible mistake in choosing you."Gabriel's words hurt Ethan's heart, but he couldn't deny how many different things he felt. "Gabriel,
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Chapter 34
The moonlight gave the area a ghostly glow and made long, scary shadows. When Ethan stood at the edge of the area and looked at Gabriel, the alpha who had once broken his heart, the strain in the air was almost too much to bear."You're here," Gabriel said in a voice that was strained and full of both hope and fear.Ethan didn't say anything right away. His heart was pounding in his chest as he thought about how painful it was to be turned down and how humiliating it was to be told he wasn't good enough. But he had come here tonight to put the past to rest, face it, and maybe find a way to heal."I am," Ethan said with a steady voice. "But it's not to get back together like we used to."Gabriel nodded, and he looked sad. "Ethan, I know I hurt you. I was a fool because my pride and lack of knowledge made me blind. But I've spent nights looking at the moon and realizing that I was wrong. You were meant to be my partner, and I should have loved you more."Ethan's eyes were wet from tears
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Chapter 35
Ethan's heart was beating like a drum as he stood in front of Gabriel, his fated mate, and Amelia, the mysterious woman who had caught his heart. The full moon was low in the sky, giving the clearing an eerie glow."Talk," Ethan ordered, his voice shaking with fear and anger.Before taking a big breath, Amelia gave Gabriel a quick look that couldn't be read. "Ethan, there's something you need to know," she said in a sad voice.Ethan's jaw was tight as he waited for the news that could once again break his world."I'm not just a regular woman," Amelia said next, staring into his eyes. "I keep the secrets of the Moon Goddess safe. I'm here to keep you safe.""Protector me from what?" Ethan asked, becoming even more confused."From Gabriel," she said, turning her head to look at the leader.Gabriel took a step forward, and his face showed both regret and resolution. "Ethan, I didn't turn you down on purpose. I did it because I thought that was the only way to keep you safe."Ethan's mind
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Chapter 36
As Ethan stood in the moonlit opening, his heart was racing and his senses were on high alert. He could hear the leaves moving softly and a wolf roaring in the distance. Amelia stood next to him, and her eyes sparkled with the same passion as his."You were going to tell me the truth," Ethan said in a low, anxious voice. "Amelia, now, now!"Amelia took a big breath and looked at him with her eyes. "I didn't want it to go this way, Ethan. But I think you should know." She thought for a moment, then said, "I'm not just a regular woman. I have witches in my family tree."His eyes got bigger. The puzzle pieces started to fit together. "What about witches? But why were you in the Meadow of the Moonlit Night? What do you want me to do for you?"Amelia reached out and touched his arm in a soft way. "I didn't come to this place to hurt you, Ethan. I came here to get away from my coven's rules and standards. I was looking for a place where I could be free. I didn't mean to fall in love with yo
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Chapter 37
Under the pale light of the full moon, the Moonlit Meadow sparkled. As Ethan stood there, torn between two worlds, its surreal beauty put him under a spell.When Amelia looked into his eyes, a storm of feelings was building up between them. "Ethan, there's something I need to tell you," she said with a trembling voice.His heart was beating fast. He knew what she was going to say before she said it. "Amelia, what is it?"She took a deep breath, and as she did, her fingers shook a little. "I am not who you think I am. "Amelia Blackwood is not my real name."Ethan's forehead wrinkled up in confusion. "Who are you then?"A far-off howl rang through the field, an eerie memory of the pack he had left behind. He needed to know what was going on right away.Amelia never looked away. "Hi, I'm Amelia Rivers. I'm the sister of Gabriel Rivers."Ethan fell back as if he had been hit by lightning. "What? But what does that mean?"Yes," she said, her voice filled with sadness. "I'm the woman that G
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Chapter 38
Ethan's heart was pounding as he stood at the edge of the Moonlit Meadow, the place where his life had changed forever. The night was filled with silver light, which made the shadows of the old trees look scary. He knew he had to talk to Gabriel about his feelings, which had been building up for too long."You came," Gabriel said in a voice that was full of doubt. He came out from behind a tree and looked straight at Ethan.Even though Ethan's jaw was clenched, he found his voice. "Gabriel, I had to. We can't run away from this forever."The alpha nodded and took a hard swallow. "You are correct. Ethan, I've been a fool. I let my pride and ego get in the way.Gabriel's words made Ethan's heart hurt. He had wanted to hear this for a long time, but now that he did, the pain was sharp. "But Gabriel, why? What were you thinking?"Gabriel moved closer, and he looked at her with sad eyes. "Ethan, I was scared. I was afraid of how much I cared about you. I thought it would be easier for both
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Chapter 39
The Moonlit Meadow spread out in front of Ethan. Its magical glow made everything look like it was from another world. As he waited for Amelia to come, his mind was full of questions about who she really was.When Amelia came out of the shadows, her eyes went straight to his. "Ethan," she said in a whisper, her voice sad and determined at the same time. "I need to say something to you."Ethan's heart was beating in his chest as he nodded. "Please tell me, Amelia. Who exactly are you?"She took a deep breath and touched the silver charm around her neck with her fingers. "Don't believe what you see, Ethan. My real name is Amara, and I'm the Moon Goddess's keeper."Ethan's eyes got big with surprise. "A watchman? Why did you come into my life, though?"Amara moved toward him, never taking her eyes off of him. "The Moon Goddess sent me to help you find your true path and help you heal. But I wasn't meant to like you so much."When she said that, Ethan's heart hurt. "I care about you, Amar
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Chapter 40
Ethan's heart was beating fast as he stood in the Moonlit Meadow, where the silver moonlight gave everything a spooky glow. He felt the weight of his choice pressing down on him. He was torn between his past with Gabriel and the love he had found in Amelia.Amelia's eyes, which were full of wonder and sadness, looked right into his heart. "Ethan, there's something you need to know," she said, her voice shaking because she was nervous.Ethan nodded, and his heart beat faster. "Amy, tell me. I'm interested in everything."Amelia took a deep breath and looked down at her fingers, which were making designs in the cool grass. "I'm not like other women. I come from a hidden group of supernatural beings sworn to keep the balance between the human world and the supernatural world."Ethan's eyebrows went up in surprise. "What exactly are you saying?"Amelia looked at him with an honest look. "Ethan, I'm a guardian. My goal is to keep the magical world secret from people so that confusion and e
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